by Max Barry

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by Kremlinian russia. . 204 reads.


Billions of years ago.

- 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years ago: Universe forms.

- 9 Billion years ago: First interstellar civilization.

- 4.6 Billion years ago: Sol System forms in the Milky Way galaxy.

- 4.54 Billion years ago: Earth forms.

- 3.5 Billion years ago: Simple life begins on Earth.

- 2 Billion years ago: League of intelligent life rules over the Milky Way.

- 1.9 Billion years ago: The league collapses, and anarchy reigns across the galaxy.

- 1 Billion years ago: Multicelluar life begins on Earth.

Millions of years ago.

- 800 Mya: The long dead league's last inhabitants become extinct after having been driven into being a hunter gatherer society once more on the ruins of their ancient ecumenopolis.

- 500 Mya: Rumite wars begin, a strange mutagenic material is used by a civilization, which is wiped out by their own creation. This begins a 50 million year long series of wars between all inhabitants of the Milky Way and the mutants.

- 450 Mya: Rumite wars end, the galaxy is decimated by war and death. Most interstellar civilizations are collapsed and the galaxy becomes a blank state for new developments.

- 10 Mya: Adrae evolve on their homeworld.


- Over 500,000 years ago: Adraen begin expanding into their solar system.

- Around 490,000 years ago: Adraen Empire is formed from the Adraen states on their homeworld and nearby systems.

- Around 200,000 years ago: Modern Humans evolve.

- XX,XXX BC: Adraen Empire becomes the most powerful civilization in the Milky Way, building many super structures which have since been lost to time.

- XX BC: Adraen Empire begins to decline over the next few thousand years.

- 13XX: First accounts of the existence of Achain in the interstellar community, most records of this time are lost, and none of the interstellar civilizations of the time have survived to provide accurate accounts of the Achainian Empire, which managed to conquer large swathes of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy. It is assumed the Adraen Empire was also around at this time, and many historians think the emergence of the Achainians may have begun the collapse of the Adraen Empire.

- 13XX-16XX: Adraen Empire fractures into multiple successor states, including the Adraen Union, which proceeds to become the primary successor as the Adraen Empire's rump state fades into the backdrop of the galaxy. Achain continues to become a larger threat around this time, and it is assumed the Achainian Empire begins expanding beyond the Orion Arm.

- 16XX-18XX: Achain falls into a civil war between the 'Eternal Empire', a hardline faction of Achainians who still swear loyalty to a figure known as the 'Emperor of Man' and a variety of Achainian factions which are angry with the state of affairs on Vonia and other worlds. Achainian Empire loses large amounts of their expansion and is confined to a small area within the Orion Arm.

- 187X: While attempting to find Terra to prove that the Emperor is real to the people of Achain and regain legitimacy, the 'Eternal Empire' comes across Earth in the 19th century after the Paris Commune, and discover Marxism during the era of Karl Marx himself, the trip does nothing more than destabilize the Empire further after the Achainians discover Marxist theory and intensify the class struggle throughout the rest of the 19th century.

- 1886: Vladimir Petrenko is born to a poor working class family in St Petersburg, Russia. He later becomes an active revolutionary and begins studying Marxism in the mid-1900s.

- 189X: 'Eternal Empire' abandons trying to search for the 'Emperor of Man' and the Empire begins to completely fall apart, with large adventurist groups without popular support rising up while communists begin the process of developing the backing of the masses, and aim to unify the class struggle under the proletariat, as the other classes are always disorganized and incapable of politically unifying without the proletariat to guide them.


- 1904: Vladimir Petrenko joins the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party at the age of 18, and sides with the Bolsheviks in the party split. He soon becomes a member of the Central Committee of the party, but isn't of much note to history.

- 1905: Russian Empire loses a war with Japan and massive internal strife leads to large scale revolution within the country, leading to the establishment of concessions such as the Imperial Duma. Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks analyse this time and the formulation of Marxism-Leninism can be said to have properly began. Achainian communists pick up on this development in Marxism, and begin to apply Lenin's teachings to their own worlds, which are often torn by pre-capitalist development in both industry and agriculture, as pre-capitalist structures still exist.


