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The League of The Western Isles

The League of The Western Isles
Categories: Diplomacy

...The League of The Western Isles...

Image above: Emblem of the League


Abbreviation: LTWI, the League
Type: Intergovernmental Organisation
Established: Unknown
Founding Nations: Aizcona, Vancouvia,
Linaviar, Domanania
Document: The Second Charter (Formerly the First Charter)
Headquarters: Palace of Nations, International City
Secretary-General: George Samson (As of October 11, 2023)
Deputy Secretary-General: Unfilled
Purpose: Accountability, Advocacy, Assistance, Coordination
Official language: English

The League of The Western Isles, is an independent, non-paritisan international organisation and diplomatic forum, established at the first Sautero Conference and further refined through the implementation of The Second Charter. The goals of the organisation are to uphold and protect international law, promote international cooperation, peace and security, facilitate open, just and honourable relations between states and ensure that nation-states respect international procedure and order. It is the leading voice in diplomatic relations in The Western Isles. The League's fourth, and current, Secretary-General is George Samson of Biaten who has had the post since the 11th of October, 2023. The Assembly of the League meets in the Palace of Nations

The League of The Western Isles does not place minimum standards on nations to be admitted, but rather offers support or helps to form a consensus in relation to which nations are regarded to as independent or not. However, there is precedent for the organisation barring nations from participating in the League of The Western Isles, such as in the case of Aprosia who were banned in the aftermath of the Second Imperial War. The League is administered by a Secretary-General with the assistance of a Deputy Secretary-General. The League also has subagencies and organisations under its oversight - such as the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat. In addition to this, it establishes bureaus where relevant - currently there are two: the Bureau of Humanitarian Operations (Which oversees the League Refugee Agency and the League Relief Association ) and the Bureau of Peacekeeping Operations (which oversees all peacekeeping operations and has oversight of the Office of the League Counter-Terrorism Unit).

The League has an extensive tradition of order and internal organisation, with the various organs of the League being led by a Secretary-General. There have been four Secretary-Generals since the establishment of the League:

  • Coralie Jauffret

  • Jeané Illier

  • Sveihl Nikhal

  • Andrew Whitford

  • Cirasephona Alfethis Refihhlia

  • George Samson (current)

Resolutions and Initiatives
The League's primary function is to write, debate and implement resolutions. In doing so, initiatives are often spawned as a result such as the League Peacekeeping Unit, the League Counter-Terrorism Unit and the Multinational Anti Drug Smuggling Authority. The league has sixteen active resolutions:

Resolution 1: League Revision and Renewal
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Recognizing that this League has an outdated and ill-designed charter, which serves contrary to our current conduct and procedures;

Presenting that this League has often entered into a immobile, sidetracked, and lethargic state;

Resolved that action must be taken to revitalize this organization;

1. Resets the numbered order of resolutions to one;
2. Adopts the revised League Charter recently presented by the nation of Vancouvia;
3. Mandates that all future resolutions be drafted, adopted, and referred in the same manner as this resolution;
4. Maintains the nation of Polar Svalbard as the Secretary General.

Introduced by: Vancouvia on March 3, 2017

Resolution 2: The Barring of Representatives from the Eastern Union of Socialist Republics
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Recognizing that New Aapelistan and Bhikkustan have entered into a political union which enlarges already existing conflicts and presents the liklihood of further conflict;

Understanding that this League has formally banned New Aapelistan in the past;

Concerned that New Aapelistan is at the head of this union despite its aggressive behavior;

Noting that Bhikkustan has entered into this union with an aggressive nation;

1. Removes Bhikkustan as a member of the League of Nations;
2. Forbids any representatives from the Eastern Union of Socialist Republics from partaking in the League;
3. Mandates that the league does not recognize the Eastern Union of Socialist Republics as a sovereign entity;

Introduced by: Ventlimer on June 20, 2017

Resolution 3: Revision of Maritime and Aerospace Borders
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Understanding that no formal League resolutions are currently in place to define maritime and aerospace borders of nations;

Stressing that ambiguity within any sort of international border is a practical invitation for conflict and crisis;

Recognizing that many nations rely heavily upon fisheries, offshore energy, transportation, and other offshore industries to employ and fund large parts of their economies;

Noting the League's inherent duty to better the lives of the people it presides over, and its duty to ensure international tranquility;


I. Sets maritime borders as twelve nautical miles away from the shores of which nation they correspond;

II. Sets aerospace borders to directly correspond with the dimensions of maritime borders;

III. Defines internal waters as any waters on the landward side of maritime borders;

IV. Sets an exclusive economic zone as two hundred nautical miles away from the shores of which nation they correspond;

V. Defines this economic zone as an area in which only the owner nation may conduct economic activities unless a foreign entity is explicitly granted access by the aforementioned owner nation, although for obvious reasons commerce may be allowed through this zone;

VI. Creates a committee to maintain these borders and actively adapt them as seen fit, and entitles this committee the ability to allocate more than the twelve nautical mile maritime limit or two hundred nautical mile economic zone;

VII. Allows regulations or a lack thereof to be imposed by owner nations in their own maritime and aerospace borders, excluding shot on sight or other equally brash policies;

