by Max Barry

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by The Neo Powerian Republic of Dragons of Power. . 35 reads.

no longer canon (has to be redone to fit better into the current canon)

Picture of Young Comet, awww!!!
LinkBaby Comet's Roar

The year was 2002, and the Dragons of Power had sent a DoP Space fleet into the planet Xach again, to see if anything had survived over the years since they rescued Comet and Astral. Mary Ryuu, Seto's mother, was leading mission. She had let Seto, which was about 7 at that time, and Comet come with her. Blue and their father stayed behind in thee DoP. This is the setting of the story.....

"Hey! Comet!?" Yelled little seven year old Seto. "Where are you!?"
They were playing Hide & Seek, and Comet was hiding. Comet was follow Seto quietly, and Seto didn't see him, until Seto turned around, and saw Comet. Comet tried to run, but tripped on his own wings, causing him face plant onto the ground. Young Male Xerox, have a trouble with their wings. Their wings start off really small, when they hatch. But, when they are young dragonets, their wings are over sized compared to their body, and resulting in them falling a lot when they try to walk or run. It is terrible when they are trying to run from danger, like Comet did when his species were being killed off. He fell many times, try to run away.....Anyways, back to the story. Seto run and picked Comet up in his arms.
"Silly, dragon....." Seto giggled a bit. "Let's go find Mommy....."
They go, and find Mary and Astral, on the bridge of the DoP ship.
"Mommy! Comet fell again, trying to run....." Seto says to his mother and Astral.
"Oh, honey....." Mary picks up Seto, with Comet in Seto's arms. "You know that he can't run....."
"I know Mommy, but we were playing hide and seek."
"Why would you be playing that.....?"
"We were bored....."
"You know Seto, you got to be careful with little Comet....." Says Astral. "His wings are still very weak and can hurt him if anything worse happens."
"What do you mean, Astral......?" Asks Seto. "I thought he was a healthy dragon....."
"He is, son but....."
"But what Mommy.....?"
Mary looks over at Astral. "You haven't told him, have you....." Says Astral.
Mary sighs. "Ok, Seto......Do you know why we are going to another planet.....?"
"No.....why.....? Is it something bad!?"
"Well.....Sorta....." Says Astral. "It's about Little X....."
Seto looks at Comet, and Comet looks at Seto. "What about Comet....."
"Do you know how Astral found Comet....." Asks Mary. Seto shakes his head.
"Well....." Says Astral. "I found little X, after his parents, and his species, were just murdered....."
Seto hugs Comet a little tighter. "Oh....." He looks at Comet, then Comet rests his head on Seto's shoulder. Comet makes a little dragon like whimpering noise.
"We are going to go see and check on his old home, and see how if any Xerox had survived....." Says Mary.
"Ok now, Seto?"
Seto looks up at his mom with wet eyes. "Yeah Mommy?"
"You go and Comet go play." She looks at Comet, then back to Seto. "To go and get your mind off this....."
"Ok....." Seto slowly nods, and him and Comet run out off to play another game of hide and seek. After some time pasts, Seto hurries to his Mother's room, with the little Comet in his arms. He walks in, and sees that she's there with Astral.
She sits there on her bed, and is drawing something. Astral is watching her draw, and tells her what they look like.
"Mommy!" Seto runs in and sits next to Marry. "I beat Comet at hide and seek again. He's not that very sneaky."
"Good job Seto!"
"Whatcha working on Mommy?" Seto looks at the drawing.
"I'm working on the database for the Xerox Dragons. And I have drawn them for the database."
Oh, can I see?"
"Yes honey."
She shows him the drawings. "Woah! That's cool!" He looks at Comet, which is still in his arms. "That's what you are going to look like when you're all grown up!" He shows Comet. Comet roars happily, and wags his tail.
"What's the other one dragon?"
"A female Xerox."
"Oh, so a girl?"
"Yes Seto. That's what a girl Xerox look like."
"They look stronger than a boy."
"They are physically stronger. But when it comes to special attacks....." Says Astral in responds.
"The boys are better?"
