by Max Barry

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The 15 Kingdoms﹠Colonial Empire of
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The Kingdoms and Races of Terren








Capital: Nostra
Largest City: Nostra

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin, Yamotian

Demonym: Nostrian

Government: Mercantile Absolute Monarchy.
  • Queen: Amphradosia Nostra

  • Prince: Metallherr Nostra

Legislature: The Nostrian Council of Burgermeisters

Establishment: Mariov 9rd -631

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Eliadic Cult

Major Species
  • Humans
      Habitat: Extremely broad, prefer warmer/temperate climates
      Common Traits: Curious, Creative, Intelligent, Industrious
      Magical Potential: High
      Relations with Others: Generally friendly, occasionally looked down on as inferior due to their lack of physical power or lifespans
      Average Life Span: 90 Years
      Sub-Species: N/A

    Humans are the most prominent race within Terren. They are relatively mediocre in terms of physical ability, but they are immensely intelligent and magically adept which has allowed them to spread out to the degree they have. With the sole exception of the Insectoids, Humans are race most capable of reproducing at a rapid rate and have a comparatively long lifespan which means that there are more humans than any other race in Terren. Humans are generally categorized by their industriousness and intellectual curiosity. Humans are a race which thrive on exploration and expansion and are generally considered to be the most "active" race when it comes to happenings both within the empire and without. Humans are considered to be a jack of all trades, master of none race, meaning that they are more balanced than any other Terren race, but not as specialized as all the others. The humans of Nostria are people filled with Wonderlust and a desire to learn, explore, discover, and trade. Compared to their kin, Nostran humans tend to be bigger and stronger due to their hard lives at sea.

Minor Species
  • Serpentine
  • Plantae
  • Fae
  • Beastmen

The Kingdom of Nostra is a bustling maritime kingdom within positioned along the Southeastern coast of the Zentral Ostrov which serves as the economic heartland of the Terren Empire. The kingdoms port towns and cities are famous for their grand harbors and expansive shipyards which are constantly building and repairing the ships of the Imperial Navy.Nostra's combination of trade and agriculture make it the wealthiest kingdom in the empire by a significant margin.
The kingdom’s strategic coastal locations are blessed with deep waters and natural harbors which has allowed it to develop into the hub for trade and shipbuilding. The coastline of Nostra is lined with lighthouses whose beams provide guidance for the many ships which come by its ports day and night. The inner regions of the kingdom are lush and fertile, making them some of the best places in the empire for farming, and Nostra has become famous for its grand vineyards.
Nostra itself is a colossal metropolis comprised of a seemingly endless rows of guild complexes, homes, trade centers, restaurants and schools. Despite being located relatively inland its position on the Meserian River allows even large ships to sail in and out of Nostra. So large is the city itself that, even compared the truly colossal cities of Terren, Nostra is almost impossible to circumnavigate without assistance, and many of its citizens have not actually explored the entire city, and many know more about what happens in other kingdoms then they do about what happens on the other side of their city.
Nostra is viewed with equal parts jealousy and begrudging respect by the other realms of Terren, with many people viewing Nostra's obsession with trade as dishonorable. Nevertheless, everyone within terror recognizes Nostra's immense strategic importance and Austrian ship builders are frequently commissioned by other kingdoms in order to shore up their own ships. Nostra also serves almost like a bank for the kingdom, providing loans with generous interest rates to friendly kingdoms to support their economic development, with a guarantee from the emperor himself that these loans will be repaid one way or another.
The kingdom of Nostrian is an absolute monarchy, but the queen is assisted by the Nostrian Council of Trade Lords, A body composed of the kingdom's most successful financial investors, merchants, bankers, and military officers. They serve an advisory role to the reigning monarch, but thanks to their own economic influence they have a lot of sway in how the kingdom is run. Individual members of the Council have met with Emperor Luka on numerous occasions to help fund his ambitious projects.
Nostra was founded 600 years before the death of the Menshloyer lord. Its people struggled to form the kingdom early on in their history, and there was a significant amount of conflict with the fairies inhabiting the forest of spirits. Eventually however the people of Nostra would be able to convince them to allow them to settle. Their location meant that they were generally safe from invasion, although there were the occasional skirmishes against the Wendrogian Plantae, and the Sabafians. They swiftly became excellent seafarers and shipbuilders, although they did end up losing control of much of their fleets when they split off to become the famous independent armadas.


Capital: Haltengeld
Largest City: The City of Rambles

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin

Demonym: Haltengeldic

Government: Militaristic Theocracy
  • Supream Patrarch: Darius von Halten

  • The Haltengeldic War Council

  • Elemental Primoria

Establishment: Janurina 19th -941

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Elemental Orthodoxy

Major Species
  • Humans
      Habitat: Extremely broad, prefer warmer/temperate climates
      Common Traits: Curious, Creative, Intelligent, Industrious
      Magical Potential: High
      Relations with Others: Generally friendly, occasionally looked down on as inferior due to their lack of physical power or lifespans
      Average Life Span: 90 Years
      Sub-Species: N/A

    The humans of Haltengeld are renowned for their physical strength and unyielding wheels. Their existence on the Front lines of the Terminus mist and constant exposure to demonic energy has made them far stronger than most other humans. They are capable of feats of strength which put even the strongest humans of the other kingdoms to shame, and because of this, the humans of Haltengeld are held in high esteem by the other more militaristic races. They are also known to be rather blunt which can sometimes rub people the wrong way.

Minor Species
  • Serpentine
  • Verführerin
  • Insectoids

Haltengeld is a hyper-militaristic theocratic oligarchy within the Terren Empire. It is greatly respected for its disciplined warrior culture and the pivotal role it played in the millennium long war against the Terminus Mists. Situated on the northern borders of Zentral Ostrov Haltengeld was once a bastion standing directly in the path of the Mists' expansion, making it the first line of defense against the horrors that emerged from the corrupted lands. The kingdom's identity, politics, and culture were shaped by the horrific centuries of constant warfare, and its people have grown to embody martial values in every aspect of their lives.
Haltengeld's geography is dominated by a rugged landscape of craggy mountains and sun-scorched savannahs. The lands harsh and inhospitable landscape is a result of the dark energies which radiated down from the lands of Gehinnom and the constant assault of mistwalkers. Haltengelds northern most shore is dominated by the legendary Citadel of Unyielding Steel, a massive wall-like structure which runs for hundreds of miles, with large, fortified cities being built as a part of the Citadel itself. Recently Darius has begun a project to turn the now obsolete megastructure into a major housing project.
Haltengeld is a large imposing city built near the center of the Kingdom. It is heavily fortified, its legendary walls standing tall and proud, encircling the great city. The streets are lined with barracks, military academes, and forge masters. Haltengeld is the heartland of the Elemental Orthodoxy, and many temples dedicated to the great elemental goddesses can be found throughout the city. Shines dedicated to Indgodindesu in particular are common.
Haltengeld is universally respected by the other realms of Terren, for it was they who took the brunt of the mists assault upon themselves, standing firm so that the other kingdoms might survive. Haltengeld's citizens tend to be rather prideful of this fact, and many of them have taken to referring to the peoples of the other kingdoms as children who needed Haltengelds power to protect them, which has can cause some friction, although no one can truly disagree with them.
The Elemental Primoria holds extreme sway in the Haltengeld and the Supreme Patriarch of the Elemental Orthodoxy becomes the head of the War Council which governs the kingdom. The War Council is a collection of margraves, generals, and distinguished war hero's which serve to advise the Supreme Patriarch in matters of state and government.
Haltengeld was founded many years before the Menshloyer lord came to power, but when she did, Haltengeld led the charge against her, and it was a Haltengeldic hero who is said to have struck the killing blow. Haltengeld is a nation forged in war, and its history is a mere collection of the endless conflicts it has fought. Haltengeld has battled against the horrific eldritch Mistwalkers, the Verführerin of the Sukkubusreich, the endless hordes of Insektheim, and has even had the occasional skirmish against Castlerain. The people of Haltengeld are deeply intuned to their section of the Fatherland, and never forgot the old ways of Elementalism, and thus it was they who codified the old ways together and create the Elemental Orthodoxy.


