by Max Barry

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by The Loyal Servant of The Clerk of The Labyrinth. . 633 reads.

Instrument of Government II

[u][b]Table of Contents[/b][/u][list]
[*][url=#intro]Introduction & Our Promise[/url]
[*] [url=#citizen]Labyrinthian Citizenship[/url]
[*] [url=#gov]Government of the Labyrinth[/url]
[*] [url=#vote]Elections & Voting[/url]
[*] [url=#misc]Foreign Affairs & The World Assembly[/url]

When Portugal is Great (King Minos II) passed the Founder account to Ashtie, we believe he did it with the trust that she and Vavax (hereby declared King Minos III) would fix the flaws of the Labyrinth’s government and restore the region to the thriving community it once was.

[u][b]Our Promise[/u][/b]
As the Monarchy we promise to:[list]
[*]Rule alongside the will of the people of the Labyrinth rather than oppress against it.
[*]Uphold the democratically elected cabinet that is vital to the region’s functionality.
[*]Ensure future elections are fair, fun, and organized.
[*]Abdicate to a more qualified heir if one or both of us become unable or unfit to rule.

[u][b]Instrument of Government II[/u][/b]
(This document hereby nullifies and replaces the original Instrument of Government)
[b][u]Article I: The People[/u][/b]

[u]Section 1: Citizenship[/u]
A citizen of the Labyrinth is one of three types:[list]
[*]Type A: A member of the Labyrinth whose primary (voting) nation is in the WA and resides in the Labyrinth
[*]Type B: A member of the Labyrinth whose primary (voting) nation is NOT in the WA but has a WA nation that resides in the Labyrinth
[*]Type C: A member of the Labyrinth whose primary (voting) nation is NOT in the WA and either has no WA nation or has a WA nation that resides in a different region

[u]Section 2: Citizens’ Rights[/u][list]
[*]The rights of free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of political choice, and freedom of expression shall not be infringed.
[*]Any nation facing banishment or deportation shall be entitled to the due process of law, except in circumstances where there is an immediate threat to the region.
[*]Any Type A or B citizens whose WA nation is not endorsing the WA Delegate will be considered Type C citizens in voting matters.
[*]No nation who submits an application for citizenship within a period of five days prior to an election, regularly scheduled or not, shall be permitted to vote in that election, unless a waiver is granted by the Monarchy and sitting World Assembly Delegate.
[u]Section 3: Citizenship Registration[/u]
[list][*]The Monarchy shall create a citizenship registration form available to all residents of the Labyrinth. The form will be contained in a dispatch, shall be pinned to the region, and a link shall be included in the regional factbook.
[*]The form will contain all the information necessary to determine the type of citizenship of the registering nation, and shall include questions regarding the nation the resident is applying for citizenship for and that resident’s World Assembly nation. It shall also include other questions deemed necessary by the Monarchy. Instructions on how to apply will be included in the form. Applications must be telegrammed to the Monarchy or a nation otherwise designated.
[*]A separate dispatch will include all registered citizens, type of citizenship, and date of registry. The list of registered citizens will be audited on the first of each month to ensure the list remains accurate. The audit shall be performed by the World Assembly Delegate or designated official.
[*]The date of citizenship will be the date that the applicant applied for citizenship, unless there are irregularities in the application that require correction at which point the date will be upon acceptance.
[*]All citizens who are registered to vote on the inception of the citizenship registry shall automatically become citizens and shall be exempted from citizenship requirements in the next election cycle.[/list]

[b][u]Article II: The Regional Government[/u][/b]

[u]Section 1: The Monarchy[/u][list]
[*]King Minos
[*]Appointed partner of King Minos (optional)
[i]Powers of the Monarchy[/i]
[list][*]The Monarchy exists as the source of power within the region and is the penultimate speaker for the people and instrument of their will.
[*]The Monarchy may, through virtue of its position, exercise executive authority in the Labyrinth, issue Royal Decrees with the force of law over the region, shall use the full extent of their power within reason to protect and provide for the security of the region, exercise powers of the regional Cabinet in the absence of action by the Cabinet, issue royal agendas to indicate the Monarchy’s desire for the progress of the region, shall appoint officers within the scope of the law, shall adjudicate matters of justice and of the legality of actions in regard to this Instrument, and exercise other powers that are ascribed to it by law and are necessary to protect the will and the people of the region.
[*]The Cabinet may issue an approval or rejection of Royal Decrees issued by the Monarchy. If they reject the Decree, the Monarchy must reconsider the Decree and either repeal it, or, if they find the Decree is sufficiently necessary and the region would be severely harmed without it, they may retain it after issuing a statement declaring their reasons to the entirety of the region. The Monarchy may amend Decrees at any time with proper notice given.
[*]Should the reigning Monarch refuse to sign or veto an action by the Cabinet, they shall provide a public justification explaining their refusal or veto.

