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by The Republic of Vurk. . 112 reads.

Decision Tree

The Republic of Vurk

- Decision Tree -

Welcome to the decision tree of Vurk. In here, I will let people know what are waiting for they to choose and let them prioritise according to their RP beliefs and RP interests. If you are player who would like to calculate and simulate politics, this tree will let you calculate few things. Timing and decisions are important. Many more obvious choices and little nuances exist if you becareful. And if you think I am missing a point, you can let me know by sending me a telegram, I am always open to discuss about it.

Obvious Examples:

  • Trying to restack officer corps without empowering VAF or/and making sure VAF is loyal might ended up with coup attempt.

  • On economical matters; going with "Reorganized Economy" will result with mixed economy, "Laissez-faire" will result with market economy, "Seize Means of Production" will result with command economy in the long term.

  • While organizing ranks of government; going with "Neons of Directorate" will result with more technocrate, "Talks with VMP" will result with more politicised, "Talks with VAF" will result more militaristic governance culture in the long term.

  • About the "3rd Congress of the VMP" going with "The Spider Knows Her Craft" will result with slightly better organized VMP, going with "Deadly Silence" will result with way better organized VMP (although with little use of fear), going with "Rotten Cog Wheel" will result with somewhat organized VMP but with slighlty polarised voting base.

By Tutku15 Tutku15-

The Republic of Vurk