Capital: Sabafia
Largest City: Sabafia

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin

Demonym: Sabafian

Government: Absolute Monarchy
  • King: Phoenix Dzhaggernaut

Legislature: The Sabafian Council of Burgermeisters

Establishment: Augodustov 4th -943

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Elemental Orthodoxy

Major Species
  • Humans
      Habitat: Extremely broad, prefer warmer/temperate climates
      Common Traits: Curious, Creative, Intelligent, Industrious
      Magical Potential: High
      Relations with Others: Generally friendly, occasionally looked down on as inferior due to their lack of physical power or lifespans
      Average Life Span: 90 Years
      Sub-Species: N/A

    The Sabafian humans live in a harsh desert environment, and have developed numerous adaptations to survive, including firmer skin, dark hair and eyes, and slim lean bodies which do not require as much water. They are also very dexterous and can navigate the sand dunes of their homeland with an easy which puts other humans to shame. Sabafians are also famous for their ability to speak with incredible speeds, allowing them to convey orders and communicate exceedingly quickly, a trait which puzzles and occasionally frustrates those they deal with.

Minor Species
  • Karibdi

Sabafia is a nation located in the harsh deserts of Southwestern Zentral Ostrov. Sabafia has been frequently attacked by missed walkers, but thanks to the incredibly harsh environment of their kingdom, and relative isolation thanks to the colossal mountain range in the north, The Sabafians have not needed to militarize nearly to the same extent as Haltengeld. They are a people who focus far more on the deep spiritual practices of faith, and the creation of art and science rather than the art of war.
Sabafia is located in an extraordinarily unforgiving desert, one which has very little water or oasis. The few large centers of water have since become thriving towns and cities, which are loosely connected by a series of roads which despite the best efforts of the Sabafians, are in constant need of repair. The northernmost parts of the nation are marked by a vast mountain range which separates them from the northern kingdoms of Terren. The sand dunes which spread across Sabafia make traversing the countryside on anything other than its roads a near impossibility.
The city of Sabafia is a wondrous sight to behold. A grand city rising up out of the scorching sand dunes, marked by large towers, intricate sandstone buildings and immaculate pyramids which seem to have been cut into hardened mountains of sand which blur the line between man-made and naturally occurring structures. Unlike the other cities within the Terran empire, Sabathia‘s layout is disorienting and chaotic with buildings being placed randomly throughout the area. At the very center of the city lies a massive oasis whose waters come from deep within the earth and which serves as the lifeblood for the entire city. Sabathia is a wonderfully cultured kingdom and its capital city reflects this with many laboratories, libraries, and museums being found scattered throughout the City of Sand.
The Sabafian‘s are a people deeply connected to art and science, and their cultural pursuits mean that many of the nations of Terren hold them in particularly high regard. In particular the Sabafians hold a deeply close relationship with the Karibdi, as both peoples share a deep love of science, and a unique love of the desert. Karibdi have the ability to move through sand in the same way as they move in water, meaning that they can traverse the countryside far easier than most, making them a key part of the Sabafian infrastructure Because of this Karibdi are found very frequently living amongst the Sabafian‘s.
The Sabafians are an absolute monarchy, and their legislative body serves a purely advisory role to the king, who oversees the day-to-day operations of the kingdom and passes all laws as he sees fit. The king of Sabafia also serves as the head of their branch of the Elemental Orthodoxy Having a particular focus on the elemental goddess of earth, Ghodnormea.
Sabafia is thought to have been founded by a group of peasants and refugees fleeing some long-forgotten war. They managed to escape to the one place within the Terran archipelago which had not yet been inhabited, although they struggled mightily whilst living within the terrible desert. However over time the people of Sabafia became more and more in tune with the land and began to construct cities and towns around the oases which dotted the desert landscape. They have fought occasional battles against the Nostrians however these conflicts have never escalated further than being near skirmishes, for the Sabafian‘s far more prefers art and science to war and terror.


Capital: Ealindaes
Largest City: Ealindaes

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin

Demonym: Eliadic

Government: Theocratic Oligarchy
  • Pontifex Maximus: Peter von Eliad

  • Profanus Magistrix: Anika von Kruken

Legislature: The Eliadic Luminarchy

Establishment: Impral 9th -1435

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Eliadic Cult

Major Species
  • Humans
      Habitat: Extremely broad, prefer warmer/temperate climates
      Common Traits: Curious, Creative, Intelligent, Industrious
      Magical Potential: High
      Relations with Others: Generally friendly, occasionally looked down on as inferior due to their lack of physical power or lifespans
      Average Life Span: 90 Years
      Sub-Species: N/A

    Eliadic humans are typically frailer and weaker than most other humans, their relative peace and security in Eliadland meaning that they have not needed to develop physical power. They tend to be particularly charismatic and diplomatic however and are the most highly regarded humans by most other races. This has proven incredibly useful for them, and the inherent charisma of the Eliadics is directly responsible for the widespread influence and power of the Eliadic Cult.

Minor Species
  • Angels
  • Harpies
  • Fae
  • Slimes

Ealindaes is a kingdom dominates much of the Island of Eliadland. It is the absolute political heart of the Eliadic cult, and it is from within Ealindaes that the Pontifex Maximus and Profanus Magistix reign. It is a deeply spiritual kingdom, and one which holds immense political power and prestige. It also has a surprisingly storied military tradition, and the state troops of the empire are based on the Elaidic Realm Guard, the Kasarnian Blade Guard
Ealindaes is dominated by blasted wastelands in the north, a vast mountain range in the east, and fertile farmland and deep forests in the south. Thanks to its relative isolation Ealindaes has not suffered much in the ways of invasion, but unfortunately the North was scourged by a massive Mistwalker invasion. The mountain range in the east provides immensely valuable ores which fund a thriving mining industry.
Ealindaes itself is a city which rises up from the blasted wastes which surround it, glowing like a beacon in the midst of the devastated landscape. The city has intricate architecture and large intricate buildings of stone and marble, with gold trimmings and iron accents. The streets are dominated by home fronts interspersed with churches, temples, and shrines. At the center of the city is the Luminarchy Cathedral if Eliadis, the largest cathedral within the entirety of Terren. The sound of hymns and preaching can frequently be heard ringing out, and processions of clergy walk the streets proclaiming their faith.
Ealindaes is a kingdom with a complicated relationship with many of the nations around it. It was a kingdom which on numerous occasions attempted to spread its religious ideology across Taryn, to a surprisingly High level of success. Ealindaes and Haltengeld have a very tense relationship in particular due to their religious differences, although recent efforts to pacify them have been bearing recent fruit. On the other hand, Ealindaes has particularly close relations with its neighbor in the East, Vogelreich. The trade between these two kingdoms greatly sustains both of them. Ealindaes and Haltengeld have a very tense relationship in particular due to their religious differences, although recent efforts to pacify them have been bearing recent fruit.
Ealindaes is a deeply religious theocratic oligarchy, and the influence of the Eliadic Luminarchy can be felt everywhere within the kingdom. The leaders of the Kingdom are also the leaders of the Eliadic cult. The deep amounts of faith held by the government of Ealindaes is so great that the goddess Eliadis, herself is said to frequently come down to the kingdom to offer her own advice and to make her will clear.
Ealindaes is a very old kingdom, older than all of the other nations in Terren. Within its history Ealindaes has always been a very religious kingdom, and tradition states that it was founded by the goddess Eliadis herself. The truth of this statement is very questionable, but it is known that they were by far the first nation to begin worshiping the members of the Eliadic cult, abandoning the old elemental ways. For a while they were extremely human centric, however trade with the kingdom of Vogelreich lessened this bigotry until it became little more than an unfortunate note in the kingdom's history.


