by Max Barry

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by The Imperial Federation of Regna Loreau. . 285 reads.

A Summary of The Nordic Queendom Of Regna Loreau

The Nordic Queendom Of Regna Loreau

Motto: Gloria Fortis Miles

Geological Location



7.985 Billion



Largest City


Official Language


National Languages

Loreauan, Swedish, Norwegian, English, German



Ethnic Groups

Scandinavian (70%)
Northern German (23%)
Slavic (5%)
Other (2%)


Loreauan Lutheranism (14%)
Atheism (72%)


Unitary Parliamentary Semi-Constitutional Monarchy

Regina Imperitina

Viktoriya IX

Prime Minister

Sanna Mannerheim



Federal Parliament





2, 989 Trillion (Total)


0.976 (High )

Time Zone


Calling Code


Drives on the


ISO Code


Internet LTD


Regna Loreau, officially the Union of the Nordic Peoples and the United Loreauan Commonwealth, Imperial Dominions and Oversea Territories of The Imperial Federation of Regna Loreau, is a Nordic nation that occupies the region of Scandinavia and parts of northern Europe. It borders Friesland to the west, the Union of the Danube to the south, Ukrainian Host to the south east and Muscovy the east. It is generally considered to be a soft matriarchy, with power centralised in the crown, which may only be held by a woman, with a single exception being during a regency where there is an adult male sibling to their heiress. Currently, the ruler of Regna Loreau is the 21 year old Regina Imperitina Viktoriya IX, who inherited the state after the death of her mother, Regina Posthuma Evelyn I, and lead the state through the Great Calamity.

In the years following the Great Calamity, Loreau has regained its footing on the world stage, and has intervened in the Second Confederation Civil War on behalf of The Shadow Cult of Jocospor. With the sudden outbreak of the Francois Secession War, which saw the death of Konung Karl XII, saw the Loreauan economy swinging back into boom, driven mainly by the ever expanding dockyard facilities, and the booming civilian sector. Also changing in this time was the national flag, which was replaced by the war ensign of the Royal Navy at the behest of the war council of the nation following the start of the war, and which was approved atthe end of May 2021. January 7th of 2022 marked the 1700 year anniversary of the state, making the Imperial Queendom the longest standing state in existence, officially surpassing the Qin Empire. The date was also marked by the formal reintegration of Arcadia as a Loreauan dominion. In the 2022 elections, the Social Democrat Party saw success in the Federal Riksdag, and Prime Minister Sanna Mannerheim replaced former Prime Minister Olav Baasmo Christiansen after the later stated he would not contest the next election.


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Regna Loreau is mainly populated by the ethnic natives of Regna Loreau, characterised mainly by their pale skin, a result of the genetic adaptation to the harsher climates of the Arctic Circle. Native Loreauan's are defined as people born on the soil of Regna Loreau proper, as opposed to the Loreauan Denizens, who are defined as individuals who were born in a puppet of Regna Loreau, those who have attained citizenship of a puppet of Regna Loreau, or those who are first, second or third generation descendants of Regna Loreauans.

The category of 'Non-Loreauan Born' applies to those who have come from outside of Regna Loreau and its puppets, and have somehow managed to obtain valid and legal citizenship of Regna Loreau. This ethnic group tends to be looked down upon by the populous, as they are seen as somewhat inferior to the pure-blooded Regna Loreauans.


The state religion - Loreauan Lutheranism - is the official religion of the nation, although its purpose and involvement with the monarchy and the state as a whole has been mostly separated, with the two entities coexisting and rarely interacting outside of official procedures, such as marriages and coronations. More a relic of the days gone by, the church holds little actual authority in any arm of the executive, and similar can be said for society, with a minority of society identifying themselves as practitioners of the faith in the previous census (2020).



The Government of Regna Loreau is truly unique, with no less than 4 separate houses of legislature within the nation, each handling their own distinct duties and roles. For the purposes of governance, the nation is divided into three Crownlands; Sverige, which consists of the lands of Sweden and Norway, Prußen, which is the lands annexed from the Kingdom of Prussia between 1722 and 1938 along with Denmark, and Suur-Suomi, the remainder of the eastern lands of the Queendom. Each of these lands function in a unicameral system, and are responsible for passing laws in the domestic territories on a small scale, with a federal parliament of Loreau overseeing these state governments.

The Federal Parliament, or Riksdag, based out of Anova, is also a unicameral system, deciding domestic policy for the nation, with the power to intervene if need be. The house is lead by a Prime Minister, generally the leader of one of 3 Major parties, with the independents and small parties making up the remainder of the seats. This body has the power to propose legislature and bills, and mostly handles the domestic governance of the nation, with foreign policy and other matters outside of the domestic sphere being defined by the crown and the advisory council around such. The Riksdag possesses the right to overrule the policies and motions of the Crownlands houses, and may make recommendation to the crown as to the course of action to be taken when it comes to foreign policy.

1. The Centre - 72/300 Seats
2. National Coalition - 48/300 Seats
3. Social Democratic Party - 149/300 Seats

Foreign Relations

- Confederation Of Corrupt Dictators - Regna Loreau has been a member of the Confederation of Corrupt Dictators for in excess three years, and during this time, it has been able to flourish as a nation surrounded by similar ideologies. The appointment as Head of the Confederation Navy allowed the justification of further budgeting to the Loreauan Navy, and permitted major reforms in the Navy of the Confederation. Further appointments to the Supreme Council and currently as Despot of the Confederation indicates the relatively high standing upon which Loreau is held by the upper echelons of the CCD.


The Economy of Regna Loreau, worth 2, 989 Trillion Kronor annually, is mainly based off of its expansive trade networks, yet that is not to say that Regna Loreau is any slacker in terms of home economy. The economy has roots tied in both extensive mining and shipbuilding programs, with major contributions from the advanced information technology and extensive tourism sectors. Whilst there is some presence of state industry, the vast majority of the economy is driven by the private sector, with the nation sporting very high wages, even if the high tax rate means that most of this money flows back into the government in exchange for the extremely expansive and effective welfare state system.

The main priorities of the Loreauan Government are currently Defence, Law and Order and Education, with rising points of Healthcare and Welfare coming into the spotlight more and more. In an unprecedented move, the Defence budget and Law and Order budget were mixed together as of the year of 2019, enabling the Military to work on further developments with their 6th Generation Army, Navy and Air Force
