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National Anthem

National Anthem of Virifortis

Portuguese Version (Original)

A Marcha da Coragem

Virifortis, Pátria querida,
Terra de bravos sem igual,
Teus filhos têm força e vida,
No peito a coragem imortal.

Nossos campos, verdejantes,
Espelham a riqueza e o vigor,
A natureza, bela e exuberante,
Testemunha de um povo lutador.

Virifortis, na coragem vívida,
Lutemos com fé e ardor!
Avante, firme e destemida,
Marchando com brio e valor!

Unidos, somos fortes e livres,
Destemidos, avançamos sem temor,
A liberdade, que em nós se inscreve,
É um legado de esplendor.

Na cultura, tradição e memória,
Nossa identidade a se manifestar,
Nosso povo escreve a história,
Com bravura e garra a vibrar.

Virifortis, na coragem vívida,
Lutemos com fé e ardor!
Avante, firme e destemida,
Marchando com brio e valor!

Ao mundo, Virifortis resplandece,
Um farol de esperança a brilhar,
Nossa bandeira, que se engrandece,
Símbolo da nossa força a clamar.

No horizonte, um novo amanhecer,
Avançamos para o futuro com devoção,
Virifortis, sempre a crescer,
Com virtude e união.

Virifortis, na coragem vívida,
Lutemos com fé e ardor!
Avante, firme e destemida,
Marchando com brio e valor!

English Version (Literal Translation)

The March of Courage

Virifortis, beloved homeland,
Land of unmatched bravery,
Your children have strength and life,
In their hearts, immortal courage.

Our verdant fields,
Reflect richness and vigor,
Nature, beautiful and exuberant,
Bears witness to a resilient people.

Virifortis, in vibrant courage,
Let us fight with faith and ardor!
March forward, firm and fearless,
Advancing with spirit and valor!

United, we are strong and free,
Fearless, we advance without hesitation,
Freedom, inscribed within us,
A legacy of splendor.

In culture, tradition, and memory,
Our identity manifests,
Our people write the history,
With bravery and fervor vibrating.

Virifortis, in vibrant courage,
Let us fight with faith and ardor!
March forward, firm and fearless,
Advancing with spirit and valor!

To the world, Virifortis shines,
A beacon of hope illuminating,
Our flag, growing in grandeur,
Symbol of our strength proclaiming.

On the horizon, a new dawn,
We advance towards the future with devotion,
Virifortis, always growing,
With virtue and union.

Virifortis, in vibrant courage,
Let us fight with faith and ardor!
March forward, firm and fearless,
Advancing with spirit and valor!
