General Assembly Resolution # 543
Protecting the Rights of Labour Unions
A resolution to enact uniform standards that protect workers, consumers, and the general public.
The World Assembly,
Believing that the ability for workers to advocate for fair and equitable treatment is of vital importance,
Acknowledging the imbalance of power between workers and employers,
Avowing that detailed mandates are necessary to protect workers' rights,
Defines a "labour union" as an entity formed by employees for the purpose of improving pay, benefits, and working conditions;
Requires that labour unions operate autonomously from the employers to which they advocate;
Prohibits employers from:
preventing the formation or independent operation of labour unions,
attempting to control the decisions or operation of labour unions,
barring employees from operating or enrolling in labour unions,
discriminating or retaliating against employees for creating, operating, or enrolling in labour unions,
impeding the ability of labour unions to negotiate over the rights and interests of their enrolled employees, and
refusing to negotiate in good faith with labour unions regarding the interests of their enrolled employees;
Disallows labour unions from:
employing staff who hold conflicts of interest which would compromise negotiations between employers and employees,
acting in the interests of an employer at the expense of the interests or well-being of its enrolled employees,
discouraging or coercing employees from exercising their workers' rights, and
requiring enrolled employees to participate in demonstrations or retaliating against enrolled employees who choose not to; and
Grants exceptions to the above provisions for compliance with prior WA legislation.
Co-authored by Sylh Alanor.
Passed: |
For: | 11,396 | 74.4% |
Against: | 3,913 | 25.6% |