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by The Second Celestial Republic of Solariia. . 99 reads.

Encyclopædia Solariia [Updated Mar. 21st, 2022]



National Seal

"Per Aspera Ad Astra"
Through Hardship to the Stars




Aurion Minor 4-arm spiral galaxy


2016 from the Solariian Stellar Ascendancy



Largest planet



Aurion Datari (Đ)

National language

Solarii Basic



Internet TLD


Solariia, officially the Stellar Remnant of Solariia, colloquially the Solariian Stellar Remnant, and formerly the Stellar Ascendancy of Solariia, is an interstellar polity in the Aurion Minor 4-arm spiral galaxy in the mid-rim of Autropolis. It consists of five major administrative sectors comprising forty-three systems incorporating one hundred and thirty six planets under de jure sovereignty. Solariia has one wholly-owned subsidiary megacorporation, Astraeus laboratories. The nation's homeworld, capital and most populous planet is the ecumenopolis world Aureus. Mercurus is the nation's financial capital and homeworld for the Astraeus megacorporation.

Historically, the Stellar Ascendancy of Solariia was a military commissariat in the ancient Panthac galaxy. In its waning years, the nation suffered from poor leadership accountability and high levels of corruption. Many factors, such as embezzlement, deteriorated the combat effectiveness of its military during an historical war known in Solariian history as the Great Celestial Calamity. Following a string of costly defeats in the war's closing years, Solariia's corrupt leadership ordered for mutually assured destruction and fired its Quasaric energy hyperweapon. The hyperweapon was capable of manipulating an active galactic nucleus, destroying it and therefore destabilizing the galaxy. Only a few million Solariians escaped the devastation by entering an artificial slip-space rupture. They emerged sometime later safely in Autropolis. The ancient Autropolan civilizations granted Solariia the galaxy it inhabits to this day. The survivors established the Stellar Remnant of Solariia and were introduced to new technologies and social developments in the Age of Rebirth. Near the end of that epoch, Solariia ratified the Galactic Charter, which it maintains today under a Unitary Parliamentary Republic and a unicameral legislature, the Aureus Assembly.

Solariia is a Great Power and a Unitary Parliamentary Republic, and has three separate branches of government and a unicameral legislature. It is a permanent member of the Autropolan Interstellar Council (ISC) and a former State Executive and Secretary Chancellor of Autropolis. Solariia twice served as the Joint Forces Operations Commander during the N-Day³ and N-Day⁴ crises for participants in Autropolis and Yggdrasil in the Forest-created superfaction, Canopy. During the N-Day⁵ crisis, Solariia served as a General for An Alliance of Potatoes, Canopy's successor superfaction. The nation avoided entering the N-Day⁶ crisis amid a scale-back in its international military presence and does not intend to participate in any future crisis events. Solariia ranks highly in international measures of wealth and income equality, scientific advancement, comprehensive healthcare coverage, human development, environmental regulations, public education, patriotism, and civil liberties for Artificial Intelligence. However, the country ranks poorly in international measures of welfare and foreign aid, overall health and safety, and weather, and social compassion. Criticisms against Solariia include its reliance on capital punishment, enforcement of ID chip implants at bith, rampant corporate plagiarism, strict regulation of the wealthy and businesses, and infamous sell-swords. Solariian authorities are often censured for paltry anti-slavery legislation, limited containment of black market activity, which includes the trafficking of sentient beings, and perceived corruption.

Solariia is a highly developed nation whose economic output and average income (disposable and not) rank in the top 5% and 1% respectively. Its space-based, digital economy is ranked in the top 5% of all World Census nations. The Solariian medium of exchange is the Aurion Datari, a digital currency. The diverse Solariian economy is driven by many powerful industries, including Cheese Exports and Information Technology that rank in the top 1% of all nations. Followed closely thereafter by the Retail, Agriculture, Timber Woodchipping, Mining, Book Publishing, and Beverage industries that rank in the top 5%. Much of the nations economic activities derive from space, including asteroid mining, space trade, space manufacturing and others. Meanwhile, fabrication and smaller manufacturies remain planetary, especially on systems outside of the nation's core sectors. The nation's economic system is based around autarky, the characteristic of self-sufficiency. It maintains unofficial trade relations with other nations of Autropolis through a heavily scrutinized black market. Chattel slavery is the common form of slavery in the agricultural and retail sectors that dominate the core and near-core worlds while forced labor is especially prevalent in the mining and manufacturing industries of the exta-core territories. Solariian semiconductors, consumer goods and industrial agriculture are considered hallmarks of its exports.



The politics of Solariia are conducted in a framework of a multi-party Linkunicameral Linkunitary Linkparliamentary republic in which the Viscount is the LinkHead of State and the Supreme Chancellor is the LinkHead of Government and the Head of the Cabinet, which directs the executive branch.

Legislative power is vested in the Aureus Assembly, a unicameral legislature that consists of 408 Councillors. The number of Councillors is determined as the number of Solariian-controlled planets multiplied by three (currently 136).

Judicial power is vested in the Judicature and the lower courts. Sovereignty is vested in the Solariian people by the Galactic Charter. Solariia has a system of civil law.

Solariia is considered a Link"flawed democracy".

Galactic Charter

The Galactic Charter of Solariia is regarded as the nation's founding document and as the Consitution of Solariia. It is an uncodified constitution wherein the fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of Solariia are written in numerous fundamental Acts of the legislature, court cases or treaties. The original document was formally approved on the 14th of June of 2016 and came into effect on the 23rd of Novmeber 2016 at 12:00 AM. The Galactic Charter has been amended several times, most recently it changed the system of governance by emphasizing central leadership but introduced the parliamentary system and abolished the upper house, creating a unicameral legislature controlled by the former lower house.