VIII. Warns nations that if a foreign entity that enters their sovereign zones is destroyed that unless granted a waiver by the League punishments as seen fit will be imposed;

IX. Applies responsibility to resolve conflicts between borders on the nations the conflicting borders belong to.

Introduced by: Eutriston on July 2, 2017

Resolution 4: De Jure Bhikkustanni Government
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Noting that the government of Bhikkustan was overthrown in a communist revoultion which destroyed Bhikkustanni sovereignity;

Observing that the Bhikkustanni government fled into exile in Athara Magarat;

Recognizing their wishes to represent their government's claim to de jure control over Bhikkustan;

Realizing though that until outside forces are able to break up the EUSR that the exiled government does not have power over the land upon which Bhikkustan resides;


1. Recognizes the government of the Bhikkustanni Khang exiled in Athara Magarat as the de jure government of Bhikkustan,
2. Continues to denounce the destabilizing entity known as the EUSR,
3. Authorizes the de jure government to send a representative to the League as an observer state,
4. States that an observer state is able to sit and speak in the League chambers but will not be able to vote nor will it be able to serve on committees or the ICJ,
5. Further States that in order for an observer state to become a full member, another resolution will be needed in order to do so.

Introduced by Polar svalbard on 8/1/17

Resolution 5: Great-Imperialonia Full Membership
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Appalled that the government of Great Imperialonia committed war crimes in the Sadievan war of 2015;

Noting that a 2015 League resolution punished the nation for its involvement by stripping it of its League membership and asking member nations to embargo the nation;

Further noting that war criminals from the war were not turned into the ICJ as requested;

Recognizing the nation has formed a new government that is seemingly more apologetic and more readily wishing to work with the League;

Reaffirming the League's commitment to the Peace and Security of the Isles;


1. Allows Great-Imperialonia to become a member-state once more;
2. Demands that Great-Imperialonia turns over all people it has arrested on charges of war crimes to the ICJ;
3. If Great-Imperialonia does not turn them all in by two months' time, it will be fully removed from the League on charges of deceiving the League;
4. Creates the Sadievan War Crimes Commission, whose main goal shall be to gain custody of the two Imperialonian war criminals who fled to New Aapelistan;
5. Demands that the government of Great-Imperialonia condemns its part in the Sadievan War of 2015 as an act of Imperialistic Aggression.

Introduced by Polar svalbard on 9/2/17

Resolution 6: Stability and Health for San Javier
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Noting the current period of instability in the San Javier archipelago and the rapid spread of the Ticking Flu;

Further noting the will of all nations to help the citizens of the San Javier islands to stop the destruction of the disease;

Recognising the time has come for the League to step in and secure the situation before the Ticking Flu can take more lives;


1. Defines "peacekeeping" for the purposes of this proposal as actions meant solely to assist San Javierians in gaining access to basic medical treatment and preventing unnecessary deaths from disease or injury.
2. Defines the "legitimate government" of San Javier as the Presidental Republic of San Javier and it's affiliated organizations for the purposes of this proposal.
2. Urges the creation of a multinational League peacekeeping force composed of both military and and civilian personnel.
3. Denotes the mission statement of the aforementioned force as solely to distribute vaccines to healthy individuals and assist in the treatment of infected individuals, as well as in other peacekeeping efforts.
4. Limits the time frame in which the peacekeeping forces operate to either until Ticking Flu cases are no longer at epidemic levels in San Javier or the legitimate government requests the withdrawal of the peacekeeping forces.
5. Prohibits:

  1. League forces from engaging in combat unless in self defense.

  2. Assisting the legitimate government in any combat operations in any form unless it directly assists San Javerian citizens in gaining access to basic medical services.

  3. Any violations to the mission statement or the time frame in which the force is allowed to operate.

6. Requiring violations to any of the above clauses to be punished by disciplinary action or the removal of the offender(s) from the peacekeeping force, and in more serious cases where international law is violated, the suspension or revocation of the charter of this peacekeeping force by the decision of the League, and the extradition of the offender(s) to face the International Court of Justice.

Introduced by Landao on 9/24/17

Resolution 7: San Montagna Observer Status
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Appalled at the behavior of the delegates San Montagna has sent to the League;

Acknowledging the destabilizing factor that the new government of San Montagna has had and will likely continue to have;

Asserting that the nation of San Montagna is an affront to the core principles of the League;


1. Removes the status of full membership from San Montagna and replaces such a membership with an observer status,
2. States that full membership cannot be attained by San Montagna until a resolution repeals this one,
3. Notes that even if San Montagna leaves the League and tries to rejoin that this resolution shall still be in effect over the nation.

Introduced by Polar svalbard on 9/28/17

Resolution 8: International Court of Justice
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Noticing the new Charter of the League of the Western Isles effectively renders the International Court of Justice invalid,

Desiring to re-instantiate the powers and function of said court,

1. Creates The International Court of Justice, which shall be seated in the International District.
2. Mandates whenever any case shall come before the court, three members of the League - not including any nation representing either the defense or prosecution - shall be chosen at random to provide one judge for that particular case.
3. Defines the jurisdiction of the court to include disputes concerning the interpretation of a treaty, any question of international law, or the existence of any fact which would constitute a breach of any international obligation, or the extent and nature of the reparation to be made for any such breach.
4. Includes the prosecution of individuals for violations of international law, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, as also in the jurisdiction of the court.
5. Allows nations to bring matters before the court other than those listed above.
6. Mandates the members of the League agree that they will carry out in full good faith any agreement made in mediation or decision handed down.