Capital: Hazarika
Largest City: Tusreliquiae

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin

Demonym: Hazarikan

Government: Necromantic Aristocracy
  • Arch Chancellor: Claudius Savas Semka

  • Queen: Victoria Nagas

Legislature: The Nekrolords of the Bloodsun Court

Establishment: Decindar 4th -1437

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Eliadic Cult

Major Species
  • Vampire

    Common Traits: Arrogant, Prideful, Polite, Superstitious, Religious
    Magical Potential: Very High
    Relations with Others: View with suspicion, and slight jealous due to their incredible abilities.
    Average Life Span: Functionally immortal
    Sub-Species: N/A
    Vampires are by far the youngest race in Terren, with the vast majority of them being the reanimated bodies of other races. They have extremely pale skin, blood crimson eyes and, most notably, extremely elongated fangs. Each vampire has incredibly high physical abilities and magical potential but have a variety of crippling weaknesses, such as the inability to withstand sunlight, salt. wooden weapons, and powerful religious artifacts, this last one being particularly devastating as most Terren vampires are superstitious and view this weakness as a great shame upon their race. Vampires tend to be arrogant and prideful, with overinflated egos and a superiority complex. They also tend to be frivolous and insecure, many creating a sense of nobility and wealth around them, displaying riches and ties to the nobility which many do not actually possess. They are gentlemanly however, and will act politely, if a bit condescendingly, in the presence of the other races.

Minor Species
  • Humans
  • Verführerin

The sinister kingdom of Hazarika dominates the northernmost island of the Terren Archipelago. It is a land of death and demons, yes its people are hardened and resilient and the knowledge and sinister power they wield has been instrumental in protecting the empire and expanding its influence. It is also the most politically influential kingdom within Terren, its capital city serves not only as the capital for the kingdom but as a secondary capital for the entire empire. It is dominated by Vampires, although Hazarikan humans are a very common sight.
The landscape of Hazarika is deeply sinister to those who are not used to it. The plants of Hazarika are relatively famous for their mysterious and odd appearances. They grow lush and fertile yesterday yet appear blackened and dead. Water flows with a slight eerie red tint. The northernmost side of the kingdom is dominated by a series of craggy mountains made out of obsidian and granite which seem to rise impossibly high and cast sinister shadows over the landscape.
The grand city of Hazarika is a dark and sinister place, the buildings are constructed out of onyx and black obsidian with sharp angles and sinister gargoyles being near omnipresent characteristics. The city is immensely influential, being the second capital of the entire Terren empire it has many luxurious accommodations for visiting and local nobleman and government figures, as well as a series of government offices. Visitors to the city are recommended to remain within the main thoroughfares, for all manner of things lurk in the shadowy corners and alleys of the city.
Hazarika is viewed with general suspicion and distrust by many of its neighbors. Hazarika is the kingdom of the ancient Menshloyers, it is the kingdom which brought about the Terminus Mists, and it is the kingdom of necromancy and demonology. Yet its affiliation with the Elisfizzite side of the Eliadic cult has given it some level of credibility as of late, and Luka himself has worked very hard to fully and completely integrate Hazarika into the empire, which has been generally very successful. Besides, none can deny the effectiveness of their dark magics.
Hazarika is ruled over by the most ancient bloodline within Terren, House Nagas, yet the deeply aristocratic families within the kingdom are always vying for more power and the Aristocracy of the Red Sun was formed to be a counterbalance to the queen's authority. The vampires of Hazarika worship the power of the sun above all else, viewing its power as the ultimate equalizer, and any vampire capable resisting the suns power is seen as a holy figure.
The early Hazarikans would discover the arts of vampirism and necromancy, and with perfect the dark arts overtime. Hazarika would become a powerful empire in its own right, until a powerful warlord would take control of their nation who proceeded to begin an extermination campaign against all that refused to submit to them. They were eventually defeated and the Hazarikan empire shattered. In a last desperate attempt for vengeance Hazarika would call upon the terminus mists to shroud the lands and isolate Terren forever. During the age of the Terminus Mists a series of powerful sorcerer kings would rise to power each seeking to overcome the mists which their ancient ancestors had created.







Capital: Iliadstantinople
Largest City: Iliadstantinople

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin, Yamotian

Demonym: Heavinte

Government: Theocratic Archduchy
  • Arch-Duchess: Eden Acervus

Legislature: The Devine Conclave

Establishment: Novinar 15th 1437

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Eliadic Cult

Major Species
    Eliadic Angels

    Common Traits: Righteous, Zealous, Loyal, Arrogant
    Magical Potential: Very High
    Relations with Others: Viewed as wise spiritual leaders by members of the Eliadic Cult, but as pretensions fools by the Elemental Orthodoxy
    Average Life Span:Functionally immortal
    Sub-Species: Angel, Archangel
    Angels are reflections of their creator gods will. Eliadic Angels take the form of humans with feathered wings and golden halos. Archangels are visually distinct from their kin and have dark blue skin instead. The body of an angel is comprised of divine energy. This composition means that most attacks pass harmlessly through them, a major advantage in battle. Angels tend to be zealous, righteous and arrogant. They have strong convictions about what is right and wrong and will enforce their beliefs on those around them, meaning that they tend to only get along with their own, and occasionally humans. However, Angels will never allow an injustice to go unpunished and will always strive to defend what is right. This applies outside of combat as well and Angels are noted to be vocal champions of the people as lawyers and advocates.

Minor Species
  • Humans
  • Fae
  • Beastmen

Valheaven is the holiest kingdom in all of Terren. Although Elias might be the center of the Eliadic cult politically, Valheaven is the center of the cult spiritually. It is a kingdom forged directly by the hand of Iliadis and a place which frequently comes under assault from foreign powers. Yes the unyielding people within it have not yet faltered and will continue to stand against the darkness.
Valheaven is located in the far north of the Terren Archipelago and is an icy frigid place. The temperature within the kingdom frequently reaches subzero and its biting winds are known to be extremely dangerous. To the north lies a mountain range of incredibly high peaks, all of which are dwarfed by the even larger Tower of Babel, The physical connection to the goddesses' realm. The landscape is heavily dominated by forests, occasionally intermittent with wide-open tundra fields.
Iliadstantinople is a truly magnificent city, constructed of prismarine, iron, gold and marble. Mighty spires reach into the sky whilst the city's large population of Angels can be seen flying from place to place exuding their holy radiance down upon the city streets below. The city has insane numbers of churches and shrines dedicated to the worship of the goddess, and holy energies and magics can literally be seen streaming through the roads. The city is noted for its architectural flamboyance, with arches, domes and sky bridges being particularly common.
The kingdom of Valheaven is near universally beloved. The might of its armies, the strength of its convictions, and the overwhelming radiance and awe they inspire makes it difficult to stand against them. Even the kingdoms which follow the Elemental Orthodoxy are forced to acknowledge the kingdom's impressive accomplishments and uniquely deep connection to the powers of light. Valheaven has a rivalry with Hazarika over which goddess is superior.
Valheaven is ruled over by the most powerful and blessed of the angels within the city, and she chooses a council to rule under her and help enforce her will to make decisions. Recently some humans have even been allowed to join this ruling council, known as the divine conclave, although it is still overwhelmingly controlled by Angels.
The Archduchy of Valheaven was founded when the Goddess Eliadis was weakened by the power of the Terminus Mists. As the dark mists intruded into her holy realm, Eliadis sent her angels into the mortal plane to defend the Tower of Babal and establish a presence on the material world, as her dominion could no longer support them. At first the angels struggled to adapt to mortal existence, but thanks to the assistance of a couple of humans who had been living on the island, as well as trade with the other nearby kingdoms, the angels managed to establish themselves and overtime distinguished themselves using their wisdom and power to create a mighty civilization.


