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The philosophy in THX1138 is that a well educated, cultured, and safe society is emotionally and psychologically fulfilled, removing the need for constant consumption of unnecessary goods. Equality and personal freedom instill a genuine sense of personal worth in all citizens, removing the need for competition to buy the biggest, fastest, best.Numbing propaganda, like advertising and religion, designed to impinge on a person's sense of value and existential rights, is discouraged here. Citizens of THX1138 are allowed to think freely, and form independent, original thought on any matter, avoiding contrived, manufactured constructs. That freedom of thought is matched with extensive rights to express oneself in an accepting, tolerant environment.
Sure, the taxes are high, but citizens want for little: Tax funds are administered fairly, with public involvement at every decision making level. Healthcare and unfettered education are available to all. Free and easy access to public transport is available throughout the nation. Relative pay equity is a priority. Cities are clean and safe. The environment is well protected. Crime is non-existent. Lifespans are lengthy. Citizens are happy.
All business in THX1138 is state run, ensuring reciprocal contribution to the society that provides for the infrastructure and labour that allows them to exist. Unemployment rates are among the lowest in the region. The economy is among the most robust in the multiverse.