by Max Barry

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by The Dieresis-Holy Empire of Wochaystein. . 321 reads.


Past Diplomatic Relations (as the Holy Empire)
Reino de Portvgal - Neutral, leaning to friendly
The Empire Of The Sutherlands - Initially very friendly. One of the resource trade partners of the Sovereignty. However, simmering political tensions had worsened.
Norse Inuit Union - Very suspicious

What are your nation's political standings?

----I----- (5) Democratic/Authoritarian
I--------- (1) Political Left/Political Right
-----I---- (6) Open Society/Closed Society
-----I---- (6) Free Market/Central Planning
-I-------- (2) Standing Army/Drafted Army
------I--- (7) Hawk Lobby/Dove Lobby
---------I (10) Interventionism/Isolationism

National Spirit

Origin: viewtopic.php?p=39054782#p39054782
Former Power
+10% Stability
-20% Political Power Gain
-0.15 Autocracy Popularity Per Day

With the integration of our land into the Diarcesian nation during the 19th century, while we are more stable due to imperial policy, our nationalism and general patriotism have gone down the drain in comparison to when we were a true power.

Possible Video Game Info
A city sim game. You have to build a prosperous city starting from a wheat farm and defend it from raiders.

Paternoster: Have Christianity be the state faith
Everything is Fine, Your Grace: Create a nation at least partially headed by a monarchy with centrist politics.
SCORE SOME FACKING GOLDS: Focus your national ideology around winning in the Olympics.
Good Sport!: Be conquered throughout your history, and assimilated into a larger empire!
Take notes...: Have a quote book with quotes from your people.

Loading Screen Tips
"Remember to adopt the local religion : locals don't appreciate other faiths"
"Read the Penal Code: reading it will help you not being arrested by the local authorities"

HOI4 Namelist
Inspired by Kashimura and Daphomir
Non-Aligned or Monarchist: Das Heilige Reich / The Holy Empire
Democratic: Die Bundesrepublik Zuidrener / The Zuidrian Federal Republic
Fascist: Das Großreich von Wochegenstein / The Greater Wochaysteiner Empire
Communist: Der Wochegensteiner Volksunion / The Wochaysteiner People’s Union
Puppeted (Default) - [Demonym] Wochegenstein / [Demonym] Wochaystein
Puppeted (Diarcesia) - Diärese von Wochegenstein / Dieresis of Wochaystein

Revolutionary ending: Disgruntled citizens and lower-class workers successfully overthrow the Wochaysteiner imperial family. However, an equally, if not more controlling national bolshevist dictatorship rises in its place.
Cursed ending: The Elgebiete Gemeinschaft takes over the Holy Empire and successfully implements Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism, the antithesis of the predecessor state's ideals.


Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Börk: "Woch! Woch!"

10 Axes
Ancien Regime
Direct Democracy

Recently relaxed on their social perceptions of LGBT
76.15% of the adult population works for the government
30.27% of the population are racist/specist
The indigenous Zuidrian language is like O'odham
Arstotzkan spruces are found in a small and unique arboretum or botanical garden that showcases various species of trees from different regions.
One of the safest diereses in the Monarchy
13.9% of households have solar roofs
Has one of the lowest recreational drug use rates in Diarcesia
2.5% of the population have tattoos
The Social Democrats are one of the smaller parties in the legislature.
Boxers are more popular than briefs
Urban mass transit is primarily implemented as subways
Supports Israel
Wochaysteiner mercenaries in foreign territories tend to be popular among the people, whether or not the government officially approves of them
They passed a law where one can legally own an elephant. It's currently unused. No one owns an elephant.
The indigenous people (Zuidrians) are divided into several Nordic-esque tribes.
Between the US and China, Wochaysteiners are more or less neutral.
