Political Parties of Wardland
Nordic League of the Wardian Nation (NLWN)Ideology: Ultranationalism, Nordicism, Monarchism, Imperialism, Conservatism, Anti-Homosexuality, Anti-Transgenderism, Anti-Bolshvism, Anti-Marxism, Anti-Leftism, Anti-Zionism, Anti-Miscegenation
The "Nordic League of the Wardian Nation" (NLWN) is a Wardian Ultranationalist and Nordicist party which won in the 2022 Wardland General Election. The NLWN strongly supports the Wardian monarchy, as well as the Empire, Nationalism and Nordicism - the idea that there is a Nordic Race, and it is under threat.
The NLWN considers Wardians to be Nordic, via their Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Danish origins, and is building holiday camps in which couples of Nordic racial extraction can go and procreate to ensure the Nordic Race's survival, offering rewards for doing so.
The NLWN is further working on ensuring Wardland remains strong, prosperous, and socially upstanding, though social, military and economic policies. Such as the teaching of Nationalist ideology and teachings in schools, for example.
Flag of the party:
Wardian Monarchist Party
Ideology: Monarchism, Nationalism, Imperialism, Conservatism,
The Wardian Monarchist Party (WMP) is a party which is also popular in Wardland, the party ideology is Nationalism, Imperialism and Monarchism. The party supports the Royal Family and the preservation of monarchism is Wardland.
Social Nationalist Party of Wardland
Idology: Social Nationalism, Class Collaboration, Anti-Marxism, Ultranationalism, Monarchism
The Social Nationalist Party of Wardland (SNPW) is a party in support of Nationalist Socialism - the belief that the social classes must be united for the nationalist future of the nation, and in opposition to the divisive "class conflict" idea of Marxism.