[u]Section 2: The Cabinet[/u]
WA Delegate and Vice-Delegate Qualifications:[list]
[*]Type A citizen
[*]WA nation has resided in the Labyrinth for 2 consecutive months prior to taking office.
[*]The World Assembly Delegate and Vice Delegate’s WA Nations have been citizens of the Labyrinth for 30 days prior to the election in which they are running for the position.
Cabinet member Qualifications:[list]
[*]Primary (voting) nation has been a Citizen of the Labyrinth for 14 days prior to their election or appointment to office.
[i]Provisions for the security of the WA Delegacy[/i]
[list][*]The Monarchy may remove the Executive privileges of the WA Delegate at the discretion of the Monarchy. However, unless there is a crime or abuse of power that warrants the removal, the WA Delegate must consent to the removal of Executive power, and the WA Delegate may submit to the Monarchy a Request for Executive Reinstatement. If the Request is legitimate and merited, the Monarchy shall accept it and speedily reinstate the WA Delegate with Executive powers.
[*]The Monarchy may remove any of the other in-game powers of the WA Delegacy with the consent of the legitimately elected WA Delegate. If this is done, the Monarchy shall create an office containing all the powers removed from the Delegacy and the name of the office shall be chosen by the Delegate. The Monarchy shall speedily appoint any legitimately elected Delegate to this office. The Delegate may request any of the powers to be reinstated to the Delegacy by the same procedure as described above.
Removal of cabinet members:[list]
[*]The Monarchy may call for the resignation of the WA Delegate with 100% agreement of the cabinet if the WA Delegate is grossly inactive, has committed a criminal offense, has lost the public's trust, or abused their power as an official.
[*]The Monarchy and WA Delegate may, in conjunction with one another, call for the resignation of a cabinet member if the cabinet member is grossly inactive, has committed a criminal offense, or has abused their power as an official.
[i]Powers of the Cabinet[/i]
[list][*]The World Assembly Delegate of the Labyrinth shall act as the head of the Cabinet, in that it shall direct the operation of the Cabinet, may veto guidelines and administrative policies created by Cabinet members, and be charged along with the rest of the Regional Government with the security and safety of the Labyrinth. The World Assembly Delegate shall also have sole authority over the region’s votes and operations within the World Assembly within the rules ascribed by law and this Instrument. The World Assembly Delegate may issue executive orders and rulings regarding operations of the region, which shall have force of law. These orders may be overruled by the Monarchy.
[*]The Cabinet as a whole shall be entrusted with implementing and carrying out the rules and laws of the Labyrinth, managing the region’s foreign affairs, ensuring the security and safety of the region’s members, creating administrative rulings on rules and policies with the force of law regarding the respective department the Cabinet member is entrusted with, maintaining voter guidelines and security, maintaining the physical appearance of the region, moderating the regional roleplay, and other powers to ensure the fun and safety of the region’s members.
[*]Should a Cabinet member be imbued with a particular power by the nature of their office or by law, they are granted sole authority over that power, and execution of the power by another officer is considered null without the consent of the imbued officer. The WA Delegate and Vice-Delegates, as heads of the Cabinet, may exercise all powers of the Cabinet unless otherwise specified by law, but shall work in concert and consultation with the members of the Cabinet imbued with specific powers, and the rest of the Cabinet in general.
[*]Conflicts of authority between members of the Cabinet shall be adjudicated by the Monarchy or their designee.
[*]So long as a law is in effect, the Cabinet shall enforce it in its entirety and to the best of their ability.
[*]Regional laws may be proposed by any citizen. The Cabinet shall discuss and vote on such proposals. If a proposal is agreed to by a majority of Cabinet members, it shall become a law unless it is vetoed by the Monarchy. Laws shall not conflict with the Instrument.[/list]

[u]Section 4: New Government Positions:[/u]
[list][*]The Monarchy, the WA Delegate, or any current cabinet member may suggest the implementation of a new office. This new office will be created if it meets the following requirements:
-Has a clearly stated purpose and clearly defined powers that are under the authority of the Cabinet.
-Office is approved by the Monarchy and the WA Delegate.[/list]

