Constitution of United Zootropolis
THE CONSTITUTION OF UNITED ZOOTROPOLISPassed by the Drafter for the Constitution and His Majesty the King on April 23, 2022
Sanctioned by His Majesty the King before the people of Zootropolis on April 24, 2022
The Kingdom of United Zootropolis, desiring to establish justice, liberty and security, and to promote the well-being of all its members, in the exercise of its sovereignty, proclaims its will to: Guarantee democratic coexistence under the Constitution and the law, in accordance with a fair social and economic order; Consolidate a State of Law which ensures the rule of law as an expression of the popular will; Promote the progress of culture and of the economy in order to ensure a worthy quality of life for all; Establish a democratic and advanced society; and Collaborate in the strengthening of peaceful relations and effective cooperation amongst all the peoples of the world. Wherefore, the people of Zootropolis ratify the following;
Chapter One: Constitutive Elements of the State
Art. 1 .- Zootropolis is hereby established as a monarchic and parliamentary State, subject to the rule of law, which advocates as the highest values of its legal order, liberty and justice;
Art. 2 .- National sovereignty is vested in the people of Zootropolis from whom emanate the powers of the State;
Art. 3 .- The political form of the Kingdom of United Zootropolis is that of a parliamentary monarchy;
Art. 4 .- Both Spanish and English are hereby recognized as the sole official languages of the Kingdom. Every citizen has the duty to know them and the right to use them;
Art. 5 .- The flag of Zootropolis consists of an argent banner emblazoned by a saber sinister and a gules pale dexter under an eisen-farbe flower charge and an or roundel
Art. 6 .- The national anthem of Zootropolis is hereby declared to be Shakira - Try Everything;
Art. 7 .- The capital and seat of government of the Kingdom is the city of W.N.F.;
The boundaries of W.N.F. are defined as extending within the limits of the Wolves Not Far Island;
Art. 8 .- Political parties are the expression of political pluralism; they contribute to the formation and expression of the will of the people and are a fundamental instrument for political participation. Their creation and the exercise of their activities are free in so far as they respect the Constitution and the law;
Art. 9 .- Citizens and public authorities are bound by the Constitution and all other legal provisions;
Chapter Two: Rights and duties of citizens
Section I: Guarantees of Fundamental Rights and Liberties
Art. 10 .- Every person has a right to freedom and security. No one may be deprived of his or her freedom except in accordance with the provisions of this article and in the cases and in the manner provided by the law:
No fully fledged citizen will be subjected to slavery or torture
Art. 11 .- The home is inviolable. No entry or search may be made without the consent of the occupant or a legal warrant, except in cases of flagrante delicto;
Art. 12 .- Secrecy of communications is guaranteed, except in the event of a court order to the contrary;
Art. 13 .- The right of association is recognised;
The right to peaceful unarmed assembly is recognised. The exercise of this right shall not require prior authorisation.
Associations which pursue ends or use means classified as criminal offenses are illegal;
Associations set up on the basis of this article must be recorded in a register;
Secret and subversive associations are prohibited;
Art. 14 .- The right to freely express and disseminate thoughts, ideas and opinions through words, in writing or by any other means of communication is recognised and guaranteed;
Art. 15 .- Every person has the right to obtain the effective protection of the Judges and the courts in the exercise of his or her legitimate rights and interests, and in no case may he go undefended;
Art. 16 .- All citizens of Zootropolis shall have the right to individual and collective petition, in writing, in the manner and subject to the consequences established by the law;
Section II: Duties of a citizen
Art. 17 .- Citizens have the right and the duty to defend Zootropolis
Art. 18 .- The duties of citizens in the event of grave risk, catastrophe or public calamity may be regulated by law;
Art. 19 .- Everyone shall contribute to sustain public expenditure in a tributary system regulated by law
Chapter Three: Judicial Structure
Art. 20 .- Justice emanates from the King and is administered on behalf of the King either by himself or by representatives of him
Art. 21 .- The exercise of judicial authority in any kind of action, both in passing judgment and having judgments executed, lies exclusively within the competence of the King;
All tribunals will be presided by him,the next highest authority available to serve at the time, or whomever he may deputize;
In the exceptional case of complete and prolonged absence of said authorities, the head of the Security Forces may form an ad hoc tribunal to prosecute offenses
Art. 22 .- The King or his representatives have the power to appoint an attorney for any given case, unless the defendant wishes to defend his/her self;
Art. 23 .- The Courts and Tribunals shall exercise only the powers indicated in the clauses of the Constitution and those which are expressly allocated to them by law as a guarantee of some right;