Capital: Wendrogia
Largest City: Sectaplan

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin

Demonym: Wendrogian

Government: Enviornmental Oligarchy
  • Queen: Alrauna Treekin

Legislature: The Wendrogian Council of Dryads

Establishment: Marov 6th -532

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Elemental Orthodoxy

Major Species
  • Plantae

    Common Traits: Enthusiastic, Industrious, Aggressive, Passive
    Magical Potential: High
    Relations with Others: Well liked, but occasionally seen as overly aloof
    Average Life Span: 100-300 Years
    Sub-Species: Treemen, Flowerfolk, Mushroomench, Dryad
    Plantae are a race whose members have the characteristics of various kinds of plant life, ranging from mushrooms to, flowers, to trees. Their plant nature allows them to sustain themselves off photosynthesis alone. The Plantae are in generally incredibly long lived, but they are especially tied to the seasons, being at their most active during the summer months, and entering a nearly catatonic state during winter. The Plantaes personality varies over the course of the seasons, becoming surprisingly aggressive during the fall months, enthusiastic and excited during the spring months, industrious and hard working during the summer, and passive and lazy during the winter months.

Minor Species
  • Fae
  • Beastmen
  • Humans

Wendrogia is the great Forest kingdom, which unifies itself with nature, and which has become indistinguishable from the forest which it originates from. The Plantae of Wendrogia are sworn to protect the mighty world tree which grows in the center of their mythical forest, a physical manifestation of the father lands presence.
The entire kingdom of Wendrogia is part of a great forest which shares its name. This forest's large size means that it is incredibly complex, and has several distinct biomes within it. The southern part of the forest is relatively open with large trees which are decently separated apart from each other. Walking through this region is relatively easy. The western part of the forest is far more elevated and is denser than the south, and because it is located on the beginnings of the great mountain range with splits Zentral Ostrov in half, it becomes rather difficult to navigate this part of the forest. The northern part is the deepwald, an exceedingly dark and dense part of the forest where the trees are packed tightly together and where monsters roam. Finally, the easternmost part of the forest is a very swampy location, with marshlands and ponds which have trees just barely growing out of them.
The city of Wendrogia is an amazingly fantastical city, where the buildings are all made of living trees. The city has levels, each level being a series of paths, walkways and bridges which connect the large number of trees, hollowed out giant mushrooms, and the occasional cave system. These levels are connected by a series of ladders staircases and elevational platforms. Despite being so incredibly natural in its construction, Wendrogia does not shy away from using industrial technology or the tools of civilization to improve their lives, and there is A unique dichotomy between the naturalistic exterior of the buildings and the surprisingly developed interior.
Wendrogia is situated between the kingdoms of Castelrain and Nostra, with whom it has professional relationships. Wendrogia allows these kingdoms to access the forest's resources, as long as they remain conservative in their actions and do not cause permanent harm. However, Wendrogia has an exceedingly positive relationship with the kingdom of Álfheim, and a series of magical underground tunnels connect the forest of Wendrogia with the Forest of Spirits.
The queen of the forests rains over the entire kingdom, and her decrees and Will is supported by the The Wendrogian Council of Dryads. The council is composed of the most ancient Plantae in the kingdom, those exalted elders whose wisdom and experience is irreplaceable. To become a member of the council, a prospective Plantae must be at least 150 years old, then they must present themselves to the world tree and pledge their allegiance to it. Finally, they must defeat an existing member of the council in single combat. This duel only goes to first blood. Should they win, they become part of the council. Should they fail, they cannot try again for another 15 years.
Wendrogia was formed by the Plantae who seemed to naturally grow from around the world tree. During its early history it frequently came into conflict with the other kingdoms around it as it started to protect all of nature from them and their influence. Yet as time progressed it became clear that these conflicts were not helping anyone, and over time the kingdom of Wendrogia would come to teach the civilizations around them how to respect nature's bounty and use its gifts, rather than resorting to violence.


Capital: Orientalem
Largest City: Orientalem

Official Language: Yamotian

Kingdom Languages Yamotian, Terrkovkin

Demonym: Fae

Government: Elected Monarchy
  • Queen: Tatianna Serasiaa

  • The Faerie Court:

    1. Seelie Court

    2. Unseelie Court

    Establishment: Fellboras 12th -41

    Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

    State Religion
    • Elemental Orthodoxy

    Major Species
    • Fae

      Common Traits: Intellectual, Playful, Wise
      Magical Potential: Very High
      Relations with Others: They are fairly well liked for the most part, although their near endless
      Average Life Span: 600 Years
      Sub-Species: Alves, Faerie

    The average Fae has a very similar appearance to a human but with large, pointed ears, and a pair of delicate butterfly wings. These wings do not actually allow them to fly in and of themselves but instead can be used by most Fae as a conduit for magic which allows them to fly instead. They are a race which is naturally blessed with immense magical potential, and even the youngest Fae can often rival the best spellcasters of other races. Most Fae often consider themselves as guardians of nature, but they do not take themselves to seriously. They spend much of their long lifespans studying magic and nature, hunting, and engaging in artistic pursuits, but they will often take breaks from their studies to play childish pranks on members of the other races.

Minor Species
  • Beastmen
  • Humans
  • Plantae

The kingdom of Álfheim is a wonderful and whimsical place, where the laws of reality seemed to bend and twist under the skillful sorcery of the fairy inhabitants. The kingdom itself is split in two, half comprises the forest of spirits in Central Ostroff, and the other half inhabits an island which jets off from the Inarishima peninsula. A series of magical tunnels connect these two parts of the kingdom together, as well as connecting with the fairy kingdom to the forest of Wendrogia.
The Forest of Spirits is a deep woodland area, which appears relatively normal on the outside, however once you enter within the depths of the forest it swiftly becomes a whimsical place. Mushrooms which tower over you grow within the forest and are hollowed out to be used as dwellings by Fae inhabitants. Glowing crystal shards emerge from random points within the woods which can sense where you wish to go and will illuminate the path towards your destination. It is noted that as one explores the forest their sense of scale will become very distorted. For example, some areas will make everything appear grotesquely large, only for you to round a corner and find yourself in a place where everything is shrunken. It is highly recommended to have a Fae guide when entering into this forest.
The island of Orientalem lacks much of the whimsy of Álfheim although it is an actual city, and its layout and atmosphere are significantly more familiar to most of the other races. It is here that the kingdom's primary economic, industrial, political, and military functions are maintained and developed. The Alven subrace of Fae run the city with a tight and efficient hand, while their fairy cousins run amok within the city streets causing all manner of mischief. The elves have worked very hard to make the city appear as professional as possible and have taken many inspirations from the nearby architectural styles of Ealindaes and Nostra.
It is difficult not to take a liking to the whimsical Fae, and as such the kingdom of Álfheim is well liked by pretty much all the other races. Although it can be exceedingly disorienting to enter into the kingdom, many people find it to be an excellent tourist destination, as the whimsical and miraculous nature of the entire kingdom make it easy to lose yourself in the entertainment. The Fae have a particularly close relationship with the Plantae due to their shared love of nature and desire to protect it, although the Fae are significantly more diplomatic in their handling of nature's preservation. Although the fairies are not particularly respected due to their childishness, their Alven cousins are held in high esteem for their efficiency and to the point attitudes.
The leader of Álfheim is an elected monarch, who is chosen by the Fae to preside over them as queen. The candidates are chosen for being among the most wise and friendly of all Fae. Once a queen has been chosen, they will convene the Faerie Court. The Faerie Court is spilt into two branches the Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court. The Seelie Court is not a government in the traditional sense, instead it is more like a forum in which the citizens of Álfheim can come forth and make their grievances known before the queen, who will then attempt to assist them. This court is held within a clearing deep within the Forest of Spirits. This laid-back approach to leadership is the preferred style of governance for the Fairies. Within Orientalem the Unseelie Court is headed up by a council of the more pragmatic and wise elves, who act to ensure that the kingdom remains secure and prosperous in a more material sense.
Álfheims early history is pretty much completely unknown, for the Fae do not tend to keep records. From what little has been gathered it is widely believed that the Fae fled from the land of the Grand Theocracy due to persecution and came to settle within the Forest of Spirits and the island of Orientalem. The Fae are deeply friendly and trusting, but they never really engaged with the inter-playing politics of the other kingdoms which surround them, instead of preferring a form of playful isolation where any were welcome to come to them as long as they did not hold any violent intent, but they would not engage with the outside world. This would continue during the era of the Terminus Mists, although it seems likely that the Fae did not fully grasp how deadly the Mists were, leading to several unfortunate tragedies.


Capital: Inarishima
Largest City: Inarishima

Official Language: Yamotian

Kingdom Languages Yamotian

Demonym: Inarishian

Government: Absolute Monarchy
  • Shogun: Daji

Legislature: The Inarishian Kuge

Establishment: Impral 17th 64

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Elemental Orthodoxy

Major Species
  • Beastmen

    Common Traits: Boisterous, Aggressive, Gluttonous, Protective/Wise, Scholarly, Artistic, Manipulative
    Magical Potential: Very Low
    Relations with Others: Most are seen as feral barbarians, although a select few become viewed as particularly wise as they get older
    Average Life Span: 40 Years
    Sub-Species: Kitsunes, Racoonkin, Goatmen, Centaurs, Taurmen, Bearmen, Catmen
    All Beastmen have traits from a certain type of mammal. The extent of these traits varies depending on the individual, from being limited to their ears and tails, to an inhuman head, all the way through to having the entire lower body of an animal. The more bestial traits they have the more powerful they tend to be. Most Beastmen are terrible at magic with one exception, the Kitsunes. These fox Beastmen are uniquely able to wield magic unlike the rest of their kin. Beastmen tend to be aggressive and foul mouthed, and can their personalities tend to be off putting for most people. Beastmen respect strength alone and will only be respectful towards those they view as stronger than themselves. However, Beastmen can be surprisingly protective of the "weak" viewing them as lesser members of the pack who need protection. The Kitsune subrace is exceedingly different from the rest of their kin, and instead tend to be intellectuals and philosophers.

Minor Species
  • Harpies
  • Fae
  • Vampires
  • Karibdi
  • Humans

The kingdom of Inarishima is the most culturally distinct of all of the Terren kingdoms. Its relative geographical isolation, and all the founding mean that it has a very particular culture and ethos which makes it very distinct from the kingdom surrounding it, although its influence can be felt in all of its neighbors. Its is generally considered to be the most culturally significant place in the empire, occasionally being referred to as the birthplace of Terrenic art.
Inarishima is located in a peninsula on the easternmost side of the island of the Zentral Ostrov. The upper most part of this peninsula is occupied by a large mountain range which makes travel into the rest of Zentral Ostrov difficult. Further south the kingdom is dominated by special forests whose magnificently colored trees famously go in and out of molt frequently, leading to much of the region being dominated by pink and purple petals which coat the land and the forest. In the southwestern portion of the peninsula a second smaller mountain range exists which is covered in magnificent naturally occurring Hot Springs which emerge from the frosty ice peaks which dominate the upper portions of the mountains.
The city of Inarishima is a magnificent location with a very distinct and unique architectural style. The roofs are designed with sloping interlocked tile patterns which curve upwards at the corners creating a distinct you like shape on each side of the building. The buildings within the city also tend to have many high stories, each separated with similar roof structures. Long intricate pathways connect to the buildings which are covered over by sloping magnificent triangular roofs which are supported by columns of brightly painted pillars. Bridges designed in an upside-down U shape allow for easy access over the water whilst also allowing smaller vessels to pass by easily underneath. The way the city is built causes it to appear to be bursting out from the forest around it, and the brightly colored reds, vibrant greens and shocking turquoise blues which cover the buildings makes the city stand out even more.
Inarishima has always been a relatively isolated place due to its geographical isolation and significant cultural differences with the other nations of Terren. As such it is still considered by many to be mysterious and unknown, although recently tourism has been increasing as people flock to discover this mysterious kingdom. However, it should be noted that due to the overwhelming amounts of cultural output that Inarishima generates, and the unique appeal of its society has led to its neighboring kingdoms adopting certain customs from them, including their language and occasionally even aspects of their architectural style. Due to their love of art and poetry, Inarishima has played a key role in developing imperial culture to what it is today.
Inarishima is ruled over by a Shogun who is the dominant warlord who has managed to rise their way to the top of Inarishimas cutthroat political and military culture. While the Shogun is the one in charge of the entire kingdom, the local lords, lesser warlords, and courtesans occupy a relatively powerful legislative body known as the Kuge. The beastmen's propensity for exulting the strongest members of their society means that even the wisest of their number take second fiddle to the strongest.
Inarishima was founded by explorers from the far-off empire of Dragonic Kantan. They were mostly comprised of kitsune, Catman, and Tanuki. Upon arriving to the peninsula under unknown circumstances, they would encounter the other beastman tribes which roamed the area. The beastmen originally viewed them with great amounts of suspicion, but the Kitsune were incredibly cunning and managed to subjugate and annex all of the beastmen tribes into a single kingdom. Despite being relatively isolated, only occasionally trading with the nations beyond the mountains their culture still seeped in and influenced their neighbors tremendously, to the point that many of their neighbors actually speak Yamotian rather than Terrkovkin.


Capital: Karibdimar
Largest City: Oceangrad

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin, Yamotian

Demonym: Karibdic

Government: Technocratic Oligarchy
  • High Fleshcrafter: Meeresgöttin Sullivan

Legislature: The Council of Bio-Lords

Establishment: Grey 25th 924

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Ellemental Orthodoxy

Major Species
  • Karibdi

    Common Traits: Intellectual, Paranoid, Gluttonous
    Magical Potential: Medium
    Relations with Others: They are seen as mysterious and off putting due to their odd biology, but their high intelligence them many friends with the academic elite
    Average Life Span: 90 Years
    Sub-Species: N/A

The Karibdi are an amphibious race whose bodies are comprised of multiple strange organs, such as octopus-like tentacles or translucent color changing skin. Karibdi do not actually have a "set" appearance and when living in the depths of the ocean their bodies are nearly formless. When visiting the land, the Karibdi will create an alternate bodily persona which they generally base off of humans. Karibdi are extremely intelligent and naturally curious, spending much of their time experimenting on the world around them. However, due to their time in the dangerous ocean Karibdi tend to be slightly paranoid and if they are caught off guard, they can lash out without thinking. Due to the complexity of their bodies Karibdi are also extremely gluttonous, requiring a vast amount of food to sustain themselves.

