by Max Barry

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by The Dieresis-Holy Empire of Wochaystein. . 1,104 reads.


Full Names:
English: The Holy Empire of Wochaystein
German: Heiliges Reich von Wochegenstein
Diarcesian Latin: Hagiautocratoria tes Vochegenstain

Motto: Lead by Our History, Leading Our Future
Anthem: The Full Hymn
Capital City: Zuidren
Official Languages: German, Diarcesian Latin, and Diarcesian English
Demonym: Wochaysteiner
Government: Diarcesian dieresis: theocratic empire
Legislature: Weisemännerhof (Lead by a chancellor and assisted by a vice-chancellor)
Population: 3.96 million (2023)
Currency: Gold
Driving Side: Right

Once a great empire, now a small part of a much larger empire.
- The Cosmic Mainframe

Musical Style: LinkThis

Ideology: Focus on Olympic gold medals

The Major Cities (Stande):
- Zuidren (capital)
- Krofen
- Fischen
- Tien
- Tendorf

Conservative people with a fearful respect of the law.

Main exports: Weird-sounding pianos, wheat, and high-quality masonry stone.
" is a consequence of a cultured nobility with in the nation, as (especially grand) pianos are often associated with a highly cultured form of the upper class not found in today's society."
- Researcher from Wexas

Statuses relative to other Diarcesian diereses
Corruption: Low
Safety: High

National Food: Wochaysteiner Gyros with Sauerbraten Meat

Spirit animal: Peregrine falcon
