Tovenia's Government
Tovenian Elections keep the press very busy as they are split into 3 stages running with just a week between each stage.The Thane of Tovenia - The Nations Leader is voted for by the whole of the country through a system of proportional representation. Everyones vote is equal and whichever candidate receives the most votes is elected Thane.
Anyone may stand and anyone who receives at least 2% of the vote and does not win will automatically stand in the Jarl elections (in the region of their choice) the following week.
Jarls - There is one Jarl in each region and they are the top Minister there. The region will vote on anyone who qualified through the Thane elections and anyone else who wishes to run.
The 10 Jarls will meet each month with the Thane in his high council - The Whitten, with each representing their region. As well as being the regional representative, the Thane will assign each one of the 10 cabinate positions;
Foreign Affairs
Health and welfare
Home office
Environment and food
Housing and Communities
Anyone who runs unsuccessfully for the position of Jarl will run in the ministerial elections.
Ministers - There are 10 Ministers in each region and like the Jarls, each will oversee one of the 10 regional departments (the Home Office Minister will oversee Regional Administration). Each minister will meet weekly in their Regional Council with their Jarl. This is known as the council of 11.