Minor Species
  • Slimes

Karibdimar is the strange, alien, underwater kingdom of the Karibdi. Karibdimar is split up into multiple city states which surround the Terren Archipelago. The kingdom is a place which values scientific knowledge above all else and spends much of its time attempting to unravel the secrets of the universe and create the perfect biological life form. It is powerful and influential, with most of the nation's Kraken Marines and Oceanic Warbeasts originating from the efforts of the Karibdi.
Karibdimar is built within a series of deep underwater trenches known Karibdic Abyss, located miles below the ocean surface. These immense chasms are bathed in perpetual darkness and are only slightly illuminated by bioluminescent corals and strange glowing plants which line the undersea paths leading to the grand city-states. Near the southern borders of Oceangrad, there lies an ancient, submerged forest known as the Sunken Forest where immense petrified trees rise from the ocean floor, their trunks and branches twisted and fossilized over millennia. The forest is widely considered a sacred site by the Elemental Orthodoxy, where the spirits of long-forgotten oceanic spirits are said to roam.
The city of Karibdimar is a magnificent city state which is constructed from the coral end sea rock which surrounds the city itself. The city gives an incredibly eerie vibe with structures which look like jellyfish, squids, and whales being very common. Spires reach up through the ocean deeps casting imposing silhouettes in the background. There is no natural light in Karibdimar and all the lighting comes from the bioluminescent paint and glowing lanterns and sea life which swim around through the city. The immense pressure of the ocean makes travel difficult for all races other than the Slimes and Karibdi, although recently there have been efforts to construct buildings which can support life from the surface.
Karibdimar holds a very special relationship with the kingdom of Sabafia, with whom it has had a long-standing trade and military alliance. The two peoples get along thanks to their deep love of science and art as well as their perfectly overlapping economic needs. The Karibdi provide the Sabafians with water and the abundant food of the ocean, while the Sabafians provide the raw construction materials and specialized tools necessary for maintaining the ground underwater city states. Karibdimar encircles the Terren Archipelago; they also hold relatively decent relationships with Inarishima and Nostra, although not to nearly the same degree.
The Karibdi are ruled by a very strict technocratic government, one which holds scientific advancement and progress above all else. As such the greatest scientist and biologists and fleshcrafters within the Kingdom are part of a grand Council known as the Council of Bio-Lords. The council chooses their most accomplished member to become High Fleshcrafter the ruler of all the Karibdic city-states. Each of the city states within Karibdimar function relatively independently from each other, and only occasionally meet to discuss scientific advancements, political and military developments, and trade relations between themselves and the other kingdoms of Terren.
Karibdimar was founded by the Karibdi during the infancy of their race, and has been continuously built up over the generations. The Karibdi have always chosen to live in large communities in order to protect themselves from the horrors of the ocean which surround them. The kingdom of Karibdimar has on numerous occasions come under threat from horrific and eldritch sea monsters which has in turn led to the Karibdic obsession with creating more and more powerful biological monsters to protect them. This society's love of science has always been well known, and they very much enjoy teaching others, and although they’re odd appearances may require some getting used to, they are highly sought after as teachers for they are well known for their entertaining lessons and ability to engage well with pretty much anyone, especially children.







Capital: The City of Sinners
Largest City: The City of Sinners

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin

Demonym: Sukkian

Government: Elected Monarchy
  • Queen: Vilna Matra

Legislature: The Sukkian Pleasure Barons

Establishment: Marcov 3rd 621

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Eliadic Cult

Major Species
  • Verführerin

    Common Traits: Manipulative, Hedonistic, Arrogant, Loyal
    Magical Potential: Very High
    Relations with Others: Highly beloved for their beauty and charm, although their hedonistic tendencies can be off putting
    Average Life Span: Basically Immortal
    Sub-Species: Dreamwalkers
    The typical Verführerin is usually defined by demonic horns, barbed tails and black wings. However, their biology is far more alien than their outside appearance seems to suggest. It is shown that Verführerin are able to secrete powerful pheromones, radiate seductive auras and even shift their internal organs, allowing them to be surprisingly difficulty to hurt. Dreamwalkers are a subspecies of Verführerin who have the ability to naturally manipulate the dreams of others, but are biologically the same as baseline Verführerin in every other way. The Verführerin of Terren are unique among their species as they have culturally adapted to become far less dangerous than most other demons found throughout the world. Although Terren Verführerin tend to be manipulative and arrogant, they are also surprisingly loyal and will generally treat their fellow Terrens with respect, although this does not usually extend to foreigners. Verführerin also have a great sense of perfectionism and can become obsessed with performing any task assigned to them to the utmost of their ability. It is widely theorized that Verführerin are the last remnants of uncorrupted, undemonic succubae left in the world.

Minor Species
  • Human
  • Serpentine

The Sukkubusreich is perhaps the most controversial and polarizing kingdom in the entirety of the Terren Dominion. It is a kingdom famed for its indulgent culture, a place where peoples whole livelihoods are heavily centered around maintaining the atmosphere of pleasure which permeates the land. Originally, the Sukkubusreich was formed to serve as a haven for the last vestiges of uncorrupted Verführerin, although over time it has sense evolved into an exceedingly extravagant realm where visitors from across the empire come to experience unparalleled pleasure. While its reputation for hedonism and sin often raises eyebrows and make certain Luminarchs extremely annoyed, the Sukkubusreichs vital role in the cultural and economic landscape of the Terren dominion has thus far allowed it to continue its operations unimpeded.
Sukkubusreich is located on the Northwestern shores of the Terren Archipelago and is bordered by verdant and lush forests to the east and west, mountains to the south and the straight of Gehinnom to the North. The kingdom has a particularly temperate climate, which when combined with its very scenic landscape, creates a cozy inviting atmosphere which draws a large number of imperial tourists year-round. Outside of the kingdom's towns and cities, numerous resorts and pleasure palaces may be found dotting the countryside, each one seemingly attempting to outclass the one that came before it.
The capital of the Sukkubusreich is Velvetshire, a decadent metropolis nicknamed the City of Sinners due to an enchantment which covers the city in a perpetual artificial darkness. The city is said to never sleep, for people are constantly awake and active all throughout the city at all times of day. Velvetshire is home to the most famous gambling houses, pleasure palaces, and theaters in all of Terren, drawing visitors from across the empire seeking excitement and indulgence.
Sukkubusreich holds a complex but largely favorable relationship with the other kingdoms of the Terren Empire. It thrives as a destination for all the most powerful men and women of the empire to simultaneously do business and unwind. All manner of diplomats, merchants, and nobles from across the empire can be found indulging in the kingdoms luxurious inns and gaudy casinos. However, the kingdom’s openness to all of these vices and sin makes it the subject of some criticism, particularly from more traditional and religiously devout territories. In particular the kingdom of Valheaven has condemned the Sukkubusreich on numerous occasions.
Sukkubusreich is governed by a ruling council of Pleasure Barons, Verführerin and Dreamwalkers who control some aspect of the kingdom's empire of sin. They are led by the enigmatic and charismatic Queen Vilna Matra, an ancient Verführerin with vast influence over all aspects of the kingdom. Nothing happens in the Sukkubusreich without her knowledge and permission. The Pleasure Barons rule with a loose hand, forcing minimal laws upon their subjects, except for those laws which ensure that the casinos are paid their due.
Sukkubusreich was once a relatively obscure enclave, ignored by its neighbor Haltengeld, and shielded from the worst of the Terminus Mists. Before Luka von Heinrich’s rise to power and the formation of the Terren Empire, the Sukkubusreich was primarily focused on surviving with each day being a struggle. After its integration with the wider empire, Sukkubusreich was finally free to indulge in its long-held desire for pleasure the Sukkubusreich thus rapidly transformed into the paradise of sin it is today.