- March 1917: February revolution begins, and the Tsar is deposed as head of Russia, leading to the first Russian Republic, which is split between the Petrograd Soviet and the Republican Duma. The Bolsheviks are able to become the leading revolutionary party, and obtain the support of the masses throughout the following months.

- April 1917: Lenin returns from exile and leads the Bolsheviks once more.

- November 1917: The October Revolution begins, and the Bolsheviks quickly seize control of both Petrograd and Moscow in the following months, storming the palaces of the Tsar and nationalizing all industry and business. War Communism is started in order to quickly give food to the soldiers, and is a necessity during this time. Achain picks up on these developments, and the revolutionary pace hastens.

- 1918-1920: Achainian revolution begins sometime in this era, and the Eternal Empire is crushed by revolutionaries, who quickly ally themselves with the Bolsheviks on Earth, becoming allies of the RSFSR and sister republics in Belarus and Ukraine.

- 17th July 1918: The Tsar is executed along with his family by the Cheka, bringing the end to the legitimacy of the white guard, who no longer have the Tsar to rally around.


- 17th of March, 1921: Petty Bourgeoise elements arouse the Krondstadt mutiny, which quickly leads to the White Guard and capitalists supporting it in order to destroy the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. The mutiny is crushed as it would damage Soviet power and lead to the victory of capitalists over the Soviets. NEP is started in order to develop the pre-capitalist elements of the Russian economy towards State Capitalism, where the Dictatorship of the Proletariat is able to channel capitalist developments as it needs for the development of capitalism before socialist development can begin.

- October 1922: Mussolini and the Fascists march on Rome and take control of Italy as the King of Italy, Victor Emmanuel III makes Mussolini into the new Prime Minister.

- 19th of December, 1922: The USSR is formed by the RSFSR, Byelorussian SSR, Ukrainian SSR and Transcaucasian SFSR. Achainian regime congratulates them on this.

- 1924: Vladimir Lenin dies and the USSR undergoes a large scale internal struggle between Stalin, who was already the General Secretary in 1922, and Leon Trotsky, who was the head of the Soviet armed forces during the Civil War, and enemy of Lenin in politics throughout the 1900s-1910s. Trotsky attempts to split the party with factionalism, something banned by Lenin.

- 1927: Leon Trotsky is finally removed from the Central Committee and Communist Party, and soon after is exiled to Central Asia and kicked out of the Union itself by 1929. Iosif Stalin manages to maintain communist party unity and begins developing socialism in the USSR. NEP ends in this year, as capitalism has been sufficiently developed to begin the development to socialism, which means the former concessionaires who got rich through the NEP would finally be destroyed.

- 1928: Five Year plan begins, USSR finally begins the development of heavy industries under large scale socialist production, agriculture is also soon transformed under collective lines, as Stalin eventually aims to unite small producers after agricultural machinery is built by the factories that are constructed during the plan.


- 1932: Kulaks destroy grain and kill cattle during the famine of 1932, further worsening the situation as Stalin cuts grain exports from 5,182,835 tonnes in 1931 to 1,819,114 tonnes in 1932, when the famine began. The USSR manages to recover by the following year.

- 1933: Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany under Hindenburg, Reichstag burns during the same time and Hitler blames it on the communists, gaining emergency powers which would later allow him to become Fuhrer of Germany. The harvest of 1933 in the USSR allows the USSR to recover, as once again successful harvests are beginning thanks to the aid of mechanized agriculture and the destruction of the kulaks, who had once been able to threaten regions of the USSR, but now had been reduced to almost nothing after they had tried to starve the small peasants the previous year.

- 1936: The purges begin as evidence to prove the existence of a Trotskyite fifth column is found. Wreckers who attempt to damage Soviet industry, traitorous military leaders, and revisionists within the party are removed from the party. Nikolai Yezhov abuses his power in multiple stages throughout the purges, and acts without the knowledge of Stalin, leading to his removal and execution in 1938, and subsequent replacement with Laverenty Beria.

- 1939: Second World War begins, Hitler invades Poland after fully occupying Czechoslovakia earlier in the year. Soviets move in to secure Eastern Poland after the Polish government collapses, as Hitler's forces would've crossed the boundary laid out by the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Aggression pact made earlier in the year.


