by Max Barry

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The Elemental Orthodoxy and Eliadic Cult

The Terren Dominion has 2 major religions, the Eliadic Cult and the Elemental Orthodoxy. Both of Terren's Religions are surprisingly secular, choosing to worship the gods not because they are divine but because there is a mutually beneficial relationship between the gods and their worshipers. The gods get praise and sacrifices, while the worshipers get blessings and moral guidance. The Eliadic Cult and Elemental Orthodoxy compete frequently with each other for power, prestige and devotees. Currently the Eliadic Cult is the dominant force, but the Elemental Orthodoxy has been increasing in power rapidly.

Holy Domians

Each goddess within Terren has a Holy Domain. A Holy Domain is the gods will made manifest in a physical location. Their domains are completely unique to them, and while they are within their domains the gods are essentially omnipotent. These Holy Domains are reflections of the gods abilities to control the world around them, and the nature and appearance of the domain frequently shifts and changes with the gods whims. Dedicated worshipers find it very easy to exist within their gods Holy Domian and they are capable of coming and going from the gods domain at will. Holy Domains exist within their own pocket dimensions, completely separate from the material world, with the exception of a single "entry point". Dedicated worshipers may enter their patron's domain at anytime from anywhere, but guests must use these entry points. Even at these points only those accepted by the god may enter.

The Eliadic Cult

The Eliadic Cult is the dominant Terren religion which focuses on the dual goddesses of Eliadis, the prime protector of humanity on Terren, the creator of the Tower of Babel and the goddess of love, light, honor, peace and pride, and Elisfizz the prime protector of the Terren menshloyers and the goddess of darkness, lust, strength, freedom, and magic. The Eliadic Cult, like its sibling and rival the Elemental Orthodoxy, is a religion which believes that the gods should be studied and worshiped not due to their nature as divinities, but due to the moral benefit of their teachings and the usefulness of their blessings. While most people tend to associate the Eliadic cult mainly with the worship of Eliadis, yet in truth the worship and study of the dark goddess Elisfizz is considered to be just as vital an aspect of Eliadic worship as the worship of Eliadis. There are some Illuminarchs who specifically worship the power of Elisfizz in order to bring balance via the power of the darkness. The Church is organized into regional Archdioceses, headquartered in grand Cathedrals, which control the Cult in each region of the empire, the Dioceses, headquartered in Basilicas, which control the subdivisions of each region, and Parishes which are the individual churches and territories around them and are located in each town and city across the empire. The strength of the Cult varies by location, being strongest on the islands of Eliadland and Valheaven and weakest in Zentral Ostrov. The Eliadic Cult is also pretty successful in the colony of Helvetii. There are two locations most important to the Eliadic cult: the city of Ealindaesburg, the seat of the Illuminarchy, and the Tower of Babel where both Elisfizz and Eliadis appear in person to bless their champions.

The Eliadic Cult is organized in a top-down manner:

Eliadic Church Service

A church of the Eliadic cult is expected to be open at all times and worshipers are free to come and go as they please. At the start of each day, the church will hold a service that gives praise to the gods and attempts to further divine their nature and wisdom. Exarchs and Tardesintals manage the divisions of the church and may provide services from their Cathedrals and Basilicas. A Illuminarch will administer the service, which goes through 5 phases, the Supplication, the Reading, the Sermon, the Sacrifice, and the Blessing. The Supplication starts with the congregation praying to the gods for relief from pain or asking for the solution to a problem. Then the congregation will then write their prayer on a piece of paper and burn it. Then comes the Reading in which spiritual literature is read out by the Illuminarch to the congregation. Next comes the Sermon, in which the Illuminarch delivers a speech of their own choosing, which may address a specific belief, law, behavior, or duty in present contexts, usually drawing parallels to modern events in the empire. It may also take the form of a lament or warning. Next comes the Sacrifice in which a goat is brought to the alter and sacrificed in order to power the blessings that are about to occur. Finally comes the Blessing, in which both Eliadis and Elisfizz are said to bless the congregation, which can have a variety of effects from healing minor wounds, granting a burst of energy, or even granting increased luck for a few days.