[u]Section 5: Vacancies:[/u][list]
[*]If the WA Delegate nation ceases to exist or resigns, the Vice-Delegate will become WA Delegate and appoint a Vice-Delegate approved by the Monarchy.
-If no Vice-Delegate is available, WA citizens will be asked to endorse the WA nation of the current King Minos and a special election will be held for a new WA Delegate after 7 days of the position becoming vacant. If the position becomes vacant within 14 days of the next regularly scheduled election, the election will be held on that date instead.
[*]If the Vice-Delegate nation ceases to exist or resigns, the WA Delegate may appoint a new Vice-Delegate approved by the Monarchy.
[*]"If a Cabinet Member's nation ceases to exist, resigns, or is removed from office, the Monarchy and WA Delegate shall agree to appoint a new nation to fill the position temporarily, and a special election for the office shall be held in concurrence with the next regularly scheduled election."
[*]If no one runs for an established Cabinet position, the Monarchy, in concert with the WA Delegate, shall appoint a qualified candidate for the full term of the position.

[b][u]Article III: Elections[/u][/b]

[u]Section 1: Elections[/u]
[list][*]Elections for the World Assembly Delegate are held every six months during June and December, with the election taking place from 12:00 AM on the 13th day of that month to 12:00 AM on the 16th day of that month.
[*]Elections for cabinet members and the Vice-Delegate shall take place every three months, in December, March, June, and September with the election taking place from 12:00 AM on the 13th day of that month to 12:00 AM on the 16th day of that month.
[*]All elections are to take place with times relative to the current timezone of the King or whomever is operating the election.
[*]All elections will be administered and certified by the Monarchy, and results will be made available to the public after the election is concluded and all the votes are certified by the Monarchy.
[*]Elected officials will take office five days after the conclusion of the election.[/list]

[u]Section 2: Voter Guidelines:[/u][list]
[*]Any member suspected of registering to vote with more than one nation may be excluded from voting or banned from the region.
[*]Any member caught breaking NationStates rules by having multiple WA nations in order to vote is subject to immediate and permanent banjection of all their nations residing in the Labyrinth.
[*]A list of eligible voters will be posted the day before the election commences.

[u]Section 3: Special Elections[/u]
[list][*]The Monarchy of the Labyrinth may call for discretionary special elections of all cabinet members outside of the regularly scheduled election period. They may do this with the consent of the WA Delegate, whose position is not eligible to be called to a special election.
[*]Nations who take office in a special election, discretionary or mandatory, shall fill the seat occupied until the next regularly scheduled election, at which point they must run for a full term or retire from the office.
[*]Voters shall have to register at least two days prior to the beginning of a special election, or one day for Class A Citizens. 
[*]A list of eligible voters will be posted on the day of the special election.
[*]All other election rules outlined in this Instrument of Government apply.
[*]Officers elected via a special election shall take office immediately after certification, or after a period of no more than 5 days as decided by the Monarchy.[/list]

[b][u]Article IV: Operations of Law[/u][/b]

[u]Section 1: Foreign Affairs[/u][list]
[*]The WA Delegate or their designee shall not establish embassies with any region that has been condemned for raiding , has the "Invader" tag and lacks the "Defender" tag, or is a self-proclaimed raiding region.
[*]Any embassy region found to be participating in raiding is subject to immediate investigation to determine the purpose of the raid(s).
[*]Should an investigation uncover conduct that violates the aforementioned policy, or blatantly goes against the values of The Labyrinth, the embassy is subject to immediate closure.
[u]Section 2: The World Assembly[/u][list]
[*]Nations that are not a member of the regional government of The Labyrinth are limited to 33% (1/3rd), rounded up, of the WA Delegate’s current number of endorsements. Should a nation violate this, they are to be given a notice to reduce endorsements, and an allocated time of two days to do so. If they fail to comply, they are subject to be deported at the discretion of the WA Delegate.
[*]The WA Delegate shall vote on all WA affairs, and shall vote with the will of the region.

[b][u]Article V: Amendment and Enforcement[/u][/b]

[u]Section 1: Amendment and Enforcement[/u]
[list][*]This document will be enforced by the Monarchy.
[*]The Monarchy may amend this document after discussing the amendment with the Cabinet.
[*]The Cabinet of the Labyrinth may submit amendments to this Instrument of Government. Should the Cabinet unanimously vote in favor of the proposed amendment, it shall be added to the Instrument of Government with the consent of the Monarchy and the WA Delegate.[/list]


[nation]King Minos[/nation] III & Queen [nation]Ashtie[/nation]
Monarchy of the Labyrinth
January 17th, 2019

[b]Unamended Version:[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Amendment I: [/b][spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Amendment II:[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Amendment III:[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Amendment IV:[/b]

[b]Amendment V:[/b] 

[b]Amendment VI:[/b] 