- 1941: Soviet Union is invaded during Operation Barbarossa by the Nazis, and the Nazis push to Moscow, where Stalin remains behind the Red Army. The Nazis are beaten back by the USSR during this year, and the Nazis are forced to remain on a stagnant front in the north while they move south to secure the Caucasus oil fields. German forces are terrified of the T-34 and KV-1 during this time, as their 30mm guns and 75mm short barrelled guns are unable to destroy the Soviet tanks.

- 23rd of August 1942: Battle of Stalingrad begins as the 6th Army of the Germans attacks the Soviet city. More people would die in this battle than in any other battle of the war. Stalingrad becomes a grinder which the Germans are unable to defeat, leading to the decay of their war effort.

- 1942: Soviet forces and German forces become locked in stalemate, the war in the east begins wearing down the Germans, who are simply unable to defeat the Soviets in home territory, where the USSR has both the advantage of a heavily patriotic population and a home field advantage.

- 2nd of Feb 1943: Battle of Stalingrad ends, Paulus surrenders and becomes a Soviet prisoner of war. The turning point of WW2 begins as the Axis begin to suffer more losses after this date. After 2 million deaths, the Battle of Stalingrad becomes the most bloody battle of the entire war.

- 5th of July 1943 - 23rd of August 1943: Battle of Kursk, the largest tank battle of WW2. The Germans are defeated by the Soviets as the the Soviet Union manages to push into lost territory at an alarming rate from this point onwards.

- 2nd of August, 1943: Vladimir Petrenko is fatally shot by German spy intending on killing Stalin while chasing the German spy through the communist party HQ in Moscow. Vladimir Petrenko is transported offworld to Vonia for treatment with nanobots as sign of Achainian-Soviet fraternity. Nanobots cause effective immortality for Vladimir, as they can maintain the cells and prevent degradation. Soviet government keeps technology secret.

- October 1943: Kiev is retaken by the Red Army.

- 27th of January 1944: Leningrad siege is lifted by the Red Army.

- June to August of 1944: Operation Bagration crushes German Army Group Center.

- October 1944: Tito is killed during the Battle of Belgrade, leading to the pro-British faction in Yugoslavia taking control of the partisans and taking a more direct anti-communist approach instead of the subtle revisionism which Tito wanted to use to trick the Soviets. Belgrade is retaken.

- 1944: The war changes to a total German disaster as Romania and Finland turn on the Germans, while the Soviets retake their borders from 1941 and advance into Hungary and Bulgaria. Yugoslavia and Albania are saved by partisans during this time.

- 16th of April to 2nd of May 1945: Battle of Berlin destroys the capital of the Reich, which Hitler had intended to last 1000 years. Hitler shoots himself on April 30th, and the Germans open negotiations with the Soviets.

- August 6th and August 9th, 1945: USA drops 'Little Boy' on Hiroshima (August 6th) and 'Fat Man' on Nagasaki (August 9th). The atomic age begins. Adraen states and interstellar nations are alerted by the developments on Earth at this time. Achain continues to observe as it obtains supplies from the USSR.

- August 8th, 1945: Soviet Union declares war on Japan for being an ally of the Nazis during WW2.

- September 2nd, 1945: Japan surrenders to the United States of America, ending WW2.

- 1945: End of the Second World War, the Soviet Union emerges alongside the USA as one of the new superpowers of the world, as France, Britain, Germany, and Japan are crushed by the war while the USA and USSR have made many new advantages.

- 1946: Cold War begins between the progressive socialist bloc under the USSR, and the aggressive capitalist imperialists under the United States of America.

- 1949: NATO is formed by the USA and allies.


- 1953: Iosif Stalin, great friend of the Soviet people, dies. The USSR falls into internal struggle as Beria takes the reigns for a short time. Khrushchev would become the Soviet General Secretary soon after, and the collapse of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat occurs thanks to both him and Beria.

- 10th of November 1954: Vladimir Petrenko leaves the Communist Party, as a veteran of the party since the age of Lenin himself, he is disgusted by the Khrushchevite takeover and moves to Albania under a different name after faking his death, pretending to have died by a heart attack and shock. Vladimir Petrenko had already been suspected of having cheated death due to how young he looked all through the 1900s, meaning it was time for him to move on before people found out about him being effectively biologically immortal.

- 14th of May 1955: Warsaw Pact is founded.

