by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 4,056 reads.

Why and how to vote on resolutions

WA Development Program

TL;DR: Vote and have your voice heard by the world!
~ Cast a vote on all resolutions appearing before the WA's Security Council and General Assembly.
~ Help determine the Delegate's vote by participating in our WA Ministry's Linkvoting threads.
~ Consult the WA Ministry's Information for WA Voters to decide how to vote.

The World Assembly (WA) is, among other things, NationStates' international legislative body. WA nations can submit resolutions to the WA's two chambers, the General Assembly (GA) and the Security Council (SC, not to be confused with TNP's own Security Council). Some of these resolutions make it to the floor, where they are voted upon by all of NationStates' WA nations. If successful, they immediately take effect in all WA nations.

By being a WA nation in The North Pacific (TNP), you have the opportunity to shape the WA's legislative agenda. This is because TNP has by far the greatest voting power in the world. Our regular WA voters collectively decide how this power is used, so you should make sure to be one of them!

Of course, this can only happen if you have a WA nation in TNP. If you do not, then you can read here about why and how to fix that.

What do I gain by voting on resolutions?

Below are some of the ways in which voting on resolutions benefits your nation.

~ Decide the laws of NationStates!
Successful resolutions become international law and affect all WA nations in NationStates - including yours. By regularly voting on resolutions, you make sure your voice is heard in the WA. What's more, by additionally voting on the regional forum, you also determine how Delegate Gorundu uses their more than 1000 votes. This is by far the largest delegate vote in the world, and one of the main factors deciding the success or failure of resolutions. By voting on both the WA page and the forum, you directly influence the outcome of WA votes, and decide which resolutions become NationStates law.
~ Win awards and top rankings for your nation!
By regularly voting on resolutions, you also help increase our region's power in the WA. To show our appreciation, and to further encourage you to vote, we reward regular voters in each volume of the WADP Awards. Additionally, voting regularly will land your nation a top spot in our voting census, increasing your name recognition in TNP.
~ You can learn from the WA best - and become one yourself!
By getting involved in WA legislation, you can also benefit from our state-of-the-art WA Ministry. Using the Ministry's resources can help you become a WA expert with numerous authored resolutions under your belt. You can read more about the WA Ministry and the perks it provides below.

How do I know it is time to vote?

Resolutions reach the WA floor at irregular times, so the best way to know when there is something to vote on is by frequently checking the GA and SC pages. Note that there may be a resolution at vote in both chambers at the same time, so you should make sure to check both of them. You can also watch out for red notifications on the "World Assembly" link at the left of your nation's page - these appear when there is a resolution that you have yet to vote on. Finally, the WA Ministry will send you a telegram every time a new resolution goes to vote.

Why should I vote on both the World Assembly page and The North Pacific's forum?

While voting on the WA page is necessary to have your nation's personal vote counted, in TNP this is far from the full extent of your voting power. You can additionally vote to determine how Delegate Gorundu uses the regional vote. The way this works is that the WA Ministry sets up a thread in the LinkMinistry's subforum for every resolution. All WA nations in TNP can vote in the thread. Delegate Gorundu will then cast the regional vote for the majority side. You can read more about the Delegate's voting policy here.

Delegate Gorundu has as many votes as they have endorsements, which typically is more than 1000. By voting on the forum, you directly help determine how all these votes are used - it is like having an extra 1000+ votes for yourself! And of course, you can increase the number of votes even further by making sure to endorse Delegate Gorundu, if you have not already done so.

What if I cannot decide how to vote on a resolution?

If you are unsure about how to vote, you can read the discussions in the LinkWA Ministry, GA, and SC forums for more information. You should also check out the WA Ministry's Information for WA Voters program. Through this program, the Ministry publishes analysis and voting recommendations for all resolutions that go to vote. It is, of course, entirely up to you to decide whether to follow the recommendation, but we hope that this information will help you make an informed decision.

Can I submit my own resolutions to the World Assembly?

Yes you can! In fact, TNP is one of the best regions for both aspiring and established WA legislators. Our WA Ministry staffers can draw from years of experience to help you maximize your success as a WA legislator - from teaching you the game rules and very basics, to giving you the expert tips for passing WA resolutions. Our staffers will provide detailed feedback on your drafts, they will help you campaign for your proposal, and they will even give you resources to easily lobby all delegates in the world for their approvals and votes. If you want evidence, just look at the more than 60 WA resolutions that current and former TNP nations have authored.

What is the WA Ministry, and can I join it?

The WA Ministry, or more formally the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs, is a department within TNP's Executive Government. The WA Ministry is in charge of all government efforts relating to WA legislation and, together with TNP's Security Council, promotion of the WA in the region. If you have any questions about the WA Ministry or WA in general, feel free to contact Delegate Gorundu or Minister of World Assembly Affairs Chipoli. They will be glad to help!

If you want to become part of the action, you should join the WA Ministry! As a member, you can help run the Information for WA Voters program, through which you help thousands of WA nations in TNP and elsewhere decide how to vote on resolutions. You can also become a WA expert by working with experienced WA staffers from TNP and, through the LinkWorld Assembly Legislative League, some of the world's most influential regions.

This dispatch is updated automatically on a daily basis. Please do not edit manually.

Jointly sponsored by the Delegate and Security Council of The North Pacific.
