by Max Barry

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by The Federación de Sudamérica of Nevbrejnovitz. . 313 reads.

Government of Argentina


" Peronism wants an Argentina socially 'fair', economically 'free' and politically 'sovereign'! "
Peronist Tenet

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D E M O C R A C Y ,. . . . F R E E D O M ,. . . .P R O S P E R I T Y !
. . . .


El Unificador Presidencial: Alberto Starris

    The Presidential Unifier, or President, is the Executive branch of the government of La Plata. He is elected in a different election than the one for the other bodies of government and his job is to work with the other bodies and act like a catalyst for cooperation between the different sectors of society. This position holds alot of power, designed to be a prime leadership for the nation. Although, the President is not a dictator since he is elected and can be defeated in elections or by the other bodies of government. He is still bound by the Constitution. The President can be from a party or be independant. This position can veto or review the legislations voted by the other bodies of government. He also appoints the Judicial members from a joint list agreed by the other bodies of government. He can also propose a project of law to the other bodies of government where they will work and vote on it. The President is the Commander-in-chief of the military. He also represents the nation on foreign visits, where he can be supported by representatives from the other bodies of government. Anyone residing in La Plata can run for Presidency, citizen or not.

Cámara del Pueblo Vice-President: Nafran Ebadi

    The Chamber of the People is half of the legislative body, centered about the people of La Plata (much like any Parliament). This Chamber will create and vote laws about any topic, excluding Corporations and their legislation. This Chamber is voted by the citizens accross La Plata and their representatives will represent the broad population and their interests. Representatives can be independant or represent a party. The leader of the Chamber is the Vice-President. The Vice-President must come from a party with the majority or the plurality of seats, or be voted-in by the rest of the Chamber. The Vice-President has the mission to represent the Chamber of the People with meetings with the President and the leader of the Corporative Chamber, where they discuss the State of the Nation and present the laws adopted by either Chambers for the President's approval. The Vice-President decides its Cabinet, which is consisted of the usual Ministries, excluding the Foreign Minister, whose position is handled by the President when on foreign duties. The Vice-President handles the foreign Ministry administratively. The Vice-President can accompany the President for foreign missions to help him in his role. The Vice-President is second on the government's hierarchy and will succeed the President if he/she is unable to fullfill its function.

Cámara Corporativa Minister of Corporations: Manuel Entrecanales

    The Corporative Chamber is a unique legislative body to La Plata. it represents the interests of the private and State companies, reunited in Grand Corporations, to better represent their interests in the nation. This Chamber is designed as the ultimate reform of the Economic Shock of the 1990's. With the transformation of the economy to one centered about corporations, Corporatism and the ban of Unions, this Chamber will represent the economic sectors of the nation and handle the legislations around those corporations and companies. Each economic sector will be represented proportionally to their contribution to the overall economy, with each company/corporation having between 1 to 5 votes according to their contribution in the economy and the government's budget through taxes. What is special about this Chamber is that it represents wholly the corporate sector and this Chamber will handle Employer/Employee relations with the Chamber of the People, instead of relying on Unions. The Government therefore handles directly the relations between the workers and the companies, foreign and local. Another special and unique feature is that foreign companies can vote for their representatives, through local subsidiaries with a HQ located within La Plata and therefore being bound by Platinan laws. The leader of the Chamber is the Minister of Corporations and is chosen among a vote within the Chamber's representatives. This Minister of Corporations has the mission to represent the Corporations' interests through meetings with the Vice-President and the President. The Minister of Corporations also represents the Corporations’ interests outside the nation by accompanying the President on foreign meetings when trade or investments are concerned. He is the third on the government's hierarchy and he will become President if the current President and the Vice-President are unable to fulfill the function.