- 14th of February 1956: The 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party happens, and Nikita Khrushchev denounces Stalin, showing the world that the USSR was no longer a proletarian dictatorship but a bourgeoise one. Enver Hoxha is the only survivor of the Dictatorships of the Proletariat that were established following WW2.

- 4th of October 1957: Sputnik launched by the USSR. Interstellar community maintain permanent presence in the Solar system to ensure that Earth will not present a threat to them in the future.

- 23rd of October to 4th of November, 1956: Hungarian Revolution, sparked by the weak Dictatorship of the Proletariat in Hungary and the Titoite clique in Belgrade intensifies, leading to Soviet intervention to restore the original Khrushchevite regime.


- February 1961: Enver Hoxha supports China against the Soviet Union.

- 12th of April 1961: Yuri Gagarin is the first Human to leave Earth, and is a global hero for doing so. The USSR are ahead in the space race.

- 13th of August 1961: Berlin Wall built around West Berlin.

- 1961: America escalates the Vietnam war.

- October 1962: Cuban missile crisis. USSR tries to place nuclear missile in Cuba, which enrages the American government.

- December 1964: Nikita Khrushchev is removed from the position of General Secretary by Leonid Brezhnev, and the USSR becomes a more authoritarian regime under the control of the heavy industrial faction of the capitalists, represented by the Brezhnev clique.

- 5th of January to 21st of August 1968: Prague Spring occurs, Soviet Union invade Czechoslovakia to protect the Soviet social-empire under Brezhnev.

- August 1968: Albania withdraws from the Warsaw Pact.


- 10th of January, 1973: Soviet Union begins super soldier program.

- 15th of February, 1974: Soviet program ends as all test subjects for the program are executed to avoid revealing the nature of the changes.

- 20th of February, 1974: Some test subjects escape to the Baltic States, resulting in the 'New Germanian' race.

- 30th of April, 1975: Vietnam war ends as South Vietnam surrenders to North Vietnam.

- July 1975: Albania refuses to take part in the Helsinki Conference.

- October 1977: Brezhnev Constitution adopted, Soviet constitution now reflects the capitalism in the USSR.

- 1978: Sino-Albanian split finalizes.

- 27th of December, 1979: Soviet Union goes to war with Afghanistan.


- 11th of April 1985: Enver Hoxha dies, Albanian revisionism under Ramiz Alia takes hold of the country.

- 15th of April 1985: Vladimir Petrenko leaves Albania after having lived as an industrial worker and a collective farmer respectively under different identities. Vladimir Petrenko moves to to the city of Leningrad in the USSR to see his birthplace and how much it has been ruined by the revisionists since he left in 1954.

- 9th of November, 1989: Berlin Wall falls.

- December 1989: Romanian government falls. Pro-US Romanian government is created by rebels.

- 1989: Revolts of 1989 lead to the collapse of the Eastern Bloc in Europe. The Soviet Union is the last one standing after this.


- 17th of March, 1991: Referendum for the preservation of the USSR happens. Most of the country votes to keep the USSR.

- Summer, 1991: New Union Treaty drafted.

- 19th of August, 1991: August Coup happens, the KGB attempt to overthrow Gorbachev and arrest him, Boris Yeltsin leads the opposition to the coup.

- 22nd of August, 1991: The coup fails and the USSR is doomed to be dissolved. Some members of the coup continue fighting to the north, where they move into Novaya Zemlya and some move even as far up as Franz Josef Land. Fighting continues between the KGB's soldiers, who fight against the RSFSR's forces. Vladimir Petrenko moves to Novaya Zemlya in this time to avoid the impending collapse of the USSR.

- 25th of December, 1991: The USSR falls, and the Russian tricolour is lifted above the Kremlin as the flag of the USSR is lowered for the last time.

- 10th of January 1992: Conflict in Novaya Zemlya intensifies, Russian government attempts coverup but much of their armed forces defects to the putsch, leading to their inability to take back Chechnya in the early stages of the Chechen wars.

- 12th of January 1992: Nuclear missile crisis in Russia begins, as the KGB seize control of a nuclear silo in Siberia. Russia declares a state of emergency.

- 15th of January 1992: The KGB negotiate with the Russian Federation on the future of the RF. The Russians deny a regime change and the KGB remain on Novaya Zemlya.