The Government of Solariia is headed by the Supreme Chancellor and the Viscount. The Supreme Chancellor is regarded as the foremost authority of the executive branch of Solariia. Their agenda is supported by their Cabinet and the Viscount. The Supreme Chancellor confers primarily with their Cabinet and the Viscount while the Viscount confers primarily with the legislature, the Supreme Chancellor and the Cabinet. The Supreme Chancellor has authority to deal with external matters such as executing foreign relations and commanding the military while the Viscount maintains the agenda internally with keeping the legislature in-line with the Supreme Chancellor's agenda.

Government of Solariia

Seal of the Government

Polity type

Unitary Parliamentary Republic


November 22nd, 2016



Aureus Assembly


Galactic Concordium


Head of State

Kip Kolt

Head of Government

Supreme Chancellor
Keiran Valorone


Cabinet of Solariia


Keiran Valorone


Supreme Chancellor's Official Residence

The Supreme Chancellor is selected based on the results of a national referendum to elect party seats. The Viscount and the Cabinet are then selected by the Supreme Chancellor and approved by the legislature. In contemporary Solariian politics, the legislature can motion for a vote of no confidence in the Cabinet and or the Viscount depending on the circumstances and the state of the nation. A successful vote against either of the two requires a ⅔ (67%) majority. In historical Solariian politics, the Supreme Chancellor could dismiss the Viscount freely and individual members of the Council once per 3 months.

Several laws state that candidates for the legislature must be at least 18 years old. All candidates must be Solariian nationals. Councillors are to be paid a flat monthly income totaling to 120,000 Galactic Dataries per annum. Each Councilor is also entitled to employ three secretaries with taxpayer funds with free public transportation.


The Aureus Assembly is the unicameral legislature of Solariia. It is located in the Galactic Concordium, the grand legislative hall on Aureus. The legislature is considered the highest organ of state power and is the sole law-making organ of the state. The legislature consists of Councilors elected by the people of their respective planet. Each planet is allowed a delegation of three Councilors in the Aureus Assembly. Most legislation that is considered is proposed by the Cabinet. The Cabinet then relies on the expertise of the bureaucracy to draft actual bills. A delegation's vote is considered valid if it reaches a ⅔ majority agreement, in situations where the members of a delegation fail to reach a ⅔ agreement, they may abstain from a vote. In rare situations where at least ⅓ of all delegations are deadlocked a recess may be decreed by these delegations. These are regarded as deferrals; deferred votes may be so for a maximum length of 30 days.

Political Parties and Elections

Several political parties exist in Solariia. Competition in Solariian politics have primarily been between the Cross-Polity Revanchists (XPR) and the Alliance for the Emergence of Federalism (AEF). Supreme Chancellor's are always elected from inner factions of the XPR. The AEF does not have inner factions and therefore collectively decides who will represent the party prior to the election.

Policy Making

Foreign Relations

Solariia maintains an embassy with twelve regional superpowers in Autropolis: Anon Zytose, Endolantron, Futurus, Shugeria, Dakrov, Kazete, Navigator, Goazedth, Zenar, Speen, Parco, and Xalon.

Security and Defense

The Solariian National Police are responsible for maintaining the order in the nation. The police force consists of several offices throughout the held planets of Solariia as well as additional space-based offices and prisons. Most notably, a planet is dedicated as a penal colony in which the most dangerous criminals are held. Solariia recently abolished its military, citing corruption among the leadership, misuse of funds, a bloated budget, and a lack of danger posed against the nation.


The economy of Solariia is a highly developed mixed-digital-autarkic economy. The Solariian economy is in the 97th percentile for largest economy and highest economic output in global rankings and is the 10th and 14th highest in regional rankings respectively. The Solariian economy is measured against other nations in Autropolis by the LinkNSDossier Economic Report in USD ($). On March 22nd, 2022, one Aurion Datari (Đ) was equal to $2.0206. Solariia was Linktied for first place with Bordoria for highest per capita GDP (PPP) at $47,129. The nation's GDP was calculated at $545,371,351,907,142.00. The unemployment rate was 2.71%. The nation exported $64,529,187,062,100.00 of goods, imported $62,937,456,131,550.00 of goods meaning a trade surplus of $1,591,730,930,550.02 was observed. Despite publicly recognizing autarky, the Solariian government has allowed the grey and black markets to work with private enterprises in facilitating trade with other nations in Autropolis. In Q1 2022, Solariia was one of Autropolis' largest exporters of raw materials, consumer goods, foodstuffs, and cheese.

Until Q4 2021, Solariia was a major exporter of military and heavy industrial equipment in Autropolis. Following vast economic reform policies, Solariia is focusing on information technology, luxury cheese exports, agriculture, and raw materials. Information technology-based manufacturing focuses primarily on high-tech integrated circuits, robotics, and precision goods. Solariia generally runs a trade surplus and has a considerable net international investment surplus.

The 2021 economic crisis in Solariia caused a slump in the nation's economic output. As of Q1 2022, the economies output has stagnated as a result of changes in the economic policy, both the government and the Bank of Solariia are investigating measures to encourage growth.

Solariia maintains a generally fluid tax-rate to prevent individuals from becoming excessively wealthy and maintains modest income equality. It also has laws in place to prevent private enterprises from hoarding too much wealth such as by limiting cash reserves.


