by Max Barry

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Healthiest Citizens: 197thMost Developed: 198thLongest Average Lifespans: 218th
The Grand Hive of
Mother Knows Best State
The Hive Is Everything
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Political Freedom

Overview Factbook Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards

The New Changeling Empire

Population27.254 billion

CapitalHigh Solitude
LeaderHigh-Empress Lacewing
FaithRoman Catholicism

CurrencyValcourian Dollar

The Grand Hive of The New Changeling Empire is a gargantuan, efficient nation, ruled by High-Empress Lacewing with an iron fist, and remarkable for its museums and concert halls, public floggings, and free-roaming dinosaurs. The hard-nosed, cynical, devout population of 27.254 billion Changelings are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

The medium-sized, corrupt government juggles the competing demands of Education, Law & Order, and Defense. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of High Solitude. The average income tax rate is 98.1%.

The frighteningly efficient Changeling economy, worth a remarkable 9,704 trillion Valcourian Dollars a year, is led by the Information Technology industry, with significant contributions from Tourism, Arms Manufacturing, and Beef-Based Agriculture. Black market activity is rampant. State-owned companies are reasonably common. Average income is an amazing 356,089 Valcourian Dollars, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.9 times as much as the poorest.

Minstrels carrying coconut shells provide sound effects wherever their nobles wander, the police have been known to wiretap confessional boxes, the media seems excessively interested in what High-Empress Lacewing is wearing this season, and politicians and casino owners who so much as wander into the same room are arrested on the spot. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. The New Changeling Empire's national animal is the Manticore, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its national religion is Roman Catholicism.

The New Changeling Empire is ranked 204,635th in the world and 38th in The Alliance of Dictators for Largest Trout Fishing Sector, scoring 328.89 on the Nemo Depletion Efficiency Index.

Healthiest Citizens: 197thMost Developed: 198thLongest Average Lifespans: 218thLargest Agricultural Sector: 244thLowest Crime Rates: 266thMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 352ndLargest Information Technology Sector: 572ndMost Corrupt Governments: 578thHighest Food Quality: 590thMost Cultured: 680thMost Scientifically Advanced: 740thBest Weather: 976thHighest Economic Output: 1,012thMost Inclusive: 1,390thLargest Governments: 1,611thSmartest Citizens: 1,658thLargest Black Market: 1,670thMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 1,750thHighest Average Incomes: 1,784thMost Advanced Public Education: 2,076thMost Efficient Economies: 2,198thMost Devout: 2,484thHighest Poor Incomes: 2,534thMost Beautiful Environments: 2,647thHighest Average Tax Rates: 2,700thMost Advanced Public Transport: 2,792ndTop
Most Advanced Defense Forces: 3,566thMost Patriotic: 3,836thMost Extensive Public Healthcare: 4,461stMost Stationary: 5,738thMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 6,184thHighest Wealthy Incomes: 6,884thLargest Populations: 7,290thMost Influential: 8,611thMost Subsidized Industry: 8,891stLargest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 9,270thLargest Manufacturing Sector: 10,170thMost Cheerful Citizens: 12,710thTop
Most World Assembly Endorsements: 17,834thMost Valuable International Artwork: 23,663rdLargest Publishing Industry: 25,069thLargest Basket Weaving Sector: 30,450th
Highest Food Quality: 2nd in the regionLongest Average Lifespans: 2nd in the regionMost Cultured: 2nd in the regionMost Cheerful Citizens: 2nd in the regionMost Inclusive: 2nd in the regionMost Developed: 2nd in the regionBest Weather: 2nd in the regionHealthiest Citizens: 2nd in the regionTop
Most Popular Tourist Destinations: 3rd in the regionMost Average: 4th in the regionMost Beautiful Environments: 4th in the regionLowest Crime Rates: 4th in the regionMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 5th in the regionLargest Agricultural Sector: 5th in the region

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