- 18th of January 1992: KGB declare the 'People's Republic of the Kremlinian Islands' to take control of an outpost from which they'd be able to fight Russia. Russia is unable to do anything as Novaya Zemlya and Franz Josef Land are seized from them.

- 25th of January 1992: Kremlinian Islands and Russia cease hostilities, but Russia refuses to recognize the Kremlinian Islands, allowing the Kremlinians to work behind the scenes.

- 19th of February 1992: Kremlinian Islands reach out to China and Cuba, Kremlinian KGB declares a 'new party' and places Vladimir Sergeiovich at it's head.

- 7th of March 1992: Rome is destroyed by an asteroid containing exotic alien materials which are mutagenic to Earth life. Mutant creatures invade Italy.

- 8th of March 1992: A European military is created known as the 'European Union', France and Germany lead the military group and try and contain Italy alongside a large number of European states. Britain refuses to join and is embargoed, while Norway is outright invaded by the EU, leading to the Svalbard wars. United States of America collapses due to similar mutant incursion, and also the discovery of Achainian warships due to SETI, which causes social unrest.

- 9th of March 1992: Svalbard has a revolution against the Norwegians, aiming to establish itself as a free national state. The Communist party of Svalbard reach to the Kremlinians for help. The Kremlinians respond by sending an army.

- 11th of March 1992: The town of Longyearbyen is invaded by the Kremlinians, who have fielded an army of 45,000 soldiers to attack. 30 T-55 tanks are seen in the town, slaughtering civilians and soldiers alike.

- 17th of March, 1992: Svalbard is occupied and incorporated into the Kremlinian Islands, and the Kremlinians begin displacing the Norwegian residents, sending them to Nordaustlandet to work at labour camps in a place known as 'Marx Station'. Russian settlers are encouraged to move to Svalbard's Pyramiden mining facility to construct a new city, which would be known as Nova Kiev.

- 27th of March, 1992: Mass immigration campaign begins, with the KGB creating false information and sending it to millions of people throughout Russia, leading to a large migration of people to Svalbard, where they become enslaved and forced to work on the project to build Nova Kiev. Souyz Station is established on the ruins of Longyearbyen.

- 7th of July, 1992: The Achainian government collapses and forms a new government, which is driven by a similar system to the Eternal Empire. The Achainians become hostile to Earth's Humans, and stage an invasion of Earth, landing in Romania and establishing a proxy government.

- 9th of September, 1993: Kremlinian Islands obtain cloning technologies from Achain in secret, who now works alongside the Kremlinians in hopes of better invading Earth in the future. The Kremlinian Islands says it made the gains from China.

- 23rd of November, 1995: EU collapses as mutant creatures advance further inland, Italy is nothing but a wasteland of decayed biomatter and mutant creatures.

- 6th of December, 1995: UK collapses and multiple successor states go to war to see who will finally take control of the entire British Isles. Northern Ireland invades Ireland and wins, as Ireland had expended its military fighting in Europe.

- 15th of April, 1996: Achain reveals itself to the Earth and many countries collapse in on themselves, Russia somehow maintains stability during this time.

- 1999: Yugoslavia undergoes a regime change as social democrats take the reigns, YugoslavUnion is declared by the Yugoslav government.


- 16th of June, 2003: Kremlinian Islands is recognized by the UN, which hopes to gain as many allies as possible to fight the Aliens and the mutants. Russia leaves the UN in protest, as it was unable to veto the joining.

- 20th of July, 2003: Cloning batches lead to massive population increase to 100,000,000 people living in the Kremlinian Islands. Nova Kiev becomes a massive center of industry, and a settlement is established on Franz Josef Land. Agricultural domes are needed to sustain the population in such a harsh environment.

- 10th of August, 2003: Mutants created in the Soviet Union throughout the 1970s invade and assimilate the populations of all the Baltic states and Bulgaria through some unknown means. Humans become a slave species in their 'Balkan-Baltic Union'.

- 4th of September, 2003: Vladimir Petrenko forms the All-Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) under the name Ivan Dimitrov. The party gains a large base in Marx Station, Souyz Station, and Belyusha Guba.

- 6th of January 2007: Russia declared war on the Kremlinian Islands.

