by Max Barry

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by Wileyshire. . 8 reads.

WIFL Update

Hello everybody! This is Jacky Rite from the Wileyshire Sports and Games Council here to announce that the WIFL league will be starting games on the third of next month!

That's right! The league will open games on the third of March! This date as well as a detailed format should no new members join have been announced! A schedule is expected on March first!

So come on out, form a national team! We're hoping to have a great time hosting just as all the teams are hoping to have a great time playing!

As time goes on we'll be offering commentary as well as releasing all official statements for the sports council. Things are looking to be very exciting with the augmented team in the DankAss Communes' augmented team while the Propatria Puppies will certainly bring a twist with them being actual puppies! We look forward to see the play! Speaking of those puppies, we have heard talk of some puppy specific pads in the works so that the animals don't get hurt as well as a modification to the balls that will prevent any sort of deflating due to puppy teeth while also granting a better grip for the canines! Could you imagine a deflation scandal? It's be horrible! And probably horribly nicknamed, too! Anyways! This is Jacky Rite, signing off! Please see the official WIFL site for the details as well as to sign up! Have a great day everyone!

Official WIFL Site:

