by Max Barry

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What is Urinetown? (Read First)

If you cared to waste your time looking at my factbooks, I bet this is exactly what you are asking yourself. People hear lots of things about Urinetown, of course, and that's just the way we like it. For example, a little boy once asked me, "Is Urinetown actually a nice place to live? Gingerbread houses along golden, frothy canals? Like Venice, but different?" I didn't say yes. I didn't say no, either. - Officer Lockstock, chief officer who enforces the law on Rebels who try to pee outside of Amenity #9

What is Urinetown?
Urinetown's the end!
Swift and brutal punishment
No need now to pretend!
- Little Becky Two-Shoes

The trap door's sprung
And then you're hung
And when they cut you down
They'll box you up and ship you out
And call it Urinetown!
- Hot Blades Harry

They’ll box you up and ship you out
And call it Urinetown!

What is Urinetown?
Urinetown's a tool
An instrument of power
To enforce my iron rule
- Mr. Cladwell, CEO of Urine Good Company

What is Urinetown?
Urinetown's a lie
A means to keep the poor in check
Until the day they die!
- Bobby Strong, son of Joseph “Old Man” Strong

What is Urinetown?
Urinetown is here!
It's the "town" wherever
People learn to live in fear
So look around, you've finally found
The place you asked about
For Urinetown is your town
If you're hopeless down and out!
- Little Sally

Yes. Urinetown is your town if you’re hopeless, down and out

Oh wait, you still don’t know what Urinetown is. You feel even more conflicted now? I bet you are dying to know. It wouldn’t kill you to read my other factbooks.