Introduced by: Verdon on October 7, 2017

Resolution 9: Mission to Investigate Allegations of the Use of Chemical Weapons in the Charbagnian Federation
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Recalling the commitment of Article 5 of Charter of the League of the Western Isles to make all available and reasonable efforts to sustain the safety, stability, and human rights of all peoples of the region,

Reaffirming that the proliferation of chemical weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security,

Recalling that the Charbagnian Federation on 24 January 1985 acceded to the demands for the Prohibition of the Use in Weapons of Mass Destruction defined as Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear weapons of war,

Acknowledging the report of the Joint Expeditionary Force on 10 October suggesting that the attack in the City of Harelbeke did indeed include the chemical weapon Sarin, underscoring the need for a League sanctioned Mission to investigate allegations of the use of Chemical Weapons,

Deeply outraged by the violent attack 8 October in Harelbeke, as concluded in the independent report, condemning the killing of civilians that resulted from the violence,

Determining that the use of chemical weapons in the Charbagnian Federation constitutes a threat to international peace and security,

1. Determines that the use of chemical weapons in any territory constitutes a threat to international peace and security.
2. Condemns in the strongest manner any use of chemical weapons in the Charbagnian Federation on its citizens as a violation of human rights.
3. Mandates that no political or non-affiliated party in the Charbagnian Federation should use, research, develop, produce, acquire, stockpile, retain, or transport chemical weapons.
4. Decides to authorize an international team of League personnel to provide research and investigation into the attack on Harelbeke and military research facilities within the Charbagnian Federation, and to submit to the Assembly within 10 days of the adoption of this resolution a report regarding the team's findings.
5. Decides that the Charbagnian Federation shall cooperate fully with the international investigatory team, by accepting their personnel, by providing for and ensuring the protection of activities of these personnel, by providing these personnel with immediate and unrestricted access, any and all sites under investigation by the team.
6. Encourages the Member States to provide support, including personnel, technical expertise, information, equipment, financial and other resources and assistance.
7. Concludes that if the report contains evidence of the use chemical weapons on the defined territory of the Charbagnian Federation, the League shall convene again to discuss action to prevent the further loss of life.

Introduced by: Noronica on October 22, 2017

Resolution 10: Furthering International Security
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Noting that the Buzz epidemic could've been resolved through an increased level of cooperation between nation-states,
Concerned at the high possibility of an event like this happening again, possibly resulting in more dire consequences
Concerned about a repeated occurrence of this event happening, possibly with more dire consequences,
Cautious to protect the sovereignty of nation-states,
Prospecting the ability of nations to collaborate in order to achieve justice,
Aware of the individual’s right to privacy and freedom,

Ambassador Callum Parkes and the wider Ahnslen Delegation of the League of The Western Isles bring this proposal to the floor for consideration.

For the purposes of this resolution, the following terms will be defined;

    1. International Drug Smuggling Organisations (IDSO in abbreviated form) are malignant entities who engage in behaviour seen to be illegal under the conventions of international customary law.
    2. Multinational Anti Drug Smuggling Authority (MADSA) – A proposed agency to address the growing threat of IDSOs

The Ahnslen delegation presents these provisions for consideration.

    1. The establishment of the Multinational Anti-Drug Smuggling Authority (MADSA) as an agency of the League. It is to act as an agency devoted to the fostering of an environment of increased collaboration between nation-states in order for IDSOs to be dealt under the full extent of national and international law. There are to be no barricades to membership if the nation seeking to be represented is a member of the league.
    2. If MADSA receives a successful response to their recommendations to the League, nation-states are to be compelled under the authority of the league to provide relevant information to the agency under a terms of reference.
    3. On recommendation of MADSA, the League is authorised to administrate reasonable sanctions against nations that do not cooperate.
    4. The delegation also proposes the establishment of an international police organisation in order to combat threats like multinational drug-smuggling organisations. A resolution is to be created by a committee of the League comprised of nations who show their interest to join said organisation, for wider consideration of the chamber.
    5. This international police agency is to coordinate with MADSA. Neither of these organisations have the power or authority to hold a trial process, but rather must refer these cases to the International Court of Justice for their consideration.

