by Max Barry

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The Light at the End of
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The United Island Federation (PMT) *Updated to current Lore*

- "Main characters" of the story during Humanity's 1930s to 2200s. Generally lore about the UIF rests in the mid to late 2030-40s.
- The United Island Federation is made up of Jihrah, Aliahi, Isvisk, Ghrine, and Sihkar. All are islands, with Jihrah having the most land mass, and Aliahhi, Ghrine, Sihkar, and Isvisk following in order.
- Each member of the federation has their own internal culture, with each one specializing in a chosen field. For example, Jihrah is the head of the Federation and is a jack of all trades, while Ghrine focuses heavily on mining, refining, and heavy industry.
- The islands are pacific native/Polynesian in ethnicity, closely related to Native Hawaiians, Māori, and Samoans. Their race is entirely made-up, however, as most races in the UIF's world are.
- The majority religion in the UIF is Solarianism - A somewhat sobering and melancholy religion with an uncaring god that created the sun and earth. The core belief of this religion are growth through suffering. The angels of Solarus are said to be horned, adorned in pale robes with charcoal skin, and tails ending in holy symbols. They are said to have a radiant gaze and the power to lift land from the seas. To most other religions, these angels look like devils.
- Until the 1930s, each island was ruled by the Oceanians (Basically British-French people (the worst humans possible)), and only through violent revolutions was this brought to an end. This happened during the second great war for this earth, and by technicality kinda puts them on the bad goiz side... But also not really at all.
- The islands were once a happier place, even at times during Oceanian rule - however the revolution and subsequent interactions with the world greatly scared the islands. As such, Islander culture and society is very depressing and realist. They hate naivety and are not the most welcoming to outsiders - not racist, just don't like 'em.
- Islanders do actually call collectively themselves "Islanders" due to a few cultural reasons plus their federation is the largest collection of islands forming a nation in the world so they really don't care what you think.
- You should sooner trust a white man in the Congo than an Islander pretending not to be a spy in your nation.
- The UIF is the head of the PIDO (pie-dough :] ) the Pacific Island Defense Organization.
- The UIF possess and are the producers of the first "true" AGI* system, although other nations possess technically more powerful AI systems. *Advanced General Intelligence, typically what is referred to as sentient AI, think of common fictional AI that are "alive". AGIs are far more suited to general learning and adaptability than traditional AI.
- The UIF is on the cutting edge of biological research and development, and makes frequent use of machines that may seem animalistic or nature inspired.
- Due to their low infrastructure, lack of industry, and lack of desire to import cars during their Oceanian Colony days, the UIF has been able to design their cities from the ground up. This makes them extremely livable and pedestrian-friendly while also maintaining enough room for necessary vehicles like trucks and utility vehicles compared to other nations.

The United Island Federation (UIF) is a collection of islands in a massive archipelago that have a history of harsh colonization, civil war, and total war. Scarred by the trauma of a near-constant state of war, the islands unite to unbound themselves of outer influences and act together in a military and economic Union. With time this Union deepened into the federation it is now.

Jihrah, the largest and most powerful island nation in the massive archipelago, acts as the head of the Federation. The rest of the states are independent internally, having Jihrah control most external affairs. Each state in the federation has leaned into their specialties, and with nearly complete standardization the combined efforts of the Federation are rather impressive.

The Federation is made up of five nations, Jihrah, Aliahi, Isvisk, Ghrine, and Sihkar. Jihrah controls the largest island in the archipelago and is the head of the Federation. Jihrah had the population, economy, and political power to oppress its neighbors after the Second World War, however, decided to suggest a pack, they would work together and set aside their differences. As the main political power in the federation, the president of Jihrah acts as the head of the federation, holding some direct control and responsibility over the others in the Federation.

Jihrah (JEYE-rah) is the largest economic force in the federation, and are the head of the Federation. Ruled by Jir Riviza of the Riviza bloodline, Jihrah is a sort of jack-of-all-trades compared to the other islands. Historically, they are the ones who united the islands prior to Oceanian colonization, which was done by the Rivizas - the Kings of Kings. The Rivizas began in Jihrah at the top of a scared mountain, and since then each Riviza has been born either on, or at the foot of that mountain. The Rivizas have a history of being great leaders in times of need - which is what spawned the "King of Kings" myth. This also played a part in why two of the past few leaders have been Rivizas. The people of Jihrah are a particularly hard people, taking Solarianism and turning it into the almost horror-like religion it is now. They are a very dark and almost nihilistic people - while others have been scarred, they were always a people of brevity and melancholy.

Aliahi (ALuh-hi) is mainly arable land, which the rest of the islands lack. Thus they are the major agricultural producer and provide most of the plant and animal products in the federation. Aliahi is additionally the largest tourist spot due to its’ still prominently battle-scarred history and natural beauty. More recently Aliahi has become world-renown for their art and media, their rich culture giving way to fantastic directors and artists. The people of Aliahi have a deep bond with those of Sihkar, the nations sharing a mutual pain in their war scars. Environmentalists, Aliahi keep the environments and climate of the Federation in check.

A large chain of closely connected islands, the people of Isvisk (IS-visk) were once nothing more than slaves and tools. Used and thrown away like nothing more trash, it only took the defiant actions of one to set them off like a powder keg. Technology and power is what oppressed them and they would master it. Today, Isvisk is a tech and arms manufacturing leader. From phones and computers to global command networks and assault rifles. A cold but loyal people, the people of Isvisk are blunt and humorless, but manage to get along well enough with the people of Ghrine, strangely. Isvisk is the backbone of the UIF military and technology industry.

Inhabiting the rockiest and mountainous islands in the archipelago, Ghrine (GR-hEYEn) is a nation of industrious and hearty people. The main producer of ore and raw earth materials, Ghrine has a long history of small but experienced industry. With time it has grown into a powerhouse of industry, with bustling ports and factories, and world class engineers and chemists. Ghrine works hand-in-hand with Isvisk, but has an old rivalry with Aliahi. Sport fanatics, they settle most scores with games, and even host the inter-federation Olympics - something they take great pride in. Ghrine produces the majority of machinery, raw and refined resources, and vehicles in the Federation.

Sihkar (SIgh-car) sits at the center of the archipelago, it was once the center of many wars, and is the most scarred by conflict. The primary producers of energy in the federation, Sihkar sits on ample coal, oil, and natural gas. Though time has introduced a focus on cleaner energy, as the nearly desert-like environment makes for good solar and wind energy. Sihkar also houses most of the Federation’s ICBMs and other long range missiles in protected bunkers under the sands. This is more due to their willingness to house them, rather than a strategic decision. Once oppressed by their occupiers, Sihkar music now flows freely out of the nation. Their language is from their long dead civilization, and is world renowned for its’ beauty. Sihkar are often very adept musicians and vocalists, and are considered a generally very attractive people.

The Light at the End of UIJ
