Streangeral knock-offAlt-Earth, geographically different, tech moves at pretty much the same pace as IRL, but is +10-20 years into the future, historically pretty much the same up to the 1940-50s, Ha'Hosh influence begins finalizing plans of human unity so events from there on are (mostly) different. Pre-1900s human history is summarized, focused more on how they got to the 1900s rather than specific national histories.
Humans are humans, languages are the same, names are (aside from those in some UIF nations and future names) are all real names, etc
Many events are because of the unseen hand of the Ha'Hosh, such as geopolitics, war, assassinations, elections, even factors that are otherwise considered caused by "mother nature".
Many IRL nations have been mashed and mixed into basic generalized ethic groups, ie, slavic, asian, european, islander, 'Murican, spanish, etc.
Less than 50 nations world-wide, not all will be named (I'm not insane enough to figure out the names and backgrounds of even 20), a lot will be part of some kind of union or treaty due to Ha'Hosh influence