Art. 24 .- It is compulsory to execute the sentences and other final judgments of Judges, as well as to collaborate with them as they may require during the course of trials and execution of judgments;
Art. 25 .- Damages caused by judicial errors as well as those arising from irregularities in the administration of justice, shall be subject to compensation by the State, in accordance with the law;
Art. 26 .- A fair trial will consist of the Judge, the prosecutor, the defendant and the attorney, if one is requested;
Without all these elements present a fair trial cannot be declared;
Art. 27 .- All legal proceedings and accusations operate under the presumption of innocence until proven guilty;
Art. 28 .- Any citizen of Zootropolis has the civil right to press charges against and denounce any other citizen for endangering his or her rights or to report illegal activity
Citizens may settle this conflict, with exceptions established by law, out of court in any licit way they may desire
Art. 29 .- The organization in charge of upholding the law as interpreted by the judiciary will be the Security Forces as defined in the Constitution:
Art. 30 .- Dictated sentences that exceed ten minutes of incarceration or a fine of over twenty thousand units of the national currency , can be appealed once, if new evidence becomes available, in order to reduce the penalty;
Art. 31 .- All legal charges and sentences will accumulate if necessary;
Chapter Four: Executive Structure
Section I: Government and Administration
Art. 32 .- The Government directs domestic and foreign policy, civil administration and the defense and security of the State. It exercises executive authority in accordance with the Constitution and the law;
Art. 33 .- The Government consists of the Mayor as its Head, Vice-Mayor and other officers as may be created by law;
The Mayor shall receive the honorific title of His/Her Honor (H.Ho.) in formal procedure
The length of the term of the incumbent office is defined as lasting no more than one week;
Government authorities undergoing penal procedure may lose or keep their rank following a judicial ruling;
Art. 34 .- The Mayor may preside over the House of Parliament in place or at request of the King, possessing only the function of a moderator and guide to the debate;
The Mayor shall have the ability to propose bills, laws and amendments to pass, and to receive support from members of Parliament that desire to do so;
Art. 35 .- The King shall, at the request of the Mayor, be able to dissolve the House of Parliament when, in his/her opinion, it has taken up duties that do not pertain to it under the Constitution, upon prior favorable ruling by the Judicial Court; or if it obstructs implementation of the political programme or because a severe political crisis and domestic unrest;
This power can be exercised only once within his/her term of office.
Within twenty-four hours at the most after the publication of the decree of dissolution, a legislative and executive renewal shall be carried out through a referendum;
Every citizen with political power shall vote;
The executive nominee that wins a plurality shall be invested;
Every legislative nominee with at least one vote shall be invested;
Up until the installation of the House of Parliament, the Mayor shall be able, upon a prior favorable ruling issued by the Judicial Court, issue decree-laws for urgent matters, which may be adopted or repealed by the legislative body.
Art. 36 .- The King may, at his own discretion be able to appoint any citizen and any amount of them as collective Head of State Council, comprised of Co-Mayors in equal faculty and answerable to the King and bound by the Constitution in the same manner as the executive office described in the foregoing paragraphs;
Conflict and disagreement between members of the Council will be resolved through the Judiciary;
Art. 37 .- The King, after consultation with the Mayor, may call for a referendum to ratify legislation, which shall supersede Parliament;
Art. 38 .- After the end of the incumbent term and in other cases provided under the Constitution, the King, after consultation with the representatives appointed by the political groups with Parliamentary representation, shall nominate the eligible candidates for Mayor and Vice-Mayor;
Art. 39 .- The candidates nominated in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing paragraph shall submit to the Parliament the political programme of the Government that they intend to form and shall seek the confidence of the House of Parliament;
Votes for the preferred candidate made by a member of Parliament must be declared in public, in aims of transparency of the authorities;
Art. 40 .- If the House of Parliament, by vote of the plurality of its members, invests said candidate with its confidence, the King shall appoint him Mayor;
If a plurality is not obtained, the same proposal shall be submitted for a new vote fifteen minutes after the previous vote;
If, after this vote, confidence for the investiture has not been obtained, the King shall choose the Mayor and Vice-Mayor himself;
Art. 41 .- The other members of the Government shall be appointed and dismissed by the King on the proposal of the Mayor;
Art. 42 .- The Government shall resign after the end of its term, in the event of loss of Parliamentary confidence as provided in the Constitution, or on account of the resignation of the Mayor.
The outgoing Government shall continue in power until the new Government takes office;
Art. 43 .- In the event of the Government not fulfilling the duties imposed upon it by the State, Constitution or by the laws of Zootropolis, the Mayor may make use of the Security Forces to compel it to do so
A state of emergency or Martial Law may be declared if public security and order are seriously disturbed or endangered within Zootropolis. In such circumstances the Mayor may take measures necessary for their restoration, intervening if need be with the assistance of the Security Forces. For this purpose he may suspend for a while, in whole or in part, the fundamental rights provided in Articles 11, 12, 13, 14, 26, 48 and 49
Under Martial Law, Court Martial and Summary Trials may be implemented at the discretion of the Head of Government
The Mayor must inform the Parliament without delay of all measures taken in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and clause a of this Article. These measures are to be revoked on the demand of the Parliament.
Art. 44 .- The Security Forces serving under the Government shall have as their mission the protection of the free exercise of rights and liberties and the guaranteeing of the safety of citizen
The Government may enlist citizens for extraordinary duties if the necessity arises;
Section II: Law enforcement & National Security
Art. 45 .-The organization in charge of day to day enforcement of the law and defense of the State and its people will be the Security Forces as defined in the Constitution
They will act as both the police force and military of the State;
They will be led by the Head of the Security Forces, an office taken on by the Sheriff of the WNFPD under the orders of the Head of Government and the King
Art. 46 .- The Security Forces are composed only by the officers of the Wolves Not Far Police Department and citizens compelled to take on civil duties according to law, from now on known as civil authorities
Police officers and civil authorities defined in the foregoing paragraph are the only ones allowed to enforce the law and enjoy all the necessary protections in order to carry out their duties;
In case of unavailability or indisposition by the members of the WNFPD to carry out their duties, the King or the next highest authority available to serve at the time have the ability to assign an interim replacement
Art. 47 .- Security Forces, are the only individuals with the legal capacity to use justified violence in accordance to the threat;
Art. 48 .- Security Forces cannot arrest someone without a justified cause, and must inform the citizen arrested of the reasoning behind it;
Art. 49 .- Security Forces cannot hold a person in custody for more than 10 minutes without a trial, after that the case will have to be archived until a fair trial can be formed;
A citizen maintains the unalienable right to request a Habeas Corpus should he or she request it;
Art. 50 .- Security Forces cannot be prosecuted for actions whilst on duty in the same legal framework as civilians;
Accusations of misconduct whilst on duty must be taken directly to the King or the Mayor.
Insubordination will be dealt with at the discretion of the Sheriff through court martial or summary trial, at the approval of the King or Mayor
Court martial and Summary Trials may be subjected to different provisions than ordinary justice;
Art. 51 .- Security Forces will only employ the premises of the National Correctional and Detention Center (NCDC) for lawful imprisonment;
The Government will provide necessary nutrition for its inmates
In exceptional circumstances, they may employ other locations for incarceration
Chapter Five: Legislative Structure
Art. 52 .- The Legislative Branch of Government is exercised by the House of Parliament, which is composed of representatives serving for a week-long term of office;
The House of Parliament comprises one single house of representatives and shall have its seat in W.N.F. In exceptional circumstances, it can meet in any part of the country’s territory
To be a member of Parliament, one must be a citizen of Zootropolis, and in possession of political rights.
Political rights will be removed if said citizen is incarcerated preliminarily, being a subject of criminal investigation and trial, or serving a criminal sentence
Disqualification from being able to participate in Parliament will occur if the member defects from or votes against party policy, as this undermines the institutions
Every member of Parliament, with exceptions, possesses the same voting power.
