The Valeroxian Board of Economic Elite
The Valeroxian Board of economic elite is a group of 10 CEO’s of the current highest economically achieving companies, serving as an advisory council to his eminence Hunteth Veredon.Current members of the Valeroxian Council of the Economic Elite
1. Veredon Industries
Owned by: Hunteth Veredon
Motto: “Past, Present and Future. All Veredon”
2. Photon Research
Owned by: Maximilian Sarish
Motto: “Without Photon, you’re nothing!”
3. Great Market
Owned by: Jim Ergan
Motto: “sustenance, for the consumer!”
4. Justice Banking
Owned by: Riley Bower
Motto: “safer than Silith”
5. Luxury Bionics
Owned by: Connor Newman
Motto: “less flesh, better mesh!”
6. Iron Fist Construction Servicing
Owned by: Charles Ward
Motto: “Tougher than a Cerberus jaw”
7. Meal Inc.
owned by: Richard Hawk
Motto: “legally classified as food!”
8. Shadow Mark Independent Mercenaries
Owned by: Owen Rutgow
Motto: “for the right price.”
9. 10. Manson & Lawson Manufacturing
Owned by: Adrian Manson, Johnathan Lawson
Motto: “The World, in YOUR hands!”