by Max Barry

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The Turkic Socialist Vanguard of
Corrupt Dictatorship

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World War III [WIP]

It all begins with the election of the President-Professor Baydin's election in the snap elections of May 2037. With just 28 years of age and 5 years of experience in politics, also coming from a miniscule TKP which reorganized itself into a more radical form of Marxism-Leninism, mixed with Turkish nationalism and (secretly) Zionism, it seemed impossible. But there it was: 77 percent vote, even with much foreign intervention. Millions inside the country cheered as thousands outside grieved by the loss of an EU candidate and a potential democracy in this world of rising alt-right politics.

As he took the lead, he began his ultimate project. Crackdowns on religious organizations and charities (known as tarikat), an even harsher war against the terrorist PKK and YPG, further distancing from the West and the East while finding alternatives to them in the form of Israel, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, the newly socialist Iran, Albania, Bulgaria, Korea, Mongolia and Japan. All the while his anti-capitalist economic policy granted nearly a century of capital to the people, further boosting the finances of the nation. The farmer and the worker rejoiced as they took control of their workplaces while seeing record growth as well as long-awaited development.

The trust in him (in the west, at least) would shatter after his victory in the 2043 elections.

He suddenly began making irredentist rallies, an allegiance to crush radical Islam and radical Islamophobia forever, promises to destroy the West and Armenians (the «master of puppets») and a world hegemony championed by a superpower nation, a Turkic nation, the reincarnation of the long-gone Seljuk Empire of 1040-1157 AD. All attempts to stop him would be in vain as he survived 3 coups and 5 assassination attempts until 2045, forcing the CIA to cease all operations in Turkish soil.

The economy roared with the ultimate combination; a «Socialist Etatism», combining elements of American market economy, Axis-like (German, Italian, Japanese) corporatism, Soviet central planning, anarchist worker's democracy and the syndicalist proletarian rule, described by Baydin as «the best of all worlds, without deviating an inch from neither Marxist nor Kemalist theory». Innovation and technology soared to skies in a never-seen-before rate, proving Western laissez-faire economists and liberal/libertarian/AnCap lobbyists false yet again. All this fueled the Turkish army and the military-industrial complex to an overdrive, allowing to supply more than 100 thousand Asena II heavy tanks and a 1,200 piece navy with more than 6 million active personnel (which would peak at 28 million during the height of the war).