- 8th of January 2007: Russia is forced to pull out of the war as it collapses into a civil war, with a state known as the 'New Soviet Union' rising up against them and forcing the Russian government to move to Kamchatka, where it holds out under 'The Russian Nation', a nationalist political party.

- 12th of January 2007 - 18th of May 2007: Ecuador goes to war with Colombia and Venezuela, leading to both states collapsing and Ecuador taking control of them under the name 'United Ecuador'.

- 20th of May, 2007: Ecuador declared war on islands in the Caribbean north of Venezuela, and takes them all within the day through paratroopers.

- 10th of December, 2007 - 20th of December, 2007: 'New Soviet Union' declares war on Ukraine, Belarus, and all the central Asian states, annexing them soon after.


- January 1st, 2010: The shattering ends, and Human life has been decimated. After China and India fell to anarchy in 2009, unknown to the rest of the world, the Human population had decreased from 7 billion to around 5 billion, and the world was ruined.

- Febuary 27th, 2011: British civil war ends, Britain is now led by the 'British People's Republic' under Jeremy Corbyn, who became a communist after likely being abducted and replaced by the Kremlinian clone version of Corbyn, after a terror group broke into the Kremlinian labs and cloned Corbyn, replacing the memories of the clone.

- July 10th, 2011: The East Coast of the United States is taken over by an army of drones who are loyal to an underground military A.I. which would come to be known as 'Tuvulux'.

- May 4th, 2015: United Ecuador and the BBU go to war over unknown reasons.

- May 10th, 2017: Kremlinian Islands involve themselves in the war, and proceed to crush United Ecuador alongside the BBU. The island of Dominica is annexed as a staging ground for military action.

- May 17th, 2017: Brazil reemerges under a military regime. A new conlang of Portuguese had also emerged, and Brazil was now known as 'Brazsi'. Brazilian regime is similar to the Pinochet regime in levels of hatred towards communists.

- April 4th, 2017: ISL is formed by the Kremlinian Islands to act as a pact to defend nations from the BBU and United Ecuador.

- June 1st, 2017: ISL is dismantled due to irreconcilable differences between the demands of imperialists in the alliance, like the Kremlinian Islands and Yugoslavs.

- June 10th, 2017: Yugoslavia forms the 'Democratic Leftist Union'

- June 14th, 2017: Nova Kiev Pact is formed by the Kremlinian Islands and Tuvulux as a response to the 'Democratic Leftist Union', imperialist war becomes inevitable.

- July 3rd, 2017: Brazsi invades the Kremlinian Islands and attempts to force a regime change, Brazsi fails, and the Kremlinian Islands continue to fight Brazsi.

- August 1st, 2017: Hostilities between Brazsi and the Kremlinian Islands end, the Kremlinian Islands managed to regain its population extremely quickly through cloning, and the 20 million losses they had were quickly fixed.

- September 12th, 2017: Mutants on Earth are destroyed by a coalition of interstellar powers after they discover the origin of said mutations, and Europe is once again freed of infection. Tuvulux secures a large quantity of the material that caused the mutants, and destroyed a large number of them. Russian Federation secretly obtains a large stock of the material to try and create super soldiers.

- October 9th, 2019: Earth is once again in a position for war, and the Pact Wars, a period from 2019 - 2040, would be declared, another dark age for Earth begins.


- 1st of January, 2020: Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union declare war on the Kremlinian Islands, the Soviet Union desired to reclaim its former territories while the Yugoslavs sought to destroy their enemies.

- 5th of January, 2020: 1st offensive of the war begins, the fleet of the USSR launches submarine missile strikes on cities of the Kremlinian Islands as forces attempt to invade the mainland.

- 14th of January, 2020: Offensive is defeated in a counter attack from the Kremlinian Islands, Yugoslav troops sent on the attack are the ones who took the most casualties.

- 16th of January, 2020: Yugoslavia pulls out of the war, the casualties being too high to allow the war to be profitable in any way, the war continues.

- 24th of January, 2020: The PLF launches an attack on the submarines firing rockets on the cities of the Kremlinian Islands, destroyers manage to cause significant casualties using depth charges. Soviet fleet retreats.

- 3rd of February, 2020: 2nd offensive begins, and the Soviet fleet brings out capital ships for conflict with the Kremlinians.

