by Max Barry

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Life in The Northern Crusaders

Life in TNC

TNC can offer a high quality of life with a diverse and vibrant culture, world-class education and healthcare systems, and numerous employment opportunities. The Northerners (The people) of TNC are generally relaxed and friendly! They are also VERY patriotic and will argue with you if you say "TNC is horrible!!!" or something like that. Most Northerners carry guns with them for safety reasons. Cities and towns are really safe thanks to the police there. You can't walk or drive anywhere in TNC without seeing military bases. Every five years we have elections. TNC's main political parties are: The Conservative Party of TNC, The
Libertarian Party of TNC, and The Liberal Party of TNC.

In the southern region of TNC, the people speak with a deep Hanasinish and Nirvasyl accent. The accent is so deep that you don't even know what they're saying. They also go to shooting ranges to fire their guns. They like talking about politics, life, and guns. They're nice people. In the Northern region of TNC, they speak in a Kabarovskian accent and they often drink alcohol. They are mostly grumpy but still nice to talk too. They also wear 4 layers of clothes because of how cold it is up there. And in the central of TNC, they're mostly factory workers, cops, chefs, or normal people. They like talking about politics and carry guns with them like the rest of the people. They like to relax after working their 7 hour shift.
