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Royal Ass Côte 2018 Goodie Bags
Electronic goodie bags have been sent back with the dignitaries of the following nations to be given to their respective ruling or unruly bodies as a thank you from the Crown and House Nivali of the Principality of Glacikaldr on behalf of their show of support for the Glacikaldrian Donkey Ruthien in the donkey racing of Royal Ass Côte 2018:The Goodie Bag (not to scale)
1. 10x Chromium Statuette of the Glacikaldrian Donkey Ruthien (to legitimise this great victory of ours forever!)
2. 5,000x Donkey Fursuit (suitable for bodyguards or an extended NS family of your choice)
3. 1,000,000x Rare Donkey Artefact Donkey's Christmas Shrektacular (2010) (DVD) (remade from recovered film reels)
4. 10,000,000x DIY Donkey Mask (great for the kiddies)
5. 50,000,000x Re-usable Donkey Shopping Bag (perfect for refitting your plastic bag industry)
We hope you enjoy!
~Signed Crown Prince Remus Raewyn of Glacikaldr, Lord of Dal'Kaldera AND High Speaker Dame Sylair Nivali of Glacikaldr, Lady of House Nivali and the Ascendant