Ciudadano Estado Mayor General General Citizen Recruiter: Ricardo Martínez Menanteau

    The Citizen General Staff is another unique feature of La Plata added after the return of Mandrake to power after his cancer recovery. This government institution was created to increase nationalism and national affiliation for the national citizen of La Plata. Moreover, it was also created to allow undocumented immigrants or non-citizen residents to acquire their citizenship through military and public service. Despite lenient laws for acquiring citizenship, the number of non-citizen residents or refugees were increasing. Moreover, the military had hard time fullfilling its NATO spending-goals and to attract more manpower in the military. The General Citizen Recruiter has the goal to supervise new recruiting and the follow-up of new recruits for their acquisition of their citizenship after a minimum of 2 years of service. He is also the military advisor to the President and act as Commander-in-Chief of the military during war if the President chooses to or is incapacitated. He is fourth in the line of succession

Corporation Seats

  • Administrative Corporation: 3 seats

  • Education Corporation: 1 seat

  • Corporation of Television and Radio Broadcasting: 1 seat

  • Finance and Trade Corporation: 1 seat

  • Health and Medicine Corporation: 2 seats

  • Retail and Customer Service Corporation: 3 seats

  • Industrial and Manufacture Corporation: 4 seats

  • Construction and Infrastructure Corporation: 1 seat

  • Agriculture Corporation: 1 seat

  • Mining and Natural Resources Corporation: 2 seats

  • Real Estate Corporation: 2 seats

  • Total: 20 seats

LinkPartido Justicialista: Lionel Mandrake (L), Michelle Mandrake (VL)

    Centre-left to Centre-right Ideology/Third Position Ideology: Mandrakism, Justicialism, Corporatism, Populism, Progressivism, Economic Nationalism, Pan-nationalism, militarist, pacifist, Industrialism, Interventionism

LinkPartido Democrata Cristiano: Juan Fernando Brügge (L), Nidia Margarita Sosa (VL)

    Centre Ideology: Christian democracy, Social conservatism, Third Way, Conservatism

LinkRadical Civic Union: Alfredo Cornejo (L), Mario Negri (VL)

    Centre/Centre-left ideology: Radicalism, Social liberalism, Social democracy

LinkUnión Demócrata Independiente: Jacqueline van Rysselberghe (L), Juan Antonio Coloma (VL)

    Right-wing Ideology: Conservatism, Nationalism, Religious conservatism, Social conservatism, Catholic social teaching, Economic liberalism, Gremialismo

LinkFrente Amplio: Javier Miranda (L), Daniel Martinez (VL)

    Centre-left to Left Wing Ideology: Democratic socialism, Social democracy, Progressivism, Eco-socialism, Marxism

LinkPartido Patria Querida: Pedro Fadul (L)

    Centre-Right Ideology: Conservatism, Liberal conservatism, Christian democracy, Paraguayan nationalism

Government Summary

  • La Plata, with the 2018 reform and overhaul of the government, is effectively a Unitary nation, meaning it only has a centralised government system, in opposition to federal systems or even less centralised confederal systems.

  • Its governing system may be called a "monarchy" on paper, because the executive is only held by one person, but it is effectively a republican system where the executive is elected as much as the legislative. The branches of power are separated and have balancing powers to stop one branch to control the whole process. The Executive and Legislative branches are elected whilst the Judicial system is composed of a selection from both Legislative Chambers that are finally chosen and appointed by the Executive.

  • Since La Plata is effectively a Corporatist system, it is considered a mixed economy since its neither a capitalist or communist/socialist economy. La Plata is a mix of State Capitalism/State Corporatism, with close ties between the Corporations (who represent the private, semi-private and State-owned companies) and the State. It means the economy is still a "free" market but with alot of State interventionism and regulations. Although, it is balanced with a stronger corporate voice in the government. The State acts as the intermediary between Employees and Employers in the negociations instead of the Labor Unions, which are banned.

  • La Plata is a multicultural society, basing its strength and social union into diversity. The government is openly pan-nationalist and it wishes to create an identity that can reach everyone: citizens of La Plata, or immigrants from abroad desiring to integrate the nation. The government and the nation's identity has to follow the fluidity of the nation's culture from immigration and local trends. Instead of encouraging local nationalism (Argentine, Chilean, Uruguayan or Paraguayan), the government of Mandrake pushes for a Platino/Platina pan-identity that unites that area with a broad patriotism that also respects local differences.

  • The new reformed government reduced the regional autonomy and became a Unitary nation, based on the Platino identity, instead of the Federal system based on regional nationalisms

  • Anyone can be part of the government and theres no pre-determined "rulling class". With the reformed system, citizens, immigrants and non-citizen residents have a word in the government and even corporations/companies can have a say with the Corporative Chamber.