- 5th of February, 2020: Kremlinian counter-offensive begins, with the Kremlinians moving in on the Soviet fleet from Novaya Zemlya and Svalbard.

- 12th of March, 2020: Naval conflict ends with a Kremlinian victory, preventing the Soviets from landing an invasion of the Kremlinian Islands.

- 18th of March, 2020: Soviet Union begins bombing Kremlinian cities with air assaults, hoping to drag out the conflict for longer.

- 7th of June, 2020: Soviets are forced to sign peace with the Kremlinians, resulting in a status quo to be enacted.

- 12th of September, 2020: EU forces in the Nordic States split from the rump EU and establish a new Nordic Union.

- 15th of March, 2021: British Peoples' Republic undergoes a regime change, allowing a revisionist leader to take power. The new leader declares Britain an ally of Kremlinian interests.

- 5th of January, 2023: Baltic-Balkan Union and Kremlinian Islands become hostile to eachother after the Baltic-Balkan Union attacked Kremlinian shipping to the Nordic Union.

- 7th of March, 2023: Declaration of war against the BBU is signed, the British Republic and Nordic Union submit to the NKP and join the war against the Baltics.

- 15th of March, 2023: Kremlinian forces launch an invasion of the Baltic states via the Nordic Union with British naval support. Humans in Riga, Talinn, and Memel celebrate their liberation from mutant New Germanians.

- 17th of March, 2023: Kremlinian airforce bombs mutant areas of the cities and also mutant cities throughout the Baltics, targeting primarily civilian infrastructure and schools, killing thousands of women and children.

- 8th of June, 2023: Yugoslavia invades the BBU to take advantage of the situation and hopefully seize Bulgaria. Kremlinian forces march south through the Romanian Peoples' Republic (Achain) to reach Bulgaria after Achain grants military access.

- 12th of June, 2023: Kremlinian and Yugoslav forces jointly occupy Sofia and establish a joint military governate in Bulgaria.

- 15th of June, 2023: BBU collapses and New Germanians are mostly wiped out, Baltic states become a puppet of Kremlinian interests.

- 14th of May, 2024: Bulgarian governate sides with the Kremlinians, NKP-DLU cold war continues and hopes of reconciliation are destroyed.

- 7th of August, 2024: Seeing the eventual nuclear war, the Kremlinians work on climate altering technology in secret in order to maintain the current Kremlinian climate. Climate tech is extended to Bulgaria also.

- 18th of December, 2024: Brazsi's government starts to crumble as the Brazilian president is assassinated by Kremlinian agents hoping to spark conflict.

- 25th of December, 2024: Christmas massacre, Kremlinian forces descend upon Brazsi while the country is in mourning and begin their invasion, creating a 'Brazilian People's Republic' as a puppet state to rule over the territory. Thousands die as houses are occupied or bombed by Kremlinian forces.

- 5th of April, 2025: Occupation of Brazil is complete, the Kremlinian regime now rules over the country as the last pockets of resistance in the Amazon are being fought.

- 9th of July, 2028: Brazilian regime destabilizes as DLU starts funding anti-Kremlinian forces in the region, sparking another civil war between the Brazilian government and Brazsi loyalists.

- 15th of August, 2028: Situation worsens in Brazil, Brazilian regime asks the Kremlinians for aid in the situation, Kremlinians send an occupation force.

- 20th of August, 2028: First of the occupation force arrives and dismantles the Brazilian government, Kremlinian military regime is established over Brazil.

- 15th of October, 2028: DLU combatants arrive in Brazil and attack Kremlinian forces in the area, war declared between the DLU and NKP involving all combatants as all forces across the globe mobilize.

- 20th of December, 2028: Nuclear conflict begins as NKP and DLU fire missiles on eachother, Kremlinian Islands remains unscathed due to anti-missile system, rest of world is bathed in fire.

- 21st of December, 2028: Billions die in the first few days of the war, global population falls to around 2 billion people.

- 22nd of December, 2028: Contact lost with British Peoples' Republic as nukes hit London, Cardiff, Kent, Liverpool, Manchester, and Edinburgh.

- 23rd of December, 2028: DLU collapses, Yugoslavia retreats underground. The last few DLU states leave the alliance or completely collapse, leaving the world empty.