The Eliadic Illuminarchy






An Illuminarch (general term for a priest in the Eliadic Cult) of the Eliadic Cult is meant to be a guide and teacher for the people of Terren. Their fervent voices can be heard ringing out over the streets of almost every town and city, preaching of righteousness, redemption, balance and salvation. Most Eliadic Illuminarchs are dedicated to both Eliadis and Elisfizz in equal measure, although some do choose to become dedicated singularly to one of their goddesses. Most Illuminarchs of the Eliadic Cult will choose to tend to a church and remain as civilians, but that is not true for all of them. Some Illuminarchs will choose not to administer services and instead choose to accompany the divisions of the Imperial Auxiliary Armies and Imperial Legions to provide healing, council, and occasionally blessings to individual soldiers. These Illuminarchs tend to be masters of Theurgy and Demonology.

The Goddess of the Eliadic Cult



Symbol of the Worshipers of Eliadis

Eliadis is the Terrenic Goddess of light, protection, purity, pride, and arrogance. She is arguably the most influential of the goddesses, and she is deeply driven by a fundamental desire to protect her people at all costs. She is adored by most Terrens as a benevolent and wise mother who will always stand against the darkness. She very rarely appears to her mortal followers, and when she does, she is known to give off an aura of cold distant majesty she very rarely appears to her mortal followers, and when she does, she is known to give off an aura of cold, distant majesty. In her mind all mortals are like children which need to be guided into the path of righteousness and justice. She loves mortal kind as a whole, and maybe you can tap into her angelic, but she only pays attention to a set of a few of her worshipers, those who prove themselves to be particularly faithful and or loyal to her ideals. Those who catch and hold her eyes for long enough for their heroism and purity will become her champions. Whenever she manifests in the material plane, she takes the form of a blonde-haired woman with angelic wings and a halo, dressed in a simple white toga with a red sash.

Holy Domain:
The Holy Domain of Eliadis is a wondrous land, a sprawling and mighty city which is spread as far as the eye can see, constructed out of gold silver and diamond where the structures are constructed on clouds and connected to each other by lanes filled with holy energy which connect each of the cloud cities together. At the center stands the upper limits of the Tower of Babel, which also serves as realms connection to the material world.

Symbol of the Worshipers of Elisfizz

Elisfizz is the dark goddess of Terren, the sister and counterpart to Eliadis, Elisfizz holds dominion over darkness, lust, strength, freedom, and magic. It is her ultimate goal to protect and guide those who dwell in the darkness. To her suffering darkness and evil or natural parts of life and it is impossible to eliminate them. It is due to this inevitability that Elisfizz desires complete dominion over evil believing that if she can control it she can protect all peoples from it. She is a compassionate and loving God as though and serves as a protector for the outcast, the broken and those who feel abandoned by the more conventional light of Eliadis’ church. She has a playful, teasing personality, and she enjoys pushing people to explore their truest desires and beliefs. She teaches that the darkness within us must be confronted and embraced if we are to master it. Her champions are those who have confronted and mastered their inner darkness, turning it against their foes in service of others. When Elisfizz Manifest in the material world she takes on the form of an odd lamia-like creature with demonic bat wings, sinister horns, and the lower body of a serpent.

Holy Domain:
The Holy Domain of Elisfizz is a dark city which appears to float in a vast misty void. The buildings are constructed with dark obsidian materials, the architecture is filled with sharp angels, and demonic motif's are commonplace. Sinister red lights permeate across the entire domain. The Holy Domain of Elisfizz appears dark and terribly sinister to those not familiar with it, yet to those whom worship her it is a wonderous paradise where their wants and needs may be stratified as they will.