Introduced by: Ainslie on November 11, 2017

Resolution 11: League demands for the return of peace and stability to the Charbagnian Federation
The Assembly of the League of the Western Isles

Reaffirming our desire to maintain the stability of the Western Isles and to ensure that the citizens of every nation may live in freedom and democracy,

Recalling that the League made a previous resolution on the 22 October 2017, authorising the peaceful and neutral investigation into the suspected Charbagnian chemical weapons programme,

Concerned by the sudden and unwarranted arrest and imprisonment of League investigators,

Deeply outraged by the brutal and horrific atrocity that was the massacre in the city of Helmwerder between popular movements and the Government Forces,

Saddened by the sudden death of the League investigator held in captivity in the Charbagnian Federation,

Demanding that the violence and tension between the Charbagnian Government, the country's people, and the League, must end for the sake of peace,

1. Strongly condemns the brutal violence in the Charbagnian Federation and the increased period of imprisonment for international League investigators.
2. Heavily encourages the Charbagnian Government to hand over all League investigators and their belongings, both personal and business related, with no exceptions.
3. Reaffirms that no political or non-affiliated party in the Charbagnian Federation should use, research, develop, produce, acquire, stockpile, retain, or transport chemical weapons, or any other weapon of mass destruction.
4. Encourages the Members States to support this united effort to prevent further aggression through diplomatic means.
5. Decides that the Charbagnian Federation shall apologise for their actions against the League and aggressively treating prisoners.
6. Decides that the Charbagnian Federation shall represent themselves at the League and shall be present in a diplomatic summit which shall be designed later.
7. Hereby declares a deadline of the 16 January for the Charbagnian Federation to agree to all terms presented in this resolution effective immediately.
8. Concludes that if the deadline is not met, the League shall convene to discuss further action.

Introduced by: Noronica on January 11, 2018

League Resolution 12: To promote International Peace and Human Rights
Regarding the lack and abuse of Human Rights by the Hegemony of Atnaia

Acknowledging that even without clear precedent on the status of Human Rights in the Isles, action must be taken to protect such rights,
Concerned that without these rules known to the rest of the world, that nation-states are permitted to violate any right they deem fit
Aware that the situation in the Hegemony has forced it to utilize drastic measures, without any support from this League,
Concerned that the Hegemony has a history of unlawful imprisonment of their own citizens,

For the purposes of this resolution, the following terms will be defined;

  1. Political Prisoner: An interred person of a nation, imprisoned for little legal basis beyond political association, commonly in contrast with the establishment.

  2. Asorism: A political ideology developed by Johnathan Gainsborough Asora that calls for the dissolution of the Hegemony and the subsequent creation of an egalitarian society

  3. Asorist: People who subscribe to the ideology of Asorism

  4. Debtor Camp: A facility in the Hegemony of Atnaia used for the internment of political prisoners, particularly Asorists.

  5. Sons of Asorist Retribution (SOAR): A known terrorist organization that subscribes to the ideology of Asorism.

The following notes are presented for consideration;

  1. That the Hegemony of Atnaia is well known for the inhumane treatment of Asorists, such as the use of Debtors Camps for the internment of such peoples, commonly without trial and disregarding due process,

  2. That the Second Atnaian Constitution guarantees that “[t]he people shall not be prevented from enjoying any of the fundamental human rights, to the extent that these rights do not interfere with public welfare” (Chapter II, Article 10, Second Atnaian Constitution),

  3. That the simple subscription to the ideology of Asorism does not constitute a reasonable interference with public welfare,

  4. That Article 13 of the same Document proclaims that “there shall be no discrimination in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin”, a right that is violated by the existence and use of Debtor Camps as described above,

  5. That this Resolution should be made aware of the situation of Merrit Isle, and SOAR, that these would be an interference of public welfare,

  6. That it must be also known that not all Asorists are known members of SOAR,

  7. That the Hegemony has acted in such a way that fails to recognize the above note as such.

This resolution, aware of the above notes for consideration, hereby:
STRONGLY CONDEMNS the Hegemony of Atnaia for its actions against its own citizens, in the hopes that this mark of shame shall influence the government to alter their policy in such a way that would reflect good faith on the Hegemony.

Introduced by: Dormill and Stiura on February 8th.

League Resolution 13: Establishing a League Sponsored Refugee Agency
to address the refugee crisis coming from Athara Magarat, and other future crises

The League of the Western Isles,
Appalled at the number of persons fleeing the Athara Magarati Hangate,
Fully aware of the lack of facilities and treatment offered to these peoples,
Recognizing that conditions within the Athara Magarati Hangate have deteriorated to where it may be necessary for citizens to uproot and flee,
Further recognizing that similar conditions may arise in the near future and that the League is unprepared to cope with such a situation,
  1. Refugee- Any person(s) forcibly displaced, internally or externally of their nation of origin, due to (including but not limited to): discrimination, unfavourable economic conditions, war, etc.

  2. Forcible displacement- When a person(s) must vacate their location of origin, be it a country, administrative division, occupied zone, urban area, etc. due to conditions listed in Definition 1

Be it here resolved that the League of the Western Isles:

  1. Establishes the League Agency for Refugees;
    a. The Agency shall have its leadership appointed by the General Secretary of the League after reviewing member nations' applications and ratified by the Assembly.
    b. No more than a simple majority shall be required to ratify their appointment to lead or take a leading role in the Agency.
    c. The Agency is tasked with the security and protection of refugees and securing safe resettlement of said refugees until the cause of their displacement has been rectified.
    d. The Agency shall resettle refugees to voluntary countries and supervise construction of humane and sanitary refugee camps.
    e. Once the cause for the refugees' displacement is determined to be rectified or the location of origin is determined to be otherwise safe to return to, the refugees shall be given a choice whether to return home,
    or, if their host country is willing, standard immigration processing to become a citizen of that nation.
    f. Further limitations and delineations of powers and actions delegated to the Agency shall be determined by future resolutions.