Art. 53 .- The House of Parliament shall have the following attributions and duties, in addition to those provided for by law:
To guide the King to amend the Constitution by an absolute majority;
To expedite, codify, reform and repeal laws and interpret them, with a mandatory nature.
To create, amend or eliminate taxes by means of the law;
To audit the activities of the Executive and Judicial Branches of Government and other bodies of the public sector and to request public servants to provide the information that it deems necessary.
To authorize, on the basis of a vote of two thirds of its members, the criminal impeachment of the Mayor or Vice-Mayor when the competent authority so requests it on substantive grounds.
In the event of a successful impeachment of the Mayor, the Vice-Mayor will take on the executive duties of said office temporarily;
In the event of a successful impeachment of the Vice-Mayor the Mayor will take on the executive duties of said office temporarily;
In the event of a successful impeachment of both the Mayor and the Vice-Mayor, a Deputy appointed by the King will take on the executive duties of said offices temporarily;
In instances described at clause i and iii, a permanent replacement for the vacant office shall be selected through the Constitution in no less than 24 hours. In the scenario described in clause ii, a permanent replacement for the vacant office will be chosen by the incumbent Mayor
Art. 54 .- Different groups with political representation in Parliament shall not form coalitions while preserving their organizational integrity
Art. 55 .- The House of Parliament shall only convene when summoned by the King at the advise of a member of parliament or by own judgment, or by the Head of Government;
Art. 56 .- The quorum required for the Parliament to convene is that of at least three fourths of its members. Without said quorum, Parliament cannot perform its functions
This requirement may be lowered in times of grave crisis by executive order;
Chapter Six: The Crown and Nobility
Section I: The King of the Realms of Unted Zootropolis
Art. 57 .- The King is the Head of State, the symbol of its unity and permanence. He arbitrates and moderates the regular functioning of the institutions, assumes the highest representation of the Kingdom of United Zootropolis, and exercises the functions of supreme judicial and nominal executive and legislative authority, as expressly conferred on him and bound to by the Constitution and the law.
The King shall be addressed as His/Her Majesty (H.M.) in formal procedure
Art. 58 .- The person of the King is inviolable and shall not be held accountable.
Art. 59 .- It is incumbent upon the King:
To issue the decrees and laws agreed upon by the House of Parliament or the Head of Government;
To summon and dissolve the House of Parliament and to call elections under the terms provided in the Constitution;
To call a referendum in the circumstances provided in the Constitution;
To nominate a candidate for Mayor and, as the case may be, appoint him or remove him from office, as provided in the Constitution.
To appoint and dismiss members of the Government on the proposal of its Head;
To appoint members of Nobility, the tribute of which will be required as private business of the King
To preside over the meetings of the House of Parliament in a moderating function and to guide debate;
To exercise supreme command of the Security Forces, advised by the Mayor;
To amend the Constitution at own discretion or under the terms provided by the Constitution;
Section II: The Nobility
Art. 60 .- The Nobility class is recognized as possessing special status and rights among its fellow citizens, at the service of the King and bound by the Constitution
The hierarchy of the Nobility will be established as follows:
The King, Grand Duke, Duke, Count, Viscount, Baron, Knight, Lord;
Members of the Nobility shall be addressed in honorific styles according to rank in formal proceedings
If the member possesses the rank of Grand Duke, they shall be addressed as His/Her Highness (H.H.)
If the member possesses the rank of Duke, Count, Viscount or Baron, they shall be addressed as His/Her Excellency (H.E.)
If the member possesses the rank of Knight or Lord, they shall be addressed as His/Her Lordship (H.L.)