  • The Executive power is the President, who is elected separately from the Legislative powers: the Chamber of the People and the Corporative Chamber. The Judicial power is appointed by the President, who has to chose from a list determined by a common agreement from both Chambers

  • The only requirement to vote is the minimum age, set to 18 years old, with exceptions down to 16 years old after passing a "political ability" test.

  • The State is secular and respects the separation of the State and the Church and promotes no religion. La Plata has no official religion, despite the Catholic faith being the majority religion with still a strong influence on the society or some political parties.

  • The new foreign policy of La Plata is now less isolationist and with the recent communist and terrorist uprising in Paraguay quelled, the government can now focus back on the international stage. The Interventionnist policy means that La Plata will more react to international problems or crisis and that it will try to have a leading role in defusing them. La Plata is also engaged in securing South America from foreign threat and it will take any action possible to keep South America free and united against neo-colonial influence. La Plata will also work closely with international organisations, especially those it created (DOSA and LSEG) to push certain policies and defend its interests along the regional interests.

  • La Plata has no compulsory conscription and military service is facultative and voluntary.

  • There is no limit or quota to immigration into La Plata, but it favors international students, then workers (specialised or not) and then asylum seekers and refugees. La Plata favors hardworkers and it will make easier the integration and acquisition of citizenship to those who merit it with hard work or positive inputs to the Platinan society (meritocracy). Although, La Plata has no official entry requirements and anyone can apply for immigration. Immigrants coming into La Plata have the same rights and benefits a the citizens, having access to legal rights and welfare. Immigrants still in the process of having their citizenship and residing in La Plata can vote in the Presidential elections, but not in the Legislative elections.

  • La Plata has extensive regulations on the environment, with all aspects being regulated

  • Women have equal rights to men and they have access to many accomodations, like a generous maternity leave or equal pay, which is guaranteed by the Equity Laws passed in 1995.

  • The inheritance tax ranges from a minimum of 5%, up to a maximum of 30% for higher inheritances.

  • Minimum wage is very regulated and is, at the very least, adjusted to the nation's inflation. The minimum wage is universal around the nation and is applied to both private and public jobs.

  • As of now, since the first corporatist changes in the 1990's, only the employers are required to provide payments for their employee's pension plans. The employee's contribution is facultative and is cumulative to the employer's contribution that doesn’t reduce if the employee participate in the contribution.

  • The nation's Central Bank (Banco Central de La Plata) is 100% public-owned and can lend money to financial institutions at a discount rate to increase liquidity (Discount Window), buy government securities to increase money supply (Quantitative Easing) and can buy or sell foreign currencies in exchange of the domestic currency to influence its exchange rate (Currency intervention), among others. Since the 1990's the Central Bank, along with government's policies, is the principal actor in reducing the nation's hyperinflation pressure and to stabilize the growth or reduction rate of the economy. As per regulation, financial institutions must have in minimum 20% of all their deposits in reserve before lending money, in order to stabilize the institutions and the withdraw/deposit transactions and to assure any client can withdraw his money in a fair amount of time.

  • La Plata spends a fair amount on many public services, like waste disposal or water treatment. It also spends on Public parks and ecosystem's conservations, despite the very industrial-oriented stance of the government. The government also spends on the construction, acquisition or research in renewable energy, like solar energy or nuclear energy (the most advanced and prolific civilian nuclear program in Latin America with contracts around the world through INVAP). La Plata also spends alot on research of any kind and any subject, other than those mentionned before.

  • After the Industries/State Companies sector, the Welfare is the second largest government's spending in its budget and it covers nearly 13% of the whole GDP. La Plata, with its extensive welfare system and social net, tries to reduce heavily the rich/poor inequities and to give everyone the same starting position to be successful, especially for kids. One of the Mandrakist Tennets is: "Kids should be the only privileged class". The social net coverage of La Plata is pretty wide, with a public works system that makes sure any able citizen or resident has access to some work in exchange of salary, which reduces poverty and institutionnalized welfare recipients who may abuse welfare and never bring anything positive to the society. Hardwork is one of the most respected value in La Plata and the welfare system reflects that. Poverty funds are allocated for special projects of the government, often pioneered by Michelle Mandrake. The unemployed fund is mainly for the Public Works system. Pension funds are a big part of the Welfare system, as the government, like the private sector, has to contribute to its employees' pension plans. This fund also includes pension subsidies for smaller companies who couldn't afford a pension plan for their employees. The minimum wage fund is allocated as subsidies for smaller companies or non-profit organisations providing jobs for students or otherwise unemployed workers. La Plata also has a basic income fund that provides an amount of money to any citizen of the nation. The amount is not too high to discourage laziness and institutionalized unemployed workers.