"Yay!" Seto. "I will never like any girl....except mommy and Astral....."
Mary sighs. "You will change your mind....."
The ship shakes, and sounds like it has stopped.
"We are here....." Mary stands up, and walks to the door.
Seto gets off the bed. "Mommy? What do I do.....?"
She sighs. "You can come with us, but be careful. We don't know what is here anymore....."
"Ok Mommy! I'll be careful!" Seto walks out of the room before even Mary walks out. Comet is still in my arms.
"Wait up Seto!"
Seto stops walking, and wait for Mary and Astral. "Slowpokes....."
Mary picks me up. "Haha, very funny Seto......"
Astral shakes her head, and smiles. "Ok, Mary, are the scout teams ready?"
"Yes, they are."
"Ok, where are we going Mommy?" Seto asks.
"We are leading another scout team."
They walk outside, and our team gets together. There is three scout teams searching for life or any Xerox Dragons....Now, we are searching......We come across a graveyard of bones from Xerox Dragons.....
"Oh my dear God!" Says Mary, in shock.
Seto eyes widen, and his jaw drops. Comet jumps out of his arms, and roars. He looks around, and points his fingers and head at the bones. He starts to have flashbacks to what happened to him.
He roars and cries, and runs back to Seto. He jumps and Seto catches him, and he hugs him tightly. "It's going to be ok buddy....."
He cries, and rests his head on Seto's shoulder. Seto rubs his head, still hugging him tightly.
Mary walks over, and picks little Seto up. They look at the huge graveyard of dragon bones, and they slowly walk through the graveyard.
“What the heck happened here?!” Asks Mary.
“The Grand Warlords did this…..They murdered everything here…..” Says Astral. “Their leader Jack Serith ordered this…..”
Mary signals the soldiers to look for anything that is alive, and they spit off in the graveyard. Two soldiers from a different scout team meet up with us, and one is injured in the leg.
“What happened!?” Marry demands.
“We were attacked, Ma’am…..” Two of our men help them.
“Attacked by what?”
“We were attacked, by a large Bluish-White Dragon…..And I’m sorry to tell you Ma’am, but we're the only ones left.....”
"Wha……what....?!" Mary's eyes widen, and she paces, the stops to to look at the soldiers as one of her team members start to help the injured."You said what attacked you?!"
"A Blue-White Dragon Ma'am...." She looks over at Astral. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking.....?"
"Yeah, but how is it possible?!"
A loud roar is heard in the distance, and the soldiers ready themselves. "Seto! Go! Now!" Seto runs and picks up Comet in his arms. Astral runs to them, and picks them up. A White-Blue Dragon breaks through the skeleton of a dead dragon, and attacks everyone. The soldiers open fire. The dragon swings it's tail, and kills most of them. The two men from before, are retreating with everyone else. Astral gives Seto to a Commander as they run, and Mary gets on Astral to fight the dragon. The dragon roars, and blue fire-like lasers are fired from it's wings.
"This is a female Xerox! But how has it survived...."
"I don't know Astral, but it killed my men......"
Astral dodges the lasers, and fires a blast of fire at the dragon. The dragon responds with a huge blast from it's mouth and goes straight through Astral's attack, and hits her. She crashes nearby.
"No! Mommy!" Seto jumps out of the Commander's arms, and runs to his mother on the ground. The dragon sends a blast near him, and sends him in the air. He hits the ground, and is knocked out. The dragon charges at Seto on the ground, ready to kill him. She is stopped by Comet jumping in front of Seto. The dragon stops completely. Comet roars at the dragon, telling her to back off. She understands the dragon, and backs off. She flies back to the mountains. Comet turns his attention to Seto on the ground. He licks Seto and tries to wake him up.
Mary gets up and Astral flaps her wings as she gets up. Mary and Astral runs over to Seto & Comet. She picks up Seto, and looks at Comet. "Thank God Seto has you Comet....."
"Yep, Seto is lucky to have a great dragon like you Comet...." Says Astral.
He roars happily, and gets on Astral's back. The return back to the ship, and they head back home.