Art. 61 .- This privileges are described as follows:
The Nobility class hold a double vote capacity in the House of Parliament;
The Nobility shall dispose of a special cell in the NCDC
The Nobility shall receive a crown with respect of their Rank
Only members of the Nobility may travel to "The End" dimension
A unique right for a member of the Nobility rank of Grand Duke is the allocation of an elytra and the ability to claim up to 10 firework rockets per day
The Nobility shall pay double the sum of taxes per in-game day to the State as tribute
If a member of the Nobility commits any crime, the charge of Embezzlement of public funds as described in the law will be added by the prosecution;;
Chapter Seven: Fiscal structure of the Government
Art. 62 .- The official currency of the Kingdom of United Zootropolis is the Zootropolis Gold Coin (ZGC);
Issue of this currency is only permitted to the Wolves Not Far National Bank (WNFNB);
The ZGC’s value is not pegged to the value of any resource, it is strictly a FIAT currency;
Art. 63 .- It is every citizen’s obligation, with exceptions described in the law, to pay the sum of 500 ZGC, per in-game day to the State in the form of tributary contributions/taxes, failure to do so after exceeding a 7 day grace period will result in legal consequences;
Payment must be done manually at the WNFNB building;
Citizens may pay up to two days in advance, without facing any legal repercussion;
Art. 64 .- All funds acquired through tributary contributions, penal sanctions, non-private enterprises and business (by the principle of State capitalism) or otherwise any mean described by law, shall be directed towards public funding as determined by the Government;
Art. 65 .- Public infrastructure belongs to the people of Zootropolis and shall not be sold to private ventures
Chapter Eight: Criminal offenses and due punishment
Art. 66 .- Cheating and destruction of the server’s infrastructure is considered unacceptable and will result in the immediate expulsion of the accused person from the server;
The King withholds the unique right to carry out this punishment without due process;
Art. 67 .- Terrorism, defined as intentional damage to server infrastructure, depending on severity, will not be settled out of court and shall carry a possible sentence of:
Expulsion of no less than 24 hours from the server, with official countdown starting at 00:00 UTC time and ending at 11:59 UTC time the next day;
Incarceration of no less than 20 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 40 000 ZGC;
Art. 68 .- Treason against the State and its people, defined as the offense of endangering national integrity by attempting to overthrow or undermine the government and its institutions through waging war against the state, inciting civil unrest, terrorism, protesting through criminal means or otherwise opposing the will of the people, will not be settled out of court and, depending on severity, may carry a sentence of:
Treason in the first degree, defined as taking an active, leading role in committing the offense, will carry a sentence of:
The revokal of the status of citizen and its corresponding rights and the immediate demotion to just a subject of the State for the duration of the determined sentence, which shall not exceed 30 minutes;
Incarceration of no less than 30 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 50 000 ZGC
The freezing of any and all funds until judicial ruling
Treason in the second degree, defined as the offense of associating with known traitors, illegal associations, terrorist organizations, or otherwise enangering the will of the people by proxy, may carry possible sentence of:
Incarceration of no less than 20 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 20 000 ZGC
Art. 69 .- Vandalism of private property, depending on severity, shall carry a possible sentence of:
Expulsion of no less than 12 hours from the server, with official countdown starting at 00:00 UTC time and ending at 11:59 UTC time the next day;
Incarceration of no less than 25 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 15 000 ZGC;
Art. 70 .- Murder of a Zootropolis citizen, depending on severity:
Murder in the first degree, defined as the act of murdering a fellow citizen in the privacy of their own property, will carry possible sentence of:
Incarceration of no less than 20 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 25 000 ZGC;
b. Murder in the second degree, defined as the act of murdering a fellow citizen in the public domain, within the capital Island, with premeditation, will carry possible sentence of:
Incarceration of no less than 12 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 20 000 ZGC;
c. Murder in the third degree, defined as the act of murdering a fellow citizen in the public domain, within the capital Island, without premeditation, will carry possible sentence of:
Incarceration of no less than 7 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 10 000 ZGC;
d. Murder in the fourth degree, defined as the act of murdering a fellow citizen in the public domain, outside the capital Island, with or without premeditation, will carry possible sentence of:
Incarceration of no less than 5 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 5 000 ZGC;
