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The Matrix and APC net
The Matrix is a Hyper-computer, a micro-universe or Artificial reality simulation used by the High Council of Lords as a storehouse of knowledge to predict future events, maintained by the Keeper of the Matrix.The Amplified Panatropic Computer Net (or Amplified Panatropic Computations) is a section within the domain of the Matrix on Goo,
The APC, like the rest of the Matrix, is composed of trillions of electrochemical cells in a continuous matrix. When a Lord dies, a brain scan is made at the moment of death and the impulses were transferred to the Matrix. The Net's function was to monitor life in the Capitol and use the combined knowledge and experiences to predict future developments. Every Lord, living and dead, from The Emperor to the lowest has their brain scan entered into the Net, and it is illegal to remove their scan from it.
Lords are connected to the Matrix on a basic level, and the Matrix stored the memories of dead Lords in a framework of electrochemical cells.
It is not only a record of the past, but can predict a possible future as well by generating probabilities out comes out of algorithms.
The amount of knowledge in the Matrix, though vast, is not complete, and can be tampered with, given access. The unauthorised extraction of a Lord's bio-data from the Matrix is an offence tantamount to treason.Many facts, figures, and formulas are contained within the Matrix, including faster-than-light travel.