  2. Requests funding to be provided by willing nations in order to purchase the equipment, supplies, vehicles, and other necessary materiel needed for their delegated duties and responsibilities.
    a. The Agency shall have a Budgetary Oversight Committee established to oversee purchases and other money spent by the Agency to ensure the financial accountability of the Agency.
    b. This Committee shall have the power to advise legal action against individual members of the Agency if they violate said standards of accountability.
    c. Committee membership shall be made up of no more than seven applicants from member nations chosen at random through a lottery system to ensure no bias in selection.

Introduced by: Verona beach on March 10th.

League Resolution 14:The Question of the Secession of Lotrika

The League of the Western Isles,
Recognising the need for quick action in a developing crisis,
Accepting that not all of the necessary facts are know at this time,
Affirming that peaceful negotiation is the purpose of the League of the Western Isles,

Be it here resolved that the League of the Western Isles:

  1. Hereby:
    1. Condemns all acts of violence commited by both sides
    2. Establishes a no-fly zone over Belle Ilse en Terre, to be enforced by League member states
    3. Establishes a demilitarized zone on the borders of the self-declared Lotrik state
    4. Mandates the creation of the League Security Mission in Belle Ilse en Terre and Lotrika (LSMBITL), with the purpose of maintaining the demilitarizarion zone and preventing conflict between the two parties
    5. Mandates the creation of an investigative body to investigate the claims of ethnic cleansing by Belle Ilse en Terre, with jurisdiction to;

      a. Travel freely in both the territory of Belle Ilse en Terre and the self declared Lotrika
      b. Interview any parties deemed to be valuable to the investigation
      c. Report this information, without censorship, to the League of the Western Isles where it can be used to formulate a response
      6. Warns both parties that, should these procedures be resisted with violence, further actions may be taken

Introduced by: Negarakita on May 19th.

League Resolution 15: Promoting International Peace
regarding the intervention of the People's Republic of Thuzbekistan and the Federated Islands of Samudera in the crisis in Orsandia

Acknowledging that there is incontestable evidence that the aforementioned nations have illegally intervened in the conflict in Orsandia,
Concerned that this intervention will empower other groups, both state and non-state, to covertly support rebellions in other sovereign states,
Aware that the League has a responsibility to maintain international peace,

The League hereby resolves to:

  1. CONDEMN in the strongest possible terms the Government of the People's Republic of Thuzbekistan,

  2. CONDEMN in the strongest possible terms the President of the Federated Islands of Samudera and its sitting administration,

  3. ENCOURAGE the members of the League to review and establish sanctions against the People's Republic of Thuzbekistan and the Federated Islands of Samudera, and review and establish sanctions against any entity which can support either nation over the time these sanctions shall be established,

  4. DEMAND that the People's Republic of Thuzbekistan and the Federated Islands of Samudera immediately cease activities that would be seen as supporting terrorists operating in Orsandia and any related theatre of the conflict in Orsandia,

  5. CONSIDER the deployment of League Peacekeepers and/or the League Anti-Terrorism Unit at the conclusion of major operations to assist in the maintenance of stability in Orsandia.

    Introduced by: Dormill and Stiura on July 21st.

Resolution 16: Providing Keverai Observer Status
Allowing for the International Status of the Keveraite People to be Represented in the League

Recognizing the shifts on power and representation in Keverai;
Noting the need for representation to ensure peace and prosperity for the Keveraite people;
Acknowledging the role of the League as the foremost form of international dialogue and diplomacy in the Isles;

The League of the Western Isles hereby resolves to:

  • PROVIDE observer status for the nation of Keverai within the League, to best represent their interests on the international stage.

Introduced by: Menna shuli on February 3rd, 2019.

Resolution 17: Secretary-General Elections
Allowing for the democratic election of the Secretary-General

In Accordance with the League’s commitment to equality and democratic values,
Observing the lack of a Secretary-General due to sudden resignation; and in
Noting the pressing need for a Secretary-General of the League of The Western Isles to be elected,

1. Immediately triggers an election process for the position of Secretary-General within the League of The Western Isles, with voting to be held seven days after the passing of this resolution.
2. Permits and encourages any member nation of the League to make known to the chamber its endorsement or nomination of a candidate for the position of Secretary-General
3. Officially amends Article 4 of the New Charter of the League to stipulate that the maximum length between two elections is to be eight months, with a term limit of three terms (24 months).

Introduced by Aizcona on October 29th, 2019.