The Elemental Orthodoxy

The Elemental Orthodoxy is a rising force in the empire. Though not yet as powerful or influential as the Eliadic Cult they are not far behind. The gods they worship where once widely worshiped across the archipelago by the ancient primitive tribes, long before the rise of the Eliadic Cult. The power of these ancient faiths faded with time, and where almost entirely forgotten, until recently. The Elemental Orthodoxy is a church which has collated the different elemental-based faiths and united them into one unified religion. They worship a variety of spirits and gods, but the four most important ones are Indgodindesu the elemental goddess of fire, forge craft, war and passion, Ghodnormea the elemental goddess of earth, strength, resolve, and art, Suroviph the elemental goddess of wind, joy, storms, and the forest, and Ukundintea the elemental goddess of water, strategy, wisdom, and politics. It is far less strictly organized than the Eliadic Cult, but its practitioners all adhere to the Supreme Patriarch. The Elemental Orthodoxy is new but has already gained a great amount of influence in the imperial heartland of Zentral Ostrov. In particular the city of Grangeld has become the DeFacto base of power for the Orthodoxy thanks to the fact that its king and high lord also serves as the Supreme Patriarch. The Elemental Orthodoxy also has started to gain power in the military with Orthodox Patriarchs make it a point to accompany as many armies as possible, and thanks to the very visible power obtained by worshiping the Elemental Gods many soldiers in the imperial military have started to convert.

The Elemental Orthodoxy is loosely organized as follows:

Elemental Spirit Worship

The Terren Archipelago is home to a variety of spirits, and it is the responsibility of the druids and shamans of the Elemental Orthodoxy to deal with these spirits, preforming exorcisms, healings, and aiding towns or cities impacted by natural disasters. Unlike the Eliadic Cult, the Elemental Orthodoxy does not have specific churches dedicated to worship like the Eliadic Cult. Instead, their worship is often comprised of rites and rituals preformed deep in the woods or on the solitary hills and mountains of the Sabasian-Grangeldic boarder. These rituals are usually dedicated to only one element and conducted by a shaman, but occasionally great gatherings will be called by the Supreme Patriarch, and intersectional Archdruids will give thanks to all of the Elemental Gods in equal measure. Despite the general disorganization of the Orthodoxy there are four sites which are held in particular reverence by the Elemental Orthodoxy. The Fallen Pyramid the home of Ghodnormea, the Throne of the Wind God the home of Suroviph, the Sacred Springs the home of Ukundintea , and the Fortress of Salamander the home of Indgodindesu. These places are the physical connection points of the elemental gods Holy Domains. Although they will not declare every mortal who visits them as Godly Champions, pilgrimages to their chosen gods Holy Domain are considered the final rite of passage before an apprentice can become a full-fledged shaman.

The Orthodoxy Primorians





The many spirits across Terren are a near constant threat, and chaos and fear will spread unchecked without the interference of a Primorian of the Elemental Orthodoxy. These holy men travel far and wide bringing peace to the fearsome and chaotic elemental spirits. They are also responsible for balancing nature and ensuring that the industries of mortals do not destroy the delicate balance of nature. It is also the responsibility of an Orthodox Primorian to teach the peoples they visit the value of nature and the secrets of the elements. Primorians of the Elemental Orthodoxy are also much more militant than their Eliadic counterparts, freely using their mastery of nature and the elements to smite their enemies.

Elemental Goddesses



Symbol of the Worshipers of Indgodindesu

Indgodindesu is a fiercely independent and forceful God imbuing the raw and the untamable power of fire. Her dominion rests over the natural power of fire and the calculated artificial strength of forge craft and warfare. She is deeply prideful and believes that her greatest gifts should only be granted to the most powerful and worthy of champions. She urges her followers to be relentless and unyielding and battle, in the forge, and in life. Within her great Forge in Salamanders Fortress she teaches prospective students the secrets of the forge, war, and fire. She is calm and patient when crafting her weapons, armor, and tools yet she is deeply impatient with her students, swift to judge them harshly for perceived weakness or incompetence. However, once you have gained her respect, she will respect you forever. This can be a double-edged sword for if you begin to fall short of her expectations once she has deemed you a champion, she will continuously stoke the fires of your passions, desires, and rage making it impossible for those who have called her gaze to ever cease in their work.

