by Max Barry

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by The Government Program of Southern World Assembly Initiative. . 1,500 reads.

SWAN Dispatch Index




This is an index where you can find all the dispatches relating to the Southern World Assembly Initiative.

  1. Homepage
    The homepage of the initiative, where you can find introductory information about this initative.

  2. Benefits
    The benefits your nation and the region will get if you participate in this initiative.

  3. How-to guide
    A guide that shows you how to do everything this initiative asks of you.

  4. SWAN Knights
    What SWAN Knight is and how you become one.

  5. Awards
    Monthly awards and how to get them.

  6. Endo Cap
    About the endorsement cap and how to comply with it.

  7. CRS
    Introduction to the Council on Regional Security, their duties, powers, requirements, and how they work.

  8. SPCG
    Introduction to the South Pacific Coral Guard, their duties, powers, requirements, and how they work.

  9. Portrait
    The Portrait of the South Pacific.

  10. Censuses
    A few censuses that rank nations based on statistics such as number of nations endorsing and number of endorsements given since the beginning of the month.

  11. Regional Statistics
    Statistics such as number of World Assembly nations, percentage of World Assembly nations endorsing the delegate along with some nice charts.

  12. News
    Updates about our initiative.

  13. FAQ
    Frequently and infrequently asked questions.

  14. Contact us
    How to contact and send feedback and ideas to us.

  15. PSA #1
    To encourage nations to endorse the Delegate and the SPCG.

  16. PSA #2
    To welcome new nations and persuade them to join the World Assembly.

A few notes:

  • Everything is updated every 24 hours so you need to wait for any change in the data to happen.

  • If you see any inaccuracies, errors, or have ideas for improvements, please contact us.

  • There are some minor inaccuracies in the data, read this for more information.