Capital: Castelrain
Largest City: Castelrain

Official Language: Yamotian

Kingdom Languages Yamotian, Terrkovkin

Demonym: Castelrainian

Government: Absolute Monarchy
  • Queen: Jenna Leviathan

Legislature: The Castelrain Dragonlords

Establishment: Fellboras 5th -251

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Eliadic Cult

Major Species
  • Serpentine

    Magical Potential: Low
    Tribal Affiliation: Schlangenvolk
    Relations with Others: Respected as warriors but seen as simple-minded brutes
    Average Life Span: 45 Years
    Sub-Species: Snakemen, Dragonborn
    The Serpentines are a race of reptilians, who are split into 2 major sub-species, the Snakemen and the Dragonborn. Dragonborn are well known for their power and endurance, and for being able to shift into either a humanoid form or a massive bestial form. Snakemen are believed to be descendants of humans who mated with Dragonborn, and they have far more prominent serpentine features. Both Snakemen and Dragonborn are naturally inclined to be incredibly prideful in whatever they do, but they are also extremely honorable and will make it a point to never lie. Both Dragonborn and Snakemen are also extremely loyal, and throughout all of Terren history there has never been a recorded instance of either a Snakeman or Dragon committing an act of treason.

Minor Species
  • Human
  • Verführerin
  • Plantae
  • Insectoids

Castlerain is a majestic kingdom within the Terren Empire, a land which is renowned for its mastery of magic, chivalric military traditions, and most famously, its close ties to dragons. This kingdom is the most powerful of all Terren Kingdoms, at least when it comes to military strength. The power of magic is also well understood by these people, and it is not a coincidence that several of the colleges of magic make their home within its borders. The kingdom also holds very firm convictions about marshal honor and chivalry and has pioneered the Cheryl doctrine which is so popular amongst many military branches within the empire.
The kingdom's geography is nothing particularly special; the vast majority of it is located in a flat wide-open plane, interspersed with minor forests. The kingdom is bordered by the Savannah of Haltengeld to the West and the mountain range which separates the Inarishima Peninsula from Zentral Ostrov to the East. To the South the Deepwald creates an impenetrable border to separate Wendrogia and Castelrain from each other, although warriors from Castelrain occasionally venture into the Deepwald to practice monster slaying.
The city of Castelrain itself is breathtaking, built upon the ruins of a long-forgotten dragon god's hoard. This abandoned hoard has been reforged into a famous undercity which is comprised of a massive cavern which used to contain the dragon's wealth, and long snaking tunnels which connect to pretty much every part of the city above. This undercity is home to a large number of market stalls and entertainment venues. The city above is no less impressive, with the architecture being comprised of towering spires which reach into the sky, allowing the Dragoons to stable their legendary mounts, grand keeps which invoke an aesthetic which is considered medieval even by the standards of the Terren viewpoint, and large residential complexes which seem to resemble manors at a first glance. The famed Castelrain Arcane University dominates the city center.
Castelrain maintains respectful and strategic relations with most of the other kingdoms of the Terren Empire. It is especially close to its neighbor Inarishima with whom they share a mutual interest in arcane research and chivalric honor. They also have very good relations with Wendrogia, as they frequently assist the Wendrogians in dealing with the monsters of the Deepwald. Finally, the kingdom of Castelrain has a very well-known rivalry with Haltengeld, and Haltengeldite-Castelranian war games are the most common type of wargame in all of Terren.
Castelrain is an absolute monarchy, and the Queen holds the highest authority in government. Below the queen are the Dragonlords, noble warrior-nobles who hold significant political and military power. These Dragonlords govern different estates of Castelrain and are responsible for not only maintaining peace and ensuring that their people uphold the kingdom’s strict code of honor, but also overseeing magical research. Dragonlords are expected to be both mighty warriors and powerful mages.
Castlerain's history dates back to the age when Dragons ruled the world, a time long before most of the other mortal races arrived on Terren. It is said that the Dragon who ruled the Terren Archipelago was a vicious tyrant who terrorized his Serpentine slaves. One day a legendary hero arose from among the abused slaves and slew the dragon tyrant, freeing his people from their slavery. He went on to form an alliance with the lesser Dragonborn who remained on the archipelago convincing them to unite with the Snakemen and forge a new kingdom free of tyranny. These Dragonborn would assist the Serpentines in settling the land and building their new kingdom. Over time these newly proclaimed Dragonlords would establish Castlerain as a bastion of magical learning and knightly valor to ensure that they would never again fall under the control of an evil master.


Capital: Harpiengrad
Largest City: Harpiengrad

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin

Demonym: Harpian

Government: Elected Monarchy
  • Queen: Lutrenda Bloodin

Legislature: The Vogelreich Estates General

Establishment: Novinar 4th -943

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Eliadic Cult

Major Species
  • Harpies

    Common Traits: Airheaded, Lighthearted, Playful
    Magical Potential: Low
    Relations with Others: The Harpies are almost university adored for their light heartedness, patriotic loyalty, and deep sense of community
    Average Life Span: 65 Years
    Sub-Species: Owlmen, Hawkmen
    The Harpies are bird-like humanoid creatures who possess powerful wings and are capable of flying at extremely high speeds. The amount of humanoid traits present varies from individual to individual, with some only having wings and others having the heads of birds. Harpies are rather brittle and tend to be more prone to injury then most other races due to their hollow bone structure. Uniquely, Gustivar harpies have much more colorful plumage than their peers, being one of the only races who nobility are easily visually distinguishable from their peers. Harpies are very communal and will live together in large groups. Most Harpies have a strong sense of community and patriotism. They are also relatively lighthearted and playful and can get along with most people, but they can tend to be rather air-headed and forgetful which can sometimes irritate their companions. During times of increased stress and conflict however, harpies can become very vicious and cruel, destroying their foes with extreme prejudice.

Minor Species
  • Humans
  • Slimes

The Kingdom of Vogelreich is a relatively wealthy and very welcoming kingdom One which is famous for its rustic relaxed atmosphere. Hobbies are well known for their love of community, and they extend this friendship and welcome us to all who visit them, making Vogelreich one of the most popular tourist destinations in the empire for those looking to experience the more rustic and laid-back side of Terren.
Vogelreich is located in the northernmost highlands of the Island of Eliadland, With the vast majority of the kingdom being dominated by the western mountain range. These mountains have overtime been shifted to become more convenient for the Harpies who lived there, and in the midst of most of the mountains stand gigantic pillars of rock which are nearly perfectly level at the top, which often serves as platforms from which the Harpies build homes, fortresses and occasionally even small farms.
The city of Harpiengrad is built further from the highlands, being nestled in a smaller valley which borders right up against the neighboring kingdom of Ealindaes. The city has massive wonders towers and observatories which seem to be brushing up against the sky itself. The towers themselves are replete with open areas which both harpies and birds can fly in and out of allowing for easy access to the entire city by sky. There are also stairways and accessibility ramps which allow for other races to navigate the city, although it is highly recommended to rent a ride on one of the many Giant Terravens which nest in the city's many aviaries. The city is also home to the famous Skyport which services the imperial navy's legendary Sky Cruisers.
Vogelreich is home to the largest office of the Scholars and Communications Guild, and it plays an extremely important role in facilitating communication and cooperation between the many kingdoms of Terren. Due to this, and the kindness and likeability of the harpies as a whole the kingdom of Vogelreich is widely regarded with extreme positivity by pretty much everyone. The near ubiquity of harpy messengers across the empire means that every kingdom within Terren has to hold at least cordial relationships with Vogelreich.
The Vogelreich estates general is a coalition of the most powerful noble harpies within the kingdom. It is a matriarchal organization completely dominated by the female heads of houses. The queen of Vogelreich is elected by this counsel, although traditionally the queen has belonged to the house of Bloodin since Vogelreichs foundation. The council holds significant power and can actually override the authority of the queen if 2/3 of the council agree, although this very rarely ever happens.
Originally the Harpies were divided into a large number of warring tribes each one fighting each other for territorial dominance. These conflicts left the region which would eventually become Vogelreich exceedingly unstable and constantly dangerous. One day however a powerful Harpy warlord would come to power and found the House of Bloodin. She would conquer all the tribes in a brilliant military campaign before eventually being assassinated by a jealous rival. Nevertheless, her kingdom actually survived and slowly transitioned away from its war-like past into a much more diplomatic and friendly place.