- 24th of December, 2028: Achain prepares to invade YugoslavUnion and Bulgaria

- 28th of December, 2028: Achain cancels this plan as Vonia is invaded by Eternal Empire fanatics.

- 30th of December, 2028: Kremlinian forces fight on against surviving DLU members, who invade the Kremlinian Islands at this time, using intel from defectors aligned with the DLU.

- 20th of January, 2029: Climate generators come online in the Kremlinian Islands and Bulgaria.

- 5th of June, 2029: Bulgaria is invaded by Achain as they return to the Earth affairs following the defeat of the Eternal invasion.


- 1st of January, 2030: Kremlinian Islands are on the backfoot as DLU remnants occupy Moscow Minor and Souyz Station, heavy fighting continues towards Nova Kiev.

- 2nd of May, 2031: Soviets collapse and Rusthenia and Matterio rise from its ashes.

- 8th of November, 2032: Nova Kiev is reached by DLU remnants as the PDA demoralizes further. Belyusha Guba is now also at risk.

- 14th of May, 2034: Belyusha Guba is taken and the Kremlinian government loses popular support.

- 7th of June, 2035: Kremlinian government retreats underground, DLU supporting Kremlinian officers create their own state on top of the former Kremlinian Islands.

- 9th of July, 2035: First signs of climate change, grasslands start to grow in the Sahara as temperatures cool, and the northern oceans begin to freeze over. Temperatures in Bulgaria and the former Kremlinian Islands remain constant thanks to climate altering technologies employed by the Kremlinian regime.

- 16th of June, 2036: Ice age begins over Europe, temperatures reach as low as -20 degrees centigrade in Berlin, Paris, former London, and Warsaw.

- 17th of June, 2039: Achainians retreat again, as conflict is Non-Existent. Watch force continues to exist in orbit. Achainians abandoned form warlord states and feud amongst eachother.

- 6th of December, 2039: Greek city states are united by a progressive war, the Greek nation is once again rebuilt.


- 2040: Pact Wars officially end, most records of the time were annihilated, and only stories remain, most people forget the reasons for the pact wars as life expectancy shortens, meaning the oral tradition causes myth and legend faster than before.

- 18th of January, 2041: Greek state undergoes a proletarian revolution and the Greek Peoples' Republic is formed, since no contact is restored with the outside world, it assumed they are the only legitimate state at this time.

- 5th of March, 2044: Adraen Coalition scouts arrive over Earth hoping to use it as a jumping point to reclaim former Adraen Imperial Territories.

- 20th of September, 2044: Adraen space forces invade Earth, establishing a base in former Greek Cyprus and going to to war with the Greeks.

- 5th of January, 2045: Greece is utterly annihilated by Adraen forces.

- 10th of May, 2046: Achainian forces pick up Adraen signals and prepare a reinvasion of their former territories as they prepare for war with the Xenos.

- 5th of June, 2046: Plans for Achainian invasion abandoned after Achain enters conflict with large confederation of other races.

- 20th of March, 2048: Kremlinian government destabilises as workers marches progress across the underground city, Bolshevik party appears to be the political leader of the strike movement.

- 29th of February, 2049: Kremlinians declare marshal law, large scale development of worker's movement happens during this time as revolutionary crisis brews.

- 6th of November, 2049: Adraen forces occupy the Mediterranean and establish the Sol Free State.

- 9th of December, 2049: Canada and Ireland are invaded by the Adraen Coalition.


- 3rd of May, 2050: 'Longyearbyen Republic' established by the DLU collaborationists falls into poverty as one of the poorest countries on the planet.

- 5th of September, 2051: Revolution against the Kremlinians begins, the RSFSR is declared by the Bolsheviks.

- 10th of November, 2051: Russian Revolution progresses further and the Nova Kiev underground is occupied while Kremlinian forces begin to defect or surrender.

- 25th of November, 2051: Russians move to the surface again and occupy aboveground Nova Kiev before moving into the 'Longyearbyen Republic' which was an occupier territory.

- 2nd of December, 2051: Russian Revolution ends as Longyearbyen authorities flee the country. RSFSR emerges as the new owner of the Kremlinian Islands.

Kremlinian russia

