The Revolution
So… Bobby Strong. The despicable, loathsome, repugnant son of Joseph Strong. The villain of our story. How did he start the infamous Urine Town revolution? And, of course, what is Urinetown anyways?Well, let’s just say that the Revolution was one of the more mortifying moments for Urine Good Company
One faithful morning, in early October, the UGC authorities opened up Amendment 9 for the daily piss tax that every Rebel must pay. As it turns out, Bobby Strong refused to pay his 500 coins and proceeded to urinate on the floor. The Rebels followed suit. It was a flood of coins and liquid.
Urine Good Company attempted to escort the mob. However, the Rebels were one step ahead of us. They found Hope Cladwell, Mr. Cladwell’s daughter, and held her hostage.
But how can I come with you and not fight alongside my father
Unless...unless...oh dear God, BOBBY! NO! -Hope
What, did you seriously going to think we were going to let go of our iron rule and abandon our toilet tax, in order to release Hope Cladwell. Yeah, no. It was much worse than that.
Free, people are free, how can a fee enslave us?
See how we can be free from the chains he gave us!
We're suffering now such lives of sorrow
Don't give us tomorrow
Just give us today -Bobby Strong
People are free!
How can a fee enslave us?
See how we can be
Free from the chains he gave us!
We're suffering now
Such lives of sorrow
Don't give us tomorrow
Just give us today! -Rebels
From ev'ry hill
Ev'ry steeple
Ring out the anthem
Of the people
Making a new way
Breaking the clouds of gray
To sing of today! -Bobby Strong
Sing of today!
Sing of today
Sing today
Sing today
Sing today -Rebels
We hear at the UGC tried. We even thought we could involve Officer Lockstock to get Little Sally on board
What, me? You mean… like sending me to the nice part of Urinetown? -Little Sally, spoken
That can be arranged -Lockstock, spoken
Save it for one of your other stoolies, Officer. My heart’s with the rebellion! -Little Sally, spoken
We were conflicted! We were lost on what to do. Rescue Hope, or continue to profit off of taxing the poor… I mean conserving water. Yeah, conserving water. We’ll go with that.
Help me! -Hope
Help her! -Pennywise
NO! SEIZE THEM! -Cladwell
As it turns out, coaxing was not what these people needed. It was brutality. A little brutality was exactly what these people needed!
But what of tomorrow, Mister Strong?!
Think of tomorrow, Mister Strong!
Our resources are as fragile
As a newborn baby's skull
With your actions
You would gut the child
And leave a lifeless hull!
Could it be you're so short-sighted
So insensitive, so dull?
Think of tomorrow, Mister Strong! -Mr. Cladwell
But what of today? -Bobby Strong
You are wrong, Mister Strong
You and your socialistic throng
If the people pee for free
They'll push the system to the brink
If today there's spillage
Tell us how tomorrow will not stink! -UGC Staff
If it's you and me, now, Mister Strong
Which one of us will blink?
I say it's you, Mister Strong
For on the subject of tomorrow -Cladwell
YOU ARE WRONG! -Staff & Cladwell
Thankfully, Mr. Cladwell, along with Officers Barrel and Lockstock, were able to weed out the remaining protesting Rebels; who were disorganized without Bobby Strong’s guidance.
Under the wise leadership of Urine Good Representation, we have also increased the Amenity #9 admission fee from 500 coins to 800 coins in order to discourage future protesting from any remaining Rebels.
We still don’t know what happened to Hope. Alas, it was a necessary sacrifice