by Max Barry

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by The Democratic Republic of Soudar. . 132 reads.

News on the T.V

We have CNN Soudar, Or CNNS. 
People in other countries call CNN fake news but here it is one of the best news programs. We have one of the best journalist Martian Cuomo. There are also the first news story to find out that the last president was smuggling creepers across the border.

We also Have OX news

The second biggest news program during the early 2000's but now because of ili12 winning the election became less popular    

Last and least we have MSMBS: this is a communist program that became really popular with the 2004 election. Where Joseph Stalen won about 20 million votes cause of their propaganda. 

Because freedom of the press and freedom of ones personal life is very important we can't shut these down, But we can see that our population can see the difference between fake news and real news.