Resolution 18: Establishing the office of Deputy Secretary-General
Allowing for the democratic election of the Secretary-General

IN ACCORDANCE with the League’s commitment to equality and democratic values,
NOTING the League's critical need for continuity of leadership in contingency situations,
RECALLING the recent period in which the League lacked leadership in the person of a Secretary-General,

1. Establishes the office of Deputy Secretary-General of the League of the Western Isles, the holder of which shall be nominated by the Secretary-General.
2. Mandates that the appointment of the Deputy Secretary-General shall be confirmed by a simple majority of delegates to the League, in an election process to commence within seven (7) days of the nomination. Should the Deputy Secretary-General nominated by the Secretary-General fail to be confirmed by the League, the Secretary-General shall nominate another Deputy Secretary-General, who shall be confirmed by a simple majority of delegates to the League, in an election process to commence within seven (7) days of the nomination. If three successive Deputy Secretaries-General nominated by the Secretary-General fail to be confirmed by the League, the League shall nominate a Deputy Secretary-General, who shall be confirmed by a simple majority of delegates to the League, in an election process to commence within (7) days of the nomination.
3. Declares that, in the absence of a duly elected Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General shall act as Secretary-General, until such time as a permanent Secretary General may be elected under League protocol.
4. Notes that, in the event that the Deputy Secretary-General has assumed the powers of the Secretary-General, it is vital that a new election be held as expeditiously as possible in order to ensure the democratic integrity of the League;
5. Therefore stipulates that, within fourteen (14) days of the Deputy Secretary-General assuming contingency powers, a new Secretary-General shall be elected, with a new eight-month period as mandated by Article 4 of the Charter commencing after the election.

Introduced by Almorea on December 30, 2019 and modified by Nhoor on February 9, 2020

Resolution 18: Resolution 19: Restoration of the League Membership of Aprosia
A resolution to increase inclusion within the League

Resolution #19

Acknowledging the steps made by the Aprosian People's Democratic Union to liberalize their economy and improve their ties with other nations through trade and diplomacy.
Recognizing the new-found interest of the APDU-government in a non-interventionist and diplomacy-based foreign-policy.

The league of The Western Isles hereby:
1. Repeals resolution 4 which excluded the Aprosian People's Democratic Union from the participation in the League of the Western Isles.
2. Formally, in good faith, invites the APDU to participate as a full member of the league once again.

Tabled to the league by the Republic of Segentova on the December 1st, 2020.

Resolution 21: Repeal and Replace Multinational Anti-Drug Smuggling Authority
A resolution to repeal Resolution Ten of this League concerning the Multinational Anti Drug-Smuggling Authority and replace with the provisions within this resolution, number 21.

Concerned that the Multinational Anti-Drug Smuggling Authority, established in 2017, has not made a significant contribution to fighting the international illicit drug trade,
Acknowledging the importance of a strong, international agency to combat and dismantle international syndicates who aim to smuggle illegal substances across national borders,
Recognising the duty member-states of this League have to ensuring international peace and security,
Distancing the Multinational Anti-Drug Smuggling Authority from its weak and dependent past form,
Focusing on the need for a refreshed and renewed resolve to the blight that the illicit drug trade is on all economies within the Isles,

The League of The Western Isles hereby;

  1. Repeals the 2017 resolution (Resolution #10) to the extent of its inconsistency with the provisions set out in this resolution. These are predominately its requirement to collaborate with the League assembly and the foreshadowing of an international police agency.

  2. Establishes and reshapes Multinational Anti-Drug Smuggling Authority (MADSA) to reflect the following provisions in this resolution.

  3. Establishes the Office of the Commissioner of MADSA and vests the power to appoint the Commissioner in the Secretary-General.

    • The Commissioner shall be responsible for representing the organisation at public events and regularly report to the Assembly of the League on the organisation’s progress.

    • The Commissioner is to oversee the day to day functions of the Authority, including liaising with high-level officials in national governments.

    • The Commissioner may be dismissed before the expiry of their four year term by a majority vote of the Assembly.

  4. Stipulates that the Multinational Anti-Drug Smuggling Authority is responsible for administrating and facilitating collaboration between nations on dismantling organised drug smuggling syndicates throughout The Western Isles. Further, its jurisdiction extends to any power or instrument given to the agency in this resolution or latter resolutions.

  5. Introduces ‘MADSA warrants’ as a means by which ‘nation A’ can compel other nations or another nation, ‘nation B’, to act on ‘nation A’s’ suspicion that an individual or group may be participating in the international drug trade.

    • MADSA warrants can be issued by any national government or its delegate and filed in a database administrated by MADSA which all nations can access and are expected to act upon.

    • MADSA warrants are to be used in order to investigate and if necessary, arrest individuals involved in the trade of illicit substances across national borders.

    • MADSA warrants do not replace regular extradition processes, but rather compel national governments and local police to arrest and investigate suspected crimes that have taken place in other jurisdictions.

    • MADSA warrants require the signature of the Commissioner of MADSA or a suitable representative appointed by the Commissioner in order to be enforceable.

    • MADSA warrants cannot be used as a means by which to compel a nation to extradite an individual or members of a group.

    • MADSA warrants can only be issued where a government or its delegate possesses a reasonable suspicion that an individual has participated or will participate in activities linked to the trade of illicit substances.

    • Disputes over MADSA warrants are to be heard by a single judge of the International Court of Justice at the earliest possible opportunity.

    • If a government has concerns about the warrant before the stage at which it is to be enforced, they may appeal to a single judge of the International Court of Justice who will determine the merits of the claim. If there is merit to the appeal, the case shall be heard in front of two or more judges of the Court.

  6. Introduces the offence of ‘harbour or facilitates the international illicit drug trade’.

    • This offence is criminal in nature and can only be brought in circumstances where MADSA warrants have been ignored in an unreasonable or malignant manner.

