by Max Barry

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by Becsii. . 10 reads.

Strong, and on we march

At the turn of the century the patriarchal republic of House Becsii broke away from its Avexian overlords in a brutal civil war which cost the former nation dearly. Not wanting to be seen as the oppressor, Avexus signed a deal with the small republic which granted them sovereignty and allowed them to conduct their own affairs. Since then, the military spending of House Becsii has increased by a factor of 10 and several technological and organization innovations have been implemented. Among these, an new kind of roving artificially intelligent tank patrol squadron, capable of reacting quickly and creating information links with other tanks. All citizens are inducted into the military at the age of 10 and raised in an organized military camp with 100 of their peers which is designated as their unit for life. Here they will be educated to prepare them for their professional military and occupational careers.

