by Max Barry

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Largest Populations: 1,525thLargest Soda Pop Sector: 2,319thLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 2,323rd
The Duff Drinkers of
Civil Rights Lovefest
Diplomacy Officer
Civil Rights
Political Freedom

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population41.07 billion

LeaderPresident Lionel Hutz
FaithCult of Jebus


The Duff Drinkers of Woohooland is a gargantuan, cultured nation, ruled by President Lionel Hutz with a fair hand, and remarkable for its museums and concert halls, keen interest in outer space, and zero percent divorce rate. The hard-nosed, democratic population of 41.07 billion Woohoolanders hold their civil and political rights very dear, although the wealthy and those in business tend to be viewed with suspicion.

The tiny, liberal government prioritizes Industry, with Healthcare, Public Transport, and Law & Order also on the agenda, while Welfare and Environment are ignored. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Springfield. The average income tax rate is 4.5%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The frighteningly efficient Woohoolandian economy, worth a remarkable 4,004 trillion duffs a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Soda Sales industry, with major contributions from Automobile Manufacturing, Gambling, and Book Publishing. Black market activity is notable. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 97,508 duffs, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.2 times as much as the poorest.

The nightly news reports prosaically on the government blindly throwing money at despotic kidnappers, toilet paper is considered a non-essential item in the embargo against Brasilistan, the government is spending more on exports to Brasilistan than it's receiving from tariffs on the imports, and soldiers are now trained how to make sandwiches properly. Crime, especially youth-related, is pervasive, with the police force struggling against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Woohooland's national animal is the donut, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its national religion is Cult of Jebus.

Woohooland is ranked 342,622nd in the world and 25th in The Scandalian Alliance for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 4.55 Effective Tax Rate.

Largest Populations: 1,525thLargest Soda Pop Sector: 2,319thLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 2,323rdLowest Overall Tax Burden: 2,646thTop
Highest Crime Rates: 3,519thMost Stationary: 3,981stLargest Gambling Industry: 4,549thHighest Economic Output: 5,244thMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 6,198thMost Avoided: 6,531stHighest Disposable Incomes: 8,494thMost Rebellious Youth: 9,729thFattest Citizens: 13,466thMost Influential: 14,964thTop
Most World Assembly Endorsements: 18,582ndLargest Publishing Industry: 19,724thLeast Corrupt Governments: 23,350thMost Valuable International Artwork: 25,186thLargest Black Market: 26,039thMost Inclusive: 28,106thHighest Drug Use: 31,236th
Highest Drug Use: 1st in the regionHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 1st in the regionLowest Overall Tax Burden: 1st in the regionLargest Soda Pop Sector: 1st in the regionMost Extensive Civil Rights: 1st in the regionHighest Crime Rates: 1st in the regionMost World Assembly Endorsements: 1st in the regionLargest Black Market: 1st in the regionTop
Most Armed: 2nd in the regionMost Stationary: 2nd in the regionHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 2nd in the regionLargest Gambling Industry: 2nd in the regionLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 2nd in the regionMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 2nd in the regionHighest Disposable Incomes: 2nd in the regionFattest Citizens: 2nd in the regionMost Avoided: 2nd in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Woohooland, soldiers are now trained how to make sandwiches properly.
  • : Following new legislation in Woohooland, the government is spending more on exports to Brasilistan than it's receiving from tariffs on the imports.
  • : Following new legislation in Woohooland, toilet paper is considered a non-essential item in the embargo against Brasilistan.
  • : Following new legislation in Woohooland, the nightly news reports prosaically on the government blindly throwing money at despotic kidnappers.
  • : Following new legislation in Woohooland, online weather reports are predicting five years of glorious sunshine for Woohooland.
  • : Following new legislation in Woohooland, savvy students quote paywalled research knowing that university lecturers can't afford to check the citations.
  • : Woohooland lodged a message on the The Scandalian Alliance Regional Message Board.
  • : Following new legislation in Woohooland, losing your sock key may require surgical intervention.
  • : Woohooland was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Highest Drug Use.
  • : Woohooland was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Highest Drug Use.