    • The penalty for an offence under section 6 of this resolution is to be decided through the discretion of a single judge or multiple judges of the International Court of Justice, but can be no more than fifteen years imprisonment.

    • This offence does not prevent a national government from initiating procedures against an entity, organisation or government to remedy a wrong that has been committed against the former because of the latter.

Introduced to the League by the Unified Electorates of Ainslie on January 3, 2021.

Adopted by the League, with nine in support, five against and one abstaining.


The League of the Western Isles,

Acknowledging the importance of nature and the environment in the well-being and development of human societies, its importance in facilitating the production of goods essential to the welfare of humanity, and its inherent connection and mutual relation with humanity itself,

Acknowledging the role of humanity in safe-guarding and protecting ecological systems and biosphere as humanity holds more power in the decision of acts that would impact and alter the environment both short-term and long-term,

Acknowledging that act of ecocide, as defined, and its harmful effects on human societies and civilization as an act disrupting natural processes integral in the functioning of the environment and the world,

Recognizing the need for a framework that would delineate and define the boundaries in which an act can be treated as ecocide, as such, subject to different systems,

Recognizing the need for nations to develop national frameworks that would identify and monitor the act of ecocide and to define responsibilities of respective nations to protect the harm of their respective environments,

The League of the Western Isles, thus,

1. Defines the term ecocide as;

(a) Any act that results in the temporary or permanent damage of an ecosystem or a significant area of ecological importance, determined by its net biomass, biodiversity, population of endemic or endangered species, conductivity to human society, and importance to human welfare, whether intentional or accidental;

(b) Any act that would drastically alter or irreversibly damage the ecology of a biosphere conducive to the processes of nature, such as but not limited to, animal migration, animal breeding grounds and seasons, floral adaptation, floral reproduction, natural nocturnal cycles, etc.;

(c) Any act done that deliberately harms the environment in order to deprive a group of people of natural resources and processes in the production of basic necessities, such as but not limited to, food, water, clothing, and shelter, etc.;

(d) Any deliberate act that would involve intentional and malicious incapacitation or death of flora and fauna on an unnecessary scale of number, as such that it will not yield any positive outcome;

(e) Any act, whether intentional or accidental, that would be conducive to an ecological catastrophe on a global or regional scale, that would cause significant harm to the welfare of human societies and nature;

2. Encourages the creation of an international framework that shall oversee the act of ecocide in terms of transnational and international acts, to oversee compliance to international environmental standards, and to act upon discretion and interpretation, the definition and bounds of the act of ecocide,

3. Encourages nations to evaluate their legal systems and laws in order to accommodate the recognition of ecocide and to implement measures in upholding such,

4. Encourages nations to affirm their commitment in environment and ecological preservation, as so to act in the prohibition and criminalization of ecocide,

5. Emphasizes the gravity of the act of ecocide as harmful and a threat to all nations and people.

Adopted by the League, with 10 in support, 8 against and no abstaining.

Resolution NO.23: Installment Of A Regionwide Natural Hazard Alert Cooperation

The Western Isles,

1. Recognizing latest scientific findings on climate change, as well as the growing threats of natural catastrophes.

2. Acknowledging the fact that for many nations in The Western Isles, natural hazards and disasters are a common sight.

3. Coming to the conclusion that with international collaboration, natural hazards can be avoided, predicted, detected and prepared for

4. Seeing the need for an international collaboration in the department of natural hazard threat detection as a way of strengthening ties between nations, preventing lives from being lost, preventing financial damage in the sum of millions of taxpayers money and preventing ecological damage to precious and unique environments.

The Western Isles defines natural disasters as the following:

1. droughts and floods
2. heat waves and cold waves
3. any form of storm (may it be tornadoes, monsoons, hurricanes, tropical depressions, blizzards, sand storms, hail storms, derechos, dust storms, firestorms, cyclones, etc.)
4. wildfires
5. earthquakes and tsunamis
6. volcano eruptions
7. landslides and sink holes
8. agricultural diseases and pests
9. any other, natural occurring disaster, caused by ecological or meteorological factors

The Western Isles therefore affirms,

1. the duty of every nation, to alert neighboring foreign governments of upcoming natural hazards and disaster that could affect said foreign government and said foreign nation.

2. the duty of every nation to, to its best capabilities, establish a nationwide hazard alert system for catastrophes bound to be happening in said nation.

2a. with respect to landlocked nations, they are only responsible for what is within their national borders but where a nation has territorial waters they are to be responsible for these in addition to their land.

The Western Isles further encourages,

1. international cooperation on aid relief when disaster strike.

2. collaboration between nations on natural disaster prevention.

Adopted by the League, with 14 votes in favour and no abstentions or votes against.

A resolution to affirm and uphold the decision of the arbitrators with regards to the management of Sunset Isle and related encroachment upon it.

