by Max Barry

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Chronology of Wardie land-Japanese relations

Japan is one of Wardie land's traditional friends and allies, Japan is Wardie land's closest Asian partner and friend, 2014 marks the 110th anniversary of the signing of the Wardie land-Japanese Alliace of 1904. Here is a history of Wardie land-Japanese relations. Relations were shaken in the 1942-1945 period, when Japan attempted to invade Wardie land, and Wardie land joined the allies.

1613 - The first Wardie land people set foot in Japan when England (ruler of Wardie land) signs a trade agreement with Tokugawa Ieyasu.

1623 - England breaks relations with Japan, some Wardie land people who have settled in Japan stay

1639 - Tokugawa Iemitsu announces the Sakoku isolationst policy

1858 - Ambassador Eric Hampstead arrives in Japan to discuss opening of Wardie land-Japanese relations for the first time in over 200 years, re-opening of Wardie land-Japanese relations

1871 - Signing of the Wardie land-Japan Treaty of Trade and Friendship, a factor in the rapid growth of Wardie land-Japanese friendship

1876 - HMIWS Dauntless is built, the lead ship of the Dauntless-class ironclads, a class of licence-built Kongo-class ironclads, starting a tradition of licence-building Japanese military technology

1878 - Wardie-Japan Foundation founded, the organisation fosters understanding between Wardie land and Japan

1904 - Signing of the Wardie land-Japanese Alliance, still in force, the alliance causes more trade and technological missions between Japan and Wardie land, the alliance furthern strengthens Wardie land-Japanese relations

1905 - Wardie land provides verbal and monetary support for Japan in the Russo-Japanese War, Wardie land celebrates the Japanese victory in the Russo-Japanese War, Wardie land begins calling Togo Heihachiro, commander of the Japanese fleet at the Battle of Tsushima, the "Nelson of the East", a name given to him by Western journalists

1914 - Outbreak of World War One, both Wardie land and Japan fight on the Allied side in the Pacific and in China.

1915 - Technological mission to Japan witnesses the Kongo-class battleship, Wardie land discusses the possibility of licence-building the Kongo-class for the Wardie land Imperial Navy

1919 - Wardie land-Japanese Alliance is extended

1922 - Technological mission to Japan witnesses the commissioning of the aircraft carrier Hosho, mission shows interest in licence-building the aircraft carrier

1924 - Another technological mission to Japan witnesses the Yokosuka E1Y recon plane and the Mitsubishi 1MF carrier fighter

1927 - A technological mission sees the new Akagi-class aircraft carrier, the Akagi-class is later licence-built in 1937 as the Illustrious Dragon-class aircraft carrier.

1929 - Wall Street Crash and Great Depression strengthens trade between Wardie land and Japan, since Japan is not as hard-hit by the depression as the US and UK.

1931 - Wardie land joins the unanimous verdict that Japan's invasion and occupation of Manchuria is illegal.

1932 - Japan's attack on Shanghai is condemned by Wardie land

1934 - Wardie land Imperial Navy sends ships to Tokyo to take part in a naval parade in honour of Togo Heihachiro, "Nelson of the East" and a Japanese hero of the Russo-Japanese War.

1937 - Japanese Mitsubishi Ki-15 "Kamikaze" visits New London en route to London, technological trade mission to Japan purchases licences to licence-build the G3M Nell, Mitsubishi A5M, Nakajima Ki-27 and Mitsubishi Ki-15.

1937 - Outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the majority of Wardians consider Japan to be the aggressor.

1939 - B5N2 "Kate" and D3A1 "Val" enters RIWFAA service

November 1939 - Mission to Japan sees the new Mitsubishi A6M "Zero", Wardie land approaches Mitsubishi with a request for plans and a licence to build them, the first prototype A6M1 Type 0 see service in the 1939-1940 Third Snow War, the A6M2 Model 11 replaces the A6M1s on carriers later in the year.

20th May 1942 - New London Incident, a Japanese bomber sinks one of Wardie land's heavy cruisers, the HMIWS New London, the attack serves to infuriate Wardie land, and turn most sympathies towards the Allies.

25th May 1942 - a Japanese invasion fleet attempts to invade the Home Islands, invasion fleet destroyed by RIWAF bombers and RIWN ships, with some damage to the defenders, the Allied forces in the area assist Wardie land in defending herself, the attempted invasion only further angers the population of Wardie land, who were already fuming at the Japanese betrayal, who call for direct military action against Japan, the vast majority of the Wardians realise that the Allied forces is the right side to be on.

26th May 1942 - Japan launches simultaneous invasions of Wardie land's Oriental colonies and Western Pacific archipelagos at 7:50 AM. At 10 AM the Imperial Parliament formally declares war on the Empire of Japan. Japan invades Winterland (the "Northern Colonies"), beginning the Winterland Campaign, which will end in January 1943, with a Japanese defeat.

26th May 1942-August 1945 - Wardie land fights Japan, mostly in the Pacific theatre, though with some presence in the South-East Asian theatre as well. Wardie land looses tens of thousands of soldiers during the war. Wardie land is present at the Japanese surrender in August 1945.

7th August 1942 - Kiritari Town Massacre

On 7th August 1942 the Japanese forces occupying Kiritari Town, capital of Western Kiritari, which was under Japanese control at that time, conducting a massacre of the town's populace as retribution for the actions of the WKFA (West Kiritari Freedom Army), a guerrilla movement consisting of locals, escaped POWs and soldiers left behind, 30,000 West Kiritarians were slaughtered, and their bodies dumped into a huge unmarked grave, upon hearing of the massacre the WKFA would fight harder and more ferociously than ever before, the grave would be dug up upon the return of Western Kiritari to Wardie land rule in 1943. The massacre, one of many war crimes and atrocities committed by Japan, would scar Wardie land, and unite the entire nation against Japan. The perpetrator of the massacre, the commander of the West Kiritari occupation forces, Juhachi Kiyoto, was assassinated by RIWAF fighter planes who were on a special mission whilst being driven in his staff car during an inspection of forces on southern North Island in 1943.

1942-1945 - Japan attempts to cause chaos by backing anti-Wardie land natives in some colonies, one such Japanese puppet government is the "Provisional Kingdom of Tuvali", another pro-Japanese force is the "Selereng Free Front". Rebellions are put down by Wardie land and loyal colonial governments.

1945-1951 - Wardie land-Japanese relations pick up again.

1955 - Trade missions between Wardie land and Japan start again

1958 - Hampstead Hyaku-nen - Celebration of 100 years since Ambassador Eric Hampstead re-started Wardie land-Japanese relations

1971 - Wardie land celebrates 100 years of the Wardie land-Japanese Treaty of Trade and Friendship

1978 - Wardie land-Japanese Foundation celebrates its 100th birthday.

25th May 1992 - 50th anniversary of the defeat of the Japanese invasion fleet, special remembrance services are held, RIWAF and RIWFAA do a special 50th anniversary flypast over Capital Bay.

2004 - JPN-100 - Wardie land celebrates 100 years of the signing of the Wardie land-Japanese Alliace 1904

2013 - Nippon Yonhyaku, celebration of 400 years of Wardie land-Japanese relations

2014 - Wardie land celebrates 110 years since the Wardie land-Japanese Alliance 1904 was signed

The Kingdom of Wardie land
