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The Rejected Times: Special Release - "Undead Have Flatlined"
"Lazarus Reborn: Undead Have Flatlined" | NEWS | WRITTEN BY Senior Journalist Marilyn manson freaks | EDITED BY Senior Reporter Glacikaldr
"Remembering the Dead Mongrels" | CREATIVE | MADE BY Senior Journalist Marilyn manson freaks
Lazarus Reborn: Undead Have Flatlined
NEWS | WRITTEN BY Senior Journalist Marilyn manson freaks | EDITED BY Senior Reporter Glacikaldr
Imki's overthrowing of the Undead mutt, Evil Wolf, as visualised by Intern Snow tromia.
Recent events in Lazarus have sent the gameplay community into a odd mix of shock, intrigue, and joy. On April 22nd, during minor update, Imki (Imkiville) banjected Killer Kitty, also known as Evil Wolf, from the region and unappointed all of regional officers from the mutt raider organisation, LWU.
See, Imki had more endorsements so she became the Delegate of Lazarus during the update. Imki later changed the flag to a bold symbol of chaos. The flag chosen was simple; it is the word Lazarus with an anarchist "A" in the middle. The WFE now mentions how Lazarus was called a Warzone, which we attribute to the NPO senator, Pergamon: Imki planned to recognise that. She now sits as "Anarqueen" of "Warzone Lazarus", with a rapidly growing endorsement count of around 240, but the ban list has been cleared to ensure there will be anarchy beneath her.
With this promise of chaos, there are those among us that believe she's not going to stay as Delegate nor that she ever intended to. Instead, those in question believe she's set this up as a race for the delegacy, which many are participating in. Adytus and Minineenee are two nations of note that are currently fighting for the delegacy, with 135 and 147 endorsements respectively.
The Rejected Realms (TRR), upon enquiring its allies in the Celestial Union of Lazarus for comment, gave the following after internal consultation: "We're glad to see Lazarene natives unbanned and many of us are relieved to be coming home. Our aspirations are for a free and independent Lazarus in line with the wishes of natives, not foreign regions. For now, we are supporting Imki to ensure the region does not fall back to the foreign groups that caused this in the first place. However, we are eagerly anticipating a transition to native governance."
Nevertheless, this marks the day when the tyrannical regulations on the Celestial Union's space port are no more. Whatever happens, we hope TRR can have its sister sinker back!
Furthermore, TRR's Delegate, Catalyse, released a statement in favour of Imki's action in Lazarus, which can be found here.
Remembering the Dead Mongrels
CREATIVE | MADE BY Senior Journalist Marilyn manson freaks
In memory of the Undead Dominion of Wolfists or whatever amalgamation of names you wish to give the temporary raider occupation of Lazarus, we will now celebrate the end of the mutt-rule in Lazarus through recognising our two favourite memes that birthed from the ordeal!
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