by Max Barry

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Safest: 9,838thMost Pacifist: 10,252ndMost Cheerful Citizens: 12,085th
The Federal Republic of
Liberal Democratic Socialists
From Many, One
Civil Rights
Very Good
Political Freedom

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population1.196 billion

LeaderMatriarch Hippolyta Wifmann


The Federal Republic of Themyschira is a massive, cultured nation, ruled by Matriarch Hippolyta Wifmann with a fair hand, and remarkable for its national health service, punitive income tax rates, and stringent health and safety legislation. The compassionate, democratic, devout population of 1.196 billion Themyschirans love a good election, and the government gives them plenty of them. Universities tend to be full of students debating the merits of various civil and political rights, while businesses are tightly regulated and the wealthy viewed with suspicion.

The enormous government juggles the competing demands of Healthcare, Welfare, and Education. The average income tax rate is 69.5%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The Themyschiran economy, worth 43.9 trillion Lire a year, is extremely specialized and mostly made up of the Book Publishing industry, with significant contributions from Trout Farming. State-owned companies are reasonably common. Average income is 36,725 Lire, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Reporters who negatively comment on politicians' haircuts are cut from the news, concussed Hawkball players cannot remember their lineup position, textbooks are exactly twice as heavy as they used to be, and the television adaptation of Jennifer Government is the most popular program in the nation. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Themyschira's national animal is the Hawk, which soars majestically through the nation's famously clear skies, and its national religion is None.

Themyschira is ranked 93,889th in the world and 12th in The Southern Lands for Smartest Citizens, with 36.85 quips per hour.

Safest: 9,838thMost Pacifist: 10,252ndMost Cheerful Citizens: 12,085thNicest Citizens: 13,340thMost Compassionate Citizens: 14,138thLargest Welfare Programs: 14,484thTop
Best Weather: 22,618thMost Rebellious Youth: 26,954thMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 27,163rdMost Beautiful Environments: 28,454thMost Inclusive: 32,480th
Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 2nd in the regionMost Pacifist: 2nd in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Themyschira was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Highest Food Quality.
  • : Themyschira's influence in The Southern Lands rose from "Squire" to "Apprentice".
  • : Themyschira was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Highest Food Quality.
  • : Themyschira was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Inclusive and Highest Food Quality.
  • : Following new legislation in Themyschira, the television adaptation of Jennifer Government is the most popular program in the nation.
  • : Following new legislation in Themyschira, textbooks are exactly twice as heavy as they used to be.
  • : Following new legislation in Themyschira, concussed Hawkball players cannot remember their lineup position.
  • : Following new legislation in Themyschira, reporters who negatively comment on politicians' haircuts are cut from the news.
  • : Following new legislation in Themyschira, attendance of fathers at PTA meetings is at an all-time high.
  • : Themyschira was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Largest Welfare Programs.

