by Max Barry

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by The newspaper boy. . 105 reads.

Help Us!

Only News,Complete News

Welcome to the World of NEWS

We need You!

Everyday The Independent Newspaper Agency brings you the latest stories from across the globe but what we want to hear are the issues that matter to you.

The part you play in making the news is very important. Whether it is breaking news or a featured item, your contribution can make a difference.

Have you seen or been involved in a news event?

Is something significant, bizarre or unusual happening where you live?

Have you got a story to tell or is there something you think we should follow up?

Become a Reporter!

You have the power to differentiate between real news and fake news.We need you,your power amd your support to make 'The Independent' as the free and powerful news source for you.

If you have any news,you can freely share it with us and we will save your anonymity.We won't let anyone touch you and our news sources will always be safe.

Don't Worry,whether you hold a position in a region or not,how big is your region,how big is your nation,etc.these questions do not matter to us.

Therefore we request you to report us any type of news to us from your region,alliance or anywhere from the NationStates!Just send a telegram to me and thats it!So simple!

A Gift!

We have a special bonus gift for you,if you are regular and interested in reporting news to us.Every month we will release an official dispatch of list of nations who reported us tge maximum news with great details and credibility!You will have a chance to:

•Get on our studio!
•Give an interview to us and the NS about your nation!
•Feature your region on our newspaper!
•Organise your own poll!

Don't let the Movement Die!!!

The newspaper boy
