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by The north eastern federation. . 10 reads.

[LEGISLATION-2019-002: The Congressional Rules and Procedures Act]

The North Eastern Federation of States

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    [LEGISLATION-2019-002: The Congressional Rules and Procedures Act]


The Congressional Rules and Procedures Act establishes a set of explicit rules, regulations, procedures and principles regarding the proper congressional governance over the North Eastern Federation of States.

Article I: Congressional Rules & Procedures
Section I: When The Congress Is In Session

    a.) When The Congress is in scheduled to be in session all proceedings shall take place on the Regional Discord channel Link#congressional-floor; unless the absence of a presiding officer warrants the use of #congressional-floor-2.

    b.) When The Congress is in session on Link#congressional-floor there must be a presiding officer present at all times. All communications on Link#congressional-floor will be blocked unless a presiding officer is present. The presiding officer should generally be The Speaker of The House; but if The Speaker of the House cannot preside over The Congress then they must choose a Speaker-Temp to act in their place. If The Speaker of The House is not present and has not chosen a Speaker-Temp within 30 minuets after a scheduled session of Congress has commenced then The Speaker of The House will be considered as absent in their ability to perform their duties or choose a Speaker-Temp, The Presidential Chief-Executive must then preside over The Congress. If The Presidential Chief-Executive cannot preside over The Congress then they must choose a Speaker-Temp to act in their place. If the Presidential Chief-Executive is not present and has not chosen a Speaker-Temp within 30 minuets after they should have attained the acting duties of the presiding officer then The Presidential Chief-Executive will be considered as absent in their ability to preside over The Congress or choose a Speaker-Temp, the scheduled session of Congress may then take place on the Regional Discord channel #congressional-floor-2 and will last 1/3rd of the time it was originally scheduled to be.

    c.) The absence of the ability of The Speaker of The House or The Presidential-Chief Executive to preside over The Congress or choose a Speaker-Temp shall not be an offence; and they will not face any consequences as a result.

    d.) When a session of Congress takes place on #congressional-floor-2, any communication made on it shall be unofficial, un-moderated, and open only to Members of The Congress; no group votes or decisions may be made or conducted; and no member may act as if they are a presiding officer. Members shall still be subject to 'The Congressional Rules of Decorum, Clause (c)' on #congressional-floor-2. All communications on #congressional-floor-2 shall be on the record and must be reviewed accordingly by The Speaker of The House and The Presidential Chief-Executive. If Members are found to be in violation of 'The Congressional Rules of Decorum, Clause (c)' on #congressional-floor-2 then appropriate disciplinary measures must be enforced, in accordance to the established rules and laws which govern the discipline of members.

    e.) Any nation who is not a Member of The Congress shall not be admitted to any session of Congress to speak or take part in legislative business, but only to observe.

    f.) Upon the enactment and further enforcement of this section of Article I, the title of it in the Legislative Journal shall change from "Article I, Section I of [LEGISLATION-2019-002: The Congressional Rules and Procedures Act]" to "[LEGISLATION-2019-002: The Congressional Rules and Procedures Act]". Any additions to this legislation that become enacted, shall be enforced upon their inclusion in this legislation.

    ~Clause (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of this section may be enforce or changed by appropriate legislation.

Article I, Section I of The Congressional Rules and Procedures Act

Legislation Proposed on: March 19th, 2019 by The north eastern federation
Published on: March 19th, 2019 by The north eastern federation
Vote Started on: March 19th, 2019, 5:00 PM EST
Vote Ended on: March 20th, 2019, 5:00 PM EST
Yeas: 3
Nays: 0
Absent: 1
Adopted by The Congress on: March 20th, 2019, 5:00 PM EST
Legislation Enacted on: March 22nd, 2019

Link To The Poll>>> page=poll/p=139336
Section II: Congressional Rules & Procedures When in Session

    Sub-Section I: Recognition to Speak

    a.) When The Congress is in session, if a member desires to speak then they must be recognized by the Presiding Officer. Members must indicate their intention to be recognized by The Presiding Officer by using the Discord Emoji label ":speaking_head:" (w/o quotations). Once indicated on a member's intention to be recognized, The Presiding Officer will then proceed to ask "For what purpose dose the member wish to seek recognition?". The member must then explain to the Presiding Officer why they would like to be recognized in a brief one sentence statement. A member may speak once The Presiding Officer announces their approval of the members recognition by saying "The member is recognized.". When a member is recognized to speak it means that they have 'obtained the floor' ('floor' - meaning the legislative chamber) and should not be interrupted unless the urgency of the situation justifies the interruption (as outlined in Clause (h) of this Sub-Section) such as 'raising a point of order' (meaning a rule is being broken), if a motion requires a 'second', or if there is a parliamentary inquiry (Used by a member to obtain information about the rules or procedures); all of which do not require recognition by the presiding officer. Once a member has finished speaking then they must 'yield the floor' by saying "I yield the floor." thus indicating to the Presiding Officer that they are finished speaking.

    b.) Depending on the length of what a previously recognized member has said after they have already finished speaking, the Presiding Officer may decide to dedicate more time for the other members present to read what has been said before proceeding to recognize other members.

    c.) A member shall not be recognized to speak if another member has already been recognized, has not 'yield the floor', or if the time allocated to the recognized member has not yet expired. Although members may interrupt members that are speaking but only if there is a justifiable reason for the interruption as outlined in Clause (a), and (h) of this Sub-Section.

    d.)The Presiding Officer may recognize members to speak on a first-come first-serve basis.

    e.) A member who has been recognized by the Presiding Officer may be allocated up to 5 minutes of time to speak, and may request more time to be allocated to them by the Presiding Officer through a necessary motion, but only if their time has not yet expired. When a members time has expired then the Presiding Officer must announce it by saying "The members time has expired.".

    g.) If the time allocated to a Member of The Congress expires then they will no longer be recognized to speak, the Presiding Officer may then proceed to recognize other members if so desired.

    h.) Clause (a) of this Sub-Section allows for the interruption of a member who is speaking. When a member wishes to interrupt another member who is speaking then they must say "Speaker.", The presiding officer should then order that the time of the member who is being interrupted be temporarily suspended by saying "Order! [The name of the member who is being interrupted] will temporarily suspend." Followed by "For what purpose dose [the name of the member interrupting] wish to interrupt?". The member who is interrupting must then give a justifiable reason for why they desire to interrupt. This type of interruption shall be justified only if it is a 'point of order' or a 'parliamentary inquiry', The presiding officer should thus handle them accordingly. If the member who is interrupting dose not say "Speaker." beforehand or if there is no justifiable reason for them to interrupt another member, then the Presiding Officer must reference the appropriate rules of handling interruptions, and must give a warning to the interrupting member by saying "The members interruption is not in order! The member must therefore suspend!". After no more then two warnings, or a members persistent failure to comply with the Presiding Officer, then the Presiding Officer must enforce appropriate disciplinary measures, in accordance to the rules which govern the discipline of members. After handling an interruption, or it's justifiable purpose, then the presiding officer should order that the time of the member who was interrupted be resumed by saying "Order! [the name of the member who was interrupted] may resume the balance of their time.". The rules an procedures in this clause shall give an exception to an interruption that has to do with a member seconding a motion.

    ~Clause (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), and (h) of this sub-section may be enforced or changed by appropriate legislation.

    Sub-Section II: The Congressional Rules of Decorum

    a.) Members must address themselves solely and directly to the Presiding Officer. Members may not directly address another Member, or individuals who might be observing but rather address all remarks through the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer should not be addressed or referred to by name or as you, but as 'Speaker'.

    b.) The Presiding Officer must speak of themselves only in the third person – that is they never should use the personal pronoun “I”. The presiding Officer must always refer to them self as “the Speaker” as in “the Speaker rules that” or “the Speaker is pleased to report.”

    c.) Members must avoid characterizing another Members personal intent; discussing personalities; question the motives of another member; speaking disrespectfully of or to the Presiding Officer, or other Members; referring to the specific votes of other Members; or using profane or vulgar language.

    d.) All Members have an obligation to obey the legitimate orders of the Presiding Officer.

    e.) If Members are found to be in violation of The Congressional Rule of Decorum then appropriate disciplinary measures must be enforced in accordance to the established rules and laws which govern the discipline of members.

    ~Clause (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this sub-section may be enforce or changed by appropriate legislation.

Article I, Section II of The Congressional Rules and Procedures Act

Legislation Proposed on: March 25th, 2019 by The north eastern federation
Published on: March 25th, 2019 by The north eastern federation
Vote Started on: March 25th, 2019, 5:00 PM EST
Vote Ended on: March 26th, 2019, 5:00 PM EST
Yeas: 3
Nays: 0
Absent: 3
Adopted by The Congress on: March 26th, 2019, 5:00 PM EST
Legislation Enacted on: March 28th, 2019

Link To The Poll>>> page=poll/p=139675

The north eastern federation