Aware of the benefits that arbitration can have vis a vis with dispute resolution by way of International Courts,

Cogniscant of the recent successful arbitration between the Republic of Laeden and the Republic of Martenyika,

Encouraged by the precedent that it sets for the usage of international law as a way to avoid the usage of force,

Determined to ensure the enforceability and enduring peace that the arrangements made possible by this arbitration will have,

Steadfast in its support of the self-determination rights that the Akari people of the Sunset Isle have been determined to have,

The League of The Western Isles hereby;

Commends the Republic of Laeden and the Republic of Martenyika on their good faith engagement with the arbitration process and acknowledges it as an example of their commitment to the international rules-based order.

Recognises and binds the parties to the arbitration process to their obligations as outlined in the unanimous judgment of the honourable arbitrators.

Commends the arbitrators for their diligent and wise judgment in the interests of international law and that of the self-determination rights of the Akari people.

In accordance with the opinion of the arbitrators, acknowledges the self-determination rights of the Akari people of Sunset Isle and recognises that they are of a nature that must be respected despite their society lacking the necessary qualities of statehood.

Affirms the exclusion zones outlined by the arbitrators in their joint judgment and demands that all members of this League comply with the requirements as set in the judgment and work cooperatively to uphold them.

Encourages the Republic of Laeden and the Republic of Martenyika to act in good faith in their dealings with the International Parks and Nature Organisation at least to the extent of ensuring the efficient and orderly administration of Sunset Isle.

Acknowledges the benefits of the process of arbitration, including its flexibility, and applauds the role it can have within the wider context of the international dispute resolution system, with the International Court of Justice as its focal point.

Introduced to the League by the Unified Electorates of Ainslie on August 25, 2022.

Under consideration by the League, with no declarations in support, or against or abstaining.

Resolution No. 27, Concerning the The Nisri-Esterazian Crisis of the Luvahira Archipelago Dispute

Reaffirming our mission to uphold universal principles of international law recognized by all civilised nations;

Aware that among these principles is that of self-determination, which is the right of people to decide their own destiny in the international order;

Concerned by the fact that the Catholic Empire of Esterazdravo has forcefully annexed a majority of the Luvahiran archipelago, which is a violation of the international prohibition of the use of force;

Noting that the continued Esterazian occupation is a violation of the principle of self-determination, which the Luvahiran people have the right to enjoy;


  • Condemns the unlawful actions of Esterazdravo in the Luvahira Archipelago, in an ongoing dispute with the Republic of Nisryn over the aforementioned archipelago.

  • Demands Esterazdravo to immediately cease their occupation, and withdraw all their forces from the archipelago.

  • Encourages the parties in the dispute, Esterazdravo and Nisryn, to resolve their differences through peaceful, diplomatic means.

Introduced by: the Kingdom of Syantivasha on January 8, 2023

Resolution 30: Concerning the Legitimacy of Governance in the Republic of Lesva

- Recalling the League's previous resolutions on the situation in Lesva, especially resolution 29 (2023) that condemned and apposed enforcing the recognition of Throngist and called for the restoration of the constitutional order and the respect for human rights,

- Reaffirming the League's commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and unity of Lesva, and its support for the peaceful transition of power through dialogue and negotiation,

- Expressing its grave concern over the deteriorating humanitarian, security and human rights situation in Lesva, especially the widespread violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law by the Throngist regime and its allies.

- Noting with alarm the increasing involvement of foreign actors in supporting the Throngist government in Lesva, including the provision of military and financial support to the regime, which undermines the sovereignty of Lesva and threatens the stability of the region,

- Recognizing the legitimacy of the in-exile government of Lesva (Government of the Lesvan Presidential Republic in exile or GLPRIE), led by President Puicu Gevin and Prime Minister Pagala Ira, as the sole representative of the Lesvan people, and commending its efforts to restore democracy, peace and justice in Lesva,


- Strongly denounces the Throngist regime in Lesva and its nationalist and violent ideology, which is incompatible with the democratic principles and values of the League of the Western Isles and the universal declaration of human rights;

- Demand the immediate and unconditional cessation of domestic and foreign violent actions by the Throngist regime and its allies, such as repressions and sponsorships of military rebellions abroad;

- Urges the Throngist regime to respect the will of the Lesvan people, to release all political prisoners and detainees, to allow unhindered humanitarian access to all areas of Lesva, and to cooperate with the League and other international and regional organizations to facilitate a peaceful and inclusive political transition;

- Reaffirms its full support for the in-exile government of Lesva (Government of the Lesvan Presidential Republic in exile or GLPRIE), and calls upon all member states and relevant stakeholders to recognize and cooperate with the in-exile government as the sole legitimate authority of Lesva;

- Decides to impose targeted sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, on the Throngist regime and its supporters, and to establish a committee and a panel of experts to monitor the implementation of the sanctions regime and to report on the situation in Lesva;

- Requests the Secretary-General to appoint a special envoy for Lesva, to assist the in-exile government and other parties in the negotiation of a comprehensive and lasting political settlement, and to report regularly to the League on the progress and challenges of the peace process;

Introduced by Great Altera on December 10, 2023

Resolution 31: Establishing the Food Security Agency

The League of the Western Isles,

Recognizing the principles enshrined in the Second Charter, particularly those fostering international cooperation and promoting the well-being of all peoples in the region, including the fundamental right to adequate food and water,

Recalling the recent food security concerns arising from disruptions in Yektov, a major food exporter in the region,

Acknowledging the critical