by Max Barry

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by Deumontiverland. . 14 reads.

Roswaesia pulling from The International Trade Corridor Program, and receiving it's final report from The International Financing Hub? | Roswaesian News Broadcast


The Roswaesian Government has just threatened to pull out of The International Trade Corridor Program if Midand does not begin straightening out its cabinet members and parliamentarians, Michael Rossborough, Roswaesia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs stated this evening that the slightest mess up that Midand can commit could result in their economy ending up in a sludge, Roswaesia is also already beginning to have thoughts on placing tariffs on any Midandian good that enters The Financial and Trading City of Vrillaßsungburgen, saying that, Midand committing these crimes will only continue to worsen their economy and the global economy due to their presence consisting as negative across the international board now, The International Financing Hub released a statement Monday Morning that if Roswaesia pulls from The International Trade Corridor Program it could affect nations across the world, and the blame would be placed on Midand, Roswaesia is one of the world’s top trading partners and more than 75 nations rely on supplies imported and exported from Roswaesia’s ports daily, The Roswaesian Government stated that ‘This growing economy will not stop growing because of a consistent negative presence.” Midand has not yet released a statement to address the current matter of rapid straining of relations with Roswaesia, however, The Hanguk-Nipponese Government has began releasing statements stating that “Trading and current relations with Midand are decreasing rapidly, the recent Midand attacks has currently resulted in us cutting off all current relations.” Roswaesia is not afraid to step up for its own citizens goods. - This is Barock Catemspangen reporting LIVE in Vrillaßsungburgen, Vrillaßsungburgen Financial District, Roswaesia.