Art. 71 .- Aggravated assault against a government authority or police officer, depending on the severity:
Assault in the first degree, defined as the act of causing physical damage to a police officer with the intention to do harm, and will carry the sentence of:
Incarceration of no less than 15 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 20 000 ZGC;
b. Assault in the second degree, defined as the act of causing physical damage to a government official without the intention to do harm, and will carry the sentence of:
Incarceration of no less than 15 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 10 000 ZGC;
Art. 72 .- Robbery against a Zootropolis citizen, depending on the severity:
Robbery in the first degree, defined as the act of stealing from a fellow citizens private property, will carry the sentence of:
Public execution in the Palace of Government;
A fine of no less than 25 000 ZGC;
The reparation of all items stolen, or equivalent value in ZGC;
b. Robbery in the second degree, defined as the act of stealing from a fellow citizen in an opportunistic manner, will carry the sentence of:
Public execution in the Palace of Government;
A fine of no less than 10 000 ZGC;
The reparation of all items stolen, or equivalent value in ZGC;
Art. 73 .- Animal cruelty, depending on the severity:
The premeditated killing of domesticated animals used as pets:
Public execution in the Palace of Government, through the means of enforced starvation;
The premeditated killing of domesticated animals used as livestock:
A fine of no less than 10 000 ZGC;
Art. 74 .- Assault against a Zootropolis citizen, depending on the severity:
Assault in the first degree, defined as the act of causing physical damage to a fellow citizen with the intention to do harm, and will carry the sentence of:
Incarceration of no less than 10 minutes in the NCDC;
A fine of no less than 5 000 ZGC;
b. Assault in the second degree, defined as the act of causing physical damage to a fellow citizen without the intention to do harm, and will carry the sentence of:
A fine of no less than 100 ZGC;
Art. 75 .- Possession of items declared as illegal or regulated by the Administrator will carry a sentence of:
A fine of no less than 15 000 ZGC;
Immediate removal of the items in question;
Art. 76 .- Embezzlement of public funds will not be settled out of court and may carry a sentence, depending on severity, of:
The revokal of the status of citizen and its corresponding rights and the immediate demotion to just a subject of the State for the duration of the determined sentence, which shall not exceed 30 minutes;
Home arrest for a period of time that shall not exceed 1 hour;
A fine of no less than 50% of the value of the stolen funds;
Full reparation of stolen funds back to the government;
The freezing of any and all funds until judicial ruling
Art. 77 .- Corruption of any public official, in the form of bribery, extortion, fraud, etc, will not be settled out of court and will carry a sentence, depending on severity, of:
The officer that engages in these activities will:
Be revoked of the status of citizen and its corresponding rights and the immediate demotion to just a subject of the State for the duration of the determined sentence, which shall not exceed 30 minutes;
Full reparation of the received briberies towards the Government;
Pay a fine of up to 40% of their available funds, and no less than 100 000 ZGC
Home arrest for a period of time that shall not exceed 1 hour;
If a citizen, not in faculty of any office, engages in this activities to influence an officer, they may:
Pay a fine of no less than 40% and up to 80% of the amount of money used to bribe
Incarceration of up to 30 minutes
Pay a fine of 70 000 ZGC
Art. 78 .- Fraud will not be settled out of court and will carry a sentence, depending on severity, of:
Racketeering of monetary loopholes, for personal enrichment;
A fine of no less than 100 000 ZGC;
Reparation of ill gotten gains back to the government;
Failure to pay daily tax requirements:
Will result in automatic incarceration for 5 minutes in the NCDC, without trial;
Defrauding customers or sellers for personal enrichment;
Will result in a fine of 50 000 ZGC;
Paying more than 2 days of taxes in advance:
Will result in a 500 ZGC fine;
Art. 79 .- Obstruction of Justice will carry a sentence, depending on the severity, of:
Resisting arrest, defined as either disobeying orders from a member of the Security Forces or fleeing a crime scene:
Incarceration of no less than 5 minutes in the NCDC
A fine of no less than 10 000 ZGC;
Destruction or concealment of evidence substantial to a criminal investigation:
Incarceration of no less than 10 minutes in the NCDC
A fine of no less than 20 000 ZGC;
Harboring a criminal inside private premises:
Incarceration of no less than 15 minutes in the NCDC
A fine of 50 000 ZGC
Art. 80 .- If a citizen employs violence to protect his or her life or the integrity of their private property against imminent danger by a fellow citizen, and the attacker employs a weapon that inflicts more than “+1 damage” (2 HP), the victim will be entitled the use of “personal defense” as a defense in a trial or criminal investigation.
Final Provision:
This Constitution shall become effective on the day of its proclamation by the King and publication of the official text in the mediums His Majesty deems appropriate.