by Max Barry

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by Nevv vegas. . 65 reads.

Radio New Vegas 5

Welcome back to the Mr. New Vegas Show, the show with, in my opinion - which I respect - the best looking audience around. Somebody prove me wrong.

Second Battle Of Hoover Dam

Intense fighting erupted on Hoover Dam as tensions between NCR and Caesar's Legion boiled over. While it initially appeared to be an NCR victory, we're receiving word that our own Mr. House may have been the one to secure the Dam for himself. The following day, a parade was held on the dam, featuring members of all three families and Securitrons. The Courier who is said to have killed Legate Lanius himself, had this to say on the speech pad: "This is the first step towards America, towards rebuilding Humanity. Hail Victory!". On the no-man's land between Nelson and Camp Forlorn Hope, a mass grave was erected for both NCR and Legion soldiers.

Freeside Massacre

Despite a truce between The Kings and the NCR, a band of locals made up of radical Kings and Locals has been going around Freeside attacking NCR civilians. The Followers Of The Apocalypse and The King attempted to issue a public announcement condemning the massacre, it was ignored. The Old Mormon Fort served as refuge for NCR squatters and on its gates a battle between the mob and follower guards. The battle ended when Mr. House sent Securitrons to kill off the mob, but after a misunderstanding, most of the Kings were killed, with the King and some of his close friends escaped into Westside, specifically to the Monte Carlo Suites and took it over from the Scorpion Gang. The Kings and the Westside Militia have now joined forces.

Camp Golf Attacked

A Legion force has attacked Camp Golf, almost destroying it. An NCR company, the "Misfits" inflicted heavy casualties, but were forced to disperse or die. They later regrouped, but one of them called Razz, joined the Fiend Exodus after stealing lots of Legion equipment.

Destruction Of Long 15

Nuclear missiles, seemingly headed from the Divide, have targeted The Hub, the State Of Maxson, Junktown, Shady Sands and most of the Long 15, destroying them, the government of the NCR has evacuated to Redding and the capital of NCR has been named Redding. The Followers Of The Apocalypse are organizing refugee centers across the NCR. NCR casualties are said to be huge and in Baja, the Hispanic population has revolted, declaring the Second Republic Of Mexico.

Impeachment Of Aaron Kimball

Aaron Kimball has been impeached on basis of incompetence, His VP, Harry Carlson has replaced him, appointing Chief Hanlon, the fresh senator of Redding as his VP. Carlson says that he will accept the Second New Vegas Treaty and attempt to reach good relations with them. "Imperialism gave us this world, those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it, as an old world thinker said." -Harry Carlson

Fiends Charge Through Sloan, Seemingly Headed For The Divide

The Fiends leadership massacred, they have taken Sloan as a gathering point and reached the Divide, fighting the ghoulish residents there and have conquered the High Road, discovering the "Tunneler" a eusocial mammal threatening the Mojave. Mr. House has sent Securitrons as fire support to the Fiends in an effort to exterminate the Tunneler. While the Fiends seemed to be leaderless until the Divide, they have gained two leaders, Razz and Ulysses, who have set up the Commonwealth Of Nevada, using the old world flag of the USA as their symbol. They have named Ulysses as their president.

Great Khans Evacuate Mojave

The Great Khans, during the Second Battle Of Hoover Dam, have went north, through the Pine Creek Tunnel In Zion, to Montana and the Dakotas, setting up a "New Mongol Empire", they have decimated nearby tribes, assimilating the tribes. They have linked up with some Followers Of The Apocalypse and with some promises of humanitarianism, have seized some technology. The Brotherhood Of Steel has seen New Mongolia and their plans are unknown, given the Brotherhood is secretive about this.

Today's headlines were brought to you by Primm. Primm. The other New Vegas.

Hey New Vegas, have you ever said you loved someone when it wasn't quite true? Sure you have. But you shouldn't. Because It's a Sin to Tell a Lie. Heh, up next.

Nevv vegas