Laws and Regulations

  • Smoking is only restricted by age (18 years old) and proximity to buildings (must be 9 meters of a building's door) and it’s illegal to smoke inside public buildings (although its frowned upon to smoke in your home when there is children involved). The sale of smoking/tobacco products is allowed under license provided by the government.

  • Alcohol consumption is restricted by age (18 years old) and its sale is allowed under license from the government.

  • Cannabis (marijuana) consumption is restricted by age (21 years old) and its sale and production is highly regulated through licences.

  • The use of psychedelics is illegal and punished with fines for the user and jail time for the producer/seller.

  • The use of stimulants is illegal and punished with fines for the user and jail time for the producer/seller

  • The use of opiates is illegal and punished with fines for the user and jail time for the producer/seller

  • Euthanasia is allowed for chronic pain and terminal disease

  • Obscenity (acts or production of media depicting or promoting excessive lewdness) is not restricted by law other than the age of consent for the user and not promoting it to minors.

  • Ethnic Hate Speech is heavily punished, resulting often in jail time. It includes any type of hate speech: ethnic, religious, homophobic, transphobic, etc.

  • Corporate fraud (actions against established market laws and national laws and regulations commited by a business or corporation), including illegal lobbying to members of the Chamber of People, is heavily punished by jail time to the business/corporation's guilty leaders, its loss of voice and vote in the Corporative Chamber and restrictions on its business, along with government's surveillance of its activites for an amount of time. Anyone complicit outside the guilty business can be prosecuted under those charges and guilty MPs in the Chamber of the People can face jail and loss of their seat if they accepted any form of lobbying or gifts from the guilty corporation. It is one of the highest punishable offense in La Plata, since it endangers the symbiosis of the coporate sector, the society and the government and it also violates the "Equity" tennet of the economic system.

  • Blasphemy (act or production of media that criticize or offends a religion) is unregulated, as long as it doesn't turn into hate speech.

  • Treason (including espionnage or divulgating sensitive information to foreign powers) is punished with Life sentence in most cases.

  • Public embezzlement is another highly punished action in La Plata and guilty MPs or other members of the government can face jail sentences. Mismanagement and misallocation of public funds due to corruption, collusion or illegal lobbying are all included under those charges.

  • Miscegenation (marriage or sexual relation with people of different ethnic groups) is not regulated and is entirely legal and critics on that practice may face hate speech charges.

  • Dissent (acts or production of media against government policies or beliefs) is unrestricted and entirely legal as it concerns free speech, protected by the Constitution.

  • Murder is punished by jail time

  • Child abuse is punished by jail time

  • Defamation (false statements that can the reputation of an individual or a business) is punished with fines

  • Rape is punished with jail time

  • Incitement (Acts or production of media that promotes unlawful behavior or violent behavior) is punished with fines, or jail time if it also promotes forms of violence against a specific group of the society (hate speech).

  • War crimes are highly punished and often end with life sentences for the highest criminals.

  • Prostitution is legal and highly regulated in La Plata: Street prostitution is illegal and punished with fines for the worker and the client since it escapes regulations and safety protocols for both the client and the worker. Brothels and Escort services are legal under licenses provided by the government in exchange of proofs that the worker's rights are respected and that there are safe work conditions.

  • Guns are controlled in La Plata: handguns are allowed if the customer has clear background checks and that they followed strict training courses. Rifles and shotguns are only allowed for hunting licenses that include training courses.

  • Gambling is legal and regulated by a central Gambling and Bonds state company that provides licenses for private gambling activities as long as the activity respects the nation’s protocol and regulations.

  • Sexual orientation is not regulated in La Plata and homosexuality or trans identity are both legal. Homosexuals and transgenders can marry or adopt children and transgenders have access to sex re-assignment operations, partly covered by the public health coverage.

  • Abortion is completely legal and partly covered by the public health coverage. Forced abortion is illegal and any attempt to force a woman to abort her child will be harshly punished.

Other Laws