Holy Domain:
Indgodindesu’s Holy Domain is a grand city located in the heart of a volcano. Mighty blast furnaces line the walls well rivers of molten lava and metal flow through the caverns of the Mountainous cavern. The buildings are built of pitch black obsidian lined with veins of fire. Steam powered wheels and chains are ubiquitous and in the distance dragons and other creatures of the flame may occasionally be seen. The sounds of machines and iron working are ubiquitous through her infernal realm.

Symbol of the Worshipers of Ghodnormea
Ghodnormea is a serene and introspective goddess Who embodies the unyielding and unending power of the earth. She has a shy and reserved demeanor, frequently making her come off as timid and scared. yet underlying her quiet curiosity is a deep and vast curiosity, and her wisdom is grounded and realistic. She can occasionally be roused into bouts of moodiness when she feels as though she is being too thoroughly ignored. She is deeply resilient and is often considered to be the most physically impervious of the goddesses within Terren. She protects the eternal cycle of life, spending much of her time carefully cultivating life and death, raising up valleys from the seafloor whilst leveling mountains. Her champions are steadfast protectors of life, whose reliance and unyielding strength mirrors her own. She is a healer and the goddess of life, yet she holds very little objections to death, for what is death but just a means of creating new life.

Holy Domain:
Her Holy Domain is a grand pyramid made out of rock and sandstone which rises up from the vast empty Sabafian desert. Her pyramid is both brand new and rotting, as you gaze upon its rocks crumble out and are filled in with sand which seems to almost instantly harden to take its place. at the very top of the pyramid lies a vast garden which is lush green and decidedly out of place in the harsh desert environment.



Symbol of the Worshipers of Suroviph

Suroviph is the immensely friendly sociable and goofy goddess of The wind joy storms, the forests, adventuring, and the unknown. She is by far the most sociable and friendly of all of the Terren goddesses, and anyone who desires to meet with her need only travel to her throne in the forest of spirits. She examines all things in life with a childlike sense of wonder and is always seeking to learn new things about everything. She loves to wander around and views there to be no distinction between herself and mortals, meaning that occasionally she may be spotted wandering through the streets of cities shopping, sightseeing, and performing miracles. Her kindness and friendliness make her one of the most beloved goddesses within all of the empire. Her champions are fun loving and free. They move with the speed of the wind and use their power against those who seek to bring sorrow and oppression. Her willingness to associate with mortals so openly annoys her sisters, who believe that some level of decorum and professionalism should be maintained when dealing with mortals.

Holy Domain:
The Holy Domain of the Wind Goddess is a tall whimsical tower in the middle of the forest of spirits. The tower itself looks like it was ripped straight out of a fantasy with vines and intricate flowers tracing their way up the smooth white marble bricks. The surrounding forest is wonder us with fairy huts, mushrooms and mythical glowing blue way stones which allow the wind goddess to monitor her home at all times, Leaves are continuously being blown in the gentle breeze which fills the area around the tower at all times.

Symbol of the Worshipers of Ukundintea

Ukundintea is the enigmatic goddess of water knowledge and learning. She is a stoic and introspective goddess who is always calm and always thinking about her next move. She sticks to guide the empire into an era of eternal success, where its statesman and leaders may manage the nation with the utmost efficiency. She believes that her servants and champions must always be learning, always be changing and always be adapting to master the world around them. Just as a single stream can wear away a mountain, Ukundintea believes that every idea formulated can accumulate to slowly shape the world. She understands the value of the war and believes that military conflict is an inevitable driver of a vital change, although she often argues with her sister Indgodindesu, for unlike her war obsessed sister, Ukundintea believes that war is only a means to an end. Thanks to her military aspect she is the patron goddess of the Imperial Navy.

Holy Domain:
The Holy Domain of the water goddess is a wonderful underwater underground city in which the buildings are made out of sea rock and coral. There are bioluminescent fish and orbs everywhere within the city, and the ceiling is made up of rock and stone which hangs over the godly domain. Those welcome in her domain find themselves completely unhindered by the water around them.