Capital: Insektheim
Largest City: Insektheim

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin

Demonym: Insektin

Government: Authoritarian Socialist Monarchy
  • Queen: Königin Spinne

Legislature: The Hive Council

Establishment: Grey 5th 187

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Eliadic Cult

Major Species
  • Insectoids

    Common Traits: Gluttonous, Ruthless, Patriotic, Industrious
    Magical Potential: Low
    Relations with Others: Highly disliked for their cruelty and ignorance of the value of life, but tolerated for their limitless unshakable loyalty
    Average Life Span: 30 years
    Sub-Species: Arachnids, Flymen, Mothmen, Bienenvolk, Antfolk
    Insectoids are one of the most diverse races within the Terren Dominion. Each member of their species has a variety of insectoid traits, ranging from fly heads, butterfly wings, or even the lower body of a spider, the number of variations in the Insectoid race are immense. The majority of insectoids do not live longer then 30 years, although some members of their race can live for far longer, some even survive up to their 90th birthday. Most Insectoids are individuals, but they share a hivemind with their queen who can overwhelm their sense of self at will. Insectoids are extremely ruthless and are perhaps the single most dangerous race for foreigners not from Terren to meet. Insectoids can pose a danger to outsiders, but they are naturally inclined towards fanatical patriotism, and as such they are some of the most industrious and self-scarifying races in Terren, and most Insectoids will willingly lay down their lives for their countrymen if the need arises.

Minor Species
  • Humans

Insektheim is a subterranean kingdom within the Terren Empire which is famous for their collective intelligence and uniquely structured society. The unique ability for Insectoids to connect with each other via a specialized hive mind has allowed them to develop a society which prioritizes the collective good over the individual to an incredibly impressive degree. The kingdom's impressive underground cities are widely thought to be impenetrable.
Insektheim is a vast subterranean realm located deep beneath the surface of the Terren Archipelago, spreading over several large cave systems and subterranean tunnels. It is difficult to determine which parts of Insektheim are naturally occurring and which parts are created by Insectoid hands. The surface above Insektheim is dominated by huge hives created by Bienenvolk which stand out against the island. The surface of the island has been stripped bare by the Insectoids in their pursuit of resources.
The capital city of Insektheim is a sprawling underground complex which is buried deep below the surface of the earth. It has sprawling tunnels and disorienting paths cut into the rock and connecting it to all of the different parts of the kingdom. Each of the different sub species of insectoid have a part of the Capital Dedicated to them. Some sections are organized with hexagonal walls and fascinating tunnels, while others are sprawling webs which are strong together to create an intricate and impressive hanging structure, while further others are merely cut into the rock face.
Insektheim maintains a very unique, yet tenuis position within the Terren Empire. Its culture and governance are radically different from the more individualistic kingdoms and although the insectoid kingdom is highly valued for its peoples efficiency, industriousness, and unshakable loyalty, it is also reviled for its cruelty and savagery. Many kingdoms are hesitant to deal with the overly zealous and patriotic kingdom, and Insektheim is pretty isolated in a diplomatic sense. This does not seem to bother them much however, and their mindless pursuit of Terrens interests is enough to quite any serious criticisms.
Insektheim’s government is based on a form of what could be called communism, which is centered around the collectivisation of resources by a series of hiveminds. Instead of traditional rulers or elected officials, the kingdom is governed by the Queen of Insektheim and a council of Hive-Queens which represent the various subspecies of Insectoid which comprise the kingdom. Each Hive Queen has a connection to every member of their hive, allowing them to allocate resources with incredible efficiency, and the will of a Hive Queen is essentially impossible to deny. The only exception to this is the current Queen of Insektheim who has no hivemind, instead ruling over her fellow Arachnids with a more traditional leadership style.
The Insectoids developed their society very much independent from the rest of Terren and as such did not really have any real connections with the surface dwellers as they called them. The hives developed with extreme efficiency and were entirely self-sufficient and as such felt no need to really make much contact with the surface world. They did find themselves interacting slightly with the peoples of Inarishima even going to far as to adapt their language, but that was about it. This would change during the era of the Terminus Mists as the Mists would hit the insectoid kingdom very hard, and lead to an unprecedented civil war which was only culled by Luka.


Capital: Mortaburg
Largest City: The Sacred Springs

Official Language: Terrkovkin

Kingdom Languages Terrkovkin, Yamotian

Demonym: Mortian

Government: Mercantile Absolute Monarchy
  • Queen: Cassandra Slimina

Legislature: The Mortian Statemasters

Establishment: Jenera 1st 652

Currency: Moneta Korolevstva

State Religion
  • Elemental Orthodoxy

Major Species
  • Slimes

    Common Traits: Calm, Intelligent, Lazy
    Magical Potential: High
    Relations with Others: They are appreciated for their calmness and
    Average Life Span: 75 Years
    Sub-Species: Parasite Slime
    Slimes are a species whose body is mainly composed of extremely specialized liquid cells which allow them to control their bodies in incredible ways. Using their unique ability to control their forms they can do things most species could not even dream of including regeneration, body alteration, an even changing the alchemical make up of their cells. Slimes reproduce using asexual cellular division. Slimes are generally intellectually inclined and many of them turn towards medical and scientific pursuits. Their calm demeanors and friendly personalities mean they get along pretty well with most of the other races, although dealing with them for an extended period of time can become difficult, as most slimes tend to be rather lazy, choosing to apply themselves only sparingly.

Minor Species
  • Humans
  • Karibdi

Mortaburg is a kingdom which is split between the Sacred Springs and 2 islands located to the southeastern side of Eliadland. It is a kingdom of scholars and politicians, the ultimate land of learning, scheming, and political advancement. It is also home to Marinestützpunktinsel, the city which serves as the capital of the Imperial Navy. Mortaburg is also famous for its culinary culture, with a vast array of incredibly popular restaurants and eateries being present throughout the kingdom.
The Sacred Springs are a series of underground semi flooded caravans which are connected to each other through underground rivers. These caverns are the physical manifestation of the goddess Ukundinteas power. The waters within are incredibly pure, and there is a very high demand for the enchanted water in Terrenic markets across the empire. The islands of Mortaburg are rather tropical and very nice to live in.
The Sacred Springs are known to be the best place in the entire empire to learn about politics, for the worshipers of Ukundintea are highly influential and present within this holy place, and their knowledge of politics and statesmanship is completely unmatched. While the springs are very odd to adjust to at first most get accustomed to it relatively quickly.
Mortaburg has a vast and complex diplomatic network, with an incredibly intricate web of agreements creating a diplomatic nightmare which only the brilliant statesmen of Mortaburg are able to easily navigate. While this does annoy most of the other kingdoms, many noble families across the empire send their children to study in the Mortaburg political institutes and as such Mortaburg is still held in high regard. Mortaburg is also part of the political bloc which advocates for the environment and has close relations to Álfheim and Wendrogia
The government of Mortaburg is ruled over by a hereditary monarch, although many claim that power actually lies in the hands of the Mortian Statemasters who are the true power behind the throne in Mortaburg. The truth is somewhere in the middle, with a deeply complex series of ever shifting alliances and political parties constantly vying for power, while the Queen serves as a sort of political reset, stepping in whenever politicking becomes too chaotic.
Mortaburg was unrecognizable for much of its history, for they originally choose to remain as isolated as possible so as to not draw any harm onto themselves. This would change over time as the worship of Ukundintea spread. It was Ukundintea who taught the slimes the value of diplomacy and politics, and in so doing transformed them into the diplomatic juggernauts they are today. The Slimes would also be the first people in Terren to establish colonies, when they colonized the Sacred Springs to become closer to their goddess.
