(Out of Date) Authorship
I guess it's finally time to catalogue my numerous achievements (of which there are not many) and failures!This'll just be a list of all my work: drafts, failures, and successes.
Published Issues
Negotiation Complication
My second contest submission. Was a rewrite of my Painter From Blackacre draft.
The Melting Point
My first contest submission to the fifth issues contest. Made the top ten!
The Wind Become Death
Was actually inspired by research I did while giving suggestions on Honeydewistania's "Taking A Toll" draft. Was initially crammed full of horrible puns.
Submitted Issues
Mutually Assured Defection
My first(second) official crack at issue drafting! Though it's highly unlikely this'll ever get published, I might come back to the idea and rewrite it one day.
Vouching For Students?
Very kindly cowritten by Tinhampton! I later on realized this is slightly covered in another issue, though I feel Tin's work was well done and may distinguish it.
Coastline Crabs Causing Commotion
One of my many drafts written from ideas that I came up whilst trying to sleep. Definitely a more curious premise.
Time To Take Out Delivery?
This might hold my current record for most complete rewrites for one issue? Something like two or three.
A Friend With Weed Is A Friend Indeed?
On The Right Track
Group Issue!
Undergoing Exhaustive Rewrite
Or maybe I don't have the energy to work on these right now, who knows? (Just kidding, looking to improve a bit and find inspiration before I tackle these again.)
Abandoned Drafts
In Hot Waters
My first ever draft on GI. Definitely a miss, though I've got an idea for the title ;)
A List of Characters And Companies In Issues
Quite possibly my greatest work, heh. Still in progress, updating descriptions and titles and all that. Definitely happy with it, after spending countless hours on it.
The World Assembly
The General Assembly
Haven't worked in this area before, though I'm really, really hoping to one day...
The Security Council
Co-authored with Honeydewistania! Definitely super fun to work on, though this was definitely much more of Honeydew's work than mine, I think.
First authored commend :D VH was fun to work with, and 100% a deserving nominee. I'm glad I had the chance to author this commendation - it was really fun to work on and a great experience. (Definitely carried by VH's reputation and work as a player moreso than anything I did, though heh)