by Max Barry

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The Northern Crusader Overview | SR RP


The Gran Republic of The Northern Crusaders (Or TNC) is a Federal Republic known for its big military spending, beautiful sights, big cities, and it's facinating history. TNC borders Petronellania in the east, Kabarovsk in the south, and Satreburg in the west. Nella and Satreburg are trading partners. Vosk and Nella are both great allies of TNC.


Before the Northern Crusaders united, the land was owned by multiple tribes that spoke different languages. The strongest tribe were the Crusaders. They were located on the northern side of the land. They were a religious military order, they would invade neighboring tribes to spread their religion. Most of them were knights with crossbows. The order was founded by a old man named Olaf Von Schmidt. Olaf was a former military General. He wanted to unite the land under one banner, one religion, and one elected leader. The expanded to the south. When the Crusader expanded south, they invaded a huge forest, most of the crusader were station there, to make sure no enemy soldiers would attack. The were known as Guerilla Knights.
The Crusader did some, barbaric things to enemy soldiers. Some knights would chop heads off of wounded enemy soldiers, for fun. They would play soccer/football with the heads. They would also cut off enemies faces. Then the crusaders expanded eastward, but by the time they did, Olaf died of old age, the crusaders climbed a mountain, and built a statue of him, in his knight armor. They called the mountain, "Mount Chancellor". The crusader's kept expanding, winning most battles, but loosing alot of soldiers. Once the Crusaders were done uniting their land they rightfully deserved, the region of Kurzakstan were having a religious conflict. It was the Orthodox Christian against the Islamaran! The Crusaders, being a Christian nation themselves, decided to aid the Christians! The Christians won many battles. In the first crusade, they pushed the Islamarans back, and in the third crusade, the Christians took over the Islamic areas. In then early 1800s, there were no more knights, just soldiers. The soldiers were well trained soldiers, often fighting in small, but bloody wars. In the first half of the 1900s, TNC had nothing to worry about. Until in 1989-1992, Kaijus went on a rampage, this made TNC paranoid, which than leads to the governnment spending so much money on the militar Years went by and in 2055, TNC went to war against Kurzakstan with the coalition. We won the war, but didn't gain any land. Right now, TNC are still abit paranoid. But some of our allies people still come to TNC to visit like Petronellania's people!

Flag of TNC:

Map of TNC:

Chancellor of TNC: Prime Liege

Current Year: 2067

Government Type: Federal Republic

Political Freedom: Good

Economy: Frightening

Civil Rights: Average

Capital: Neukönigsberg

Population: 65 million

Currency: The Denar

National Animal: The Reichsadler

Motto: "Help, Defend, Heal"

Old Motto: "The Judgement Is Death"

Heavily inspired by IC-Water's Overview.
