by Max Barry

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by Legal system. . 7 reads.

Protect the tree is protect our life

My nation is legal system imports large quantities of hardwoods from Brancaland, including the world-famous Brancalandian ebony. However, environmentalists are coming out of the woodwork with evidence that Brancalandian logging operations are non-sustainable, leading to large-scale deforestation. Then I accepted an opinion as "It's clear-cut that Brancaland hasn't been taking good care of the environment," lectures activist Harmes Le Carre, picking up an ebony toothpick from your wastebasket and glaring at you accusingly. "We need to stop being bumps on a log, and take action! Lower demand and limit supply by placing high tariffs on the entry of foreign timber unless it comes from sustainable tree farms!". So it works as increase eco-friendliness, tourism, income equality, taxation, safety, environmental beauty, authoritarianism, pacifism, and government size.

After I changed the rule to protect Brancalandian, was has many different opinions of people felt about it. "Economics Not Everything, Government Says", "Jobless Numbers Grow", "LIfe More Exciting, Shorter, Survey Says", and How MUch MOney Do you Need to LIve? It's Less Than You Think" are some of them look on negative and some on positive sides. But with me, the trees are our life and we cannot live without them. We can get the money, but we can't get the green forest back. We can conserve the Brancalandian ebony to attract more tourists. Economics will increase by tourist, income, taxation, and so more. Maybe this cannot work to increase economic that we want, but people will be safe and live healthy in clean air.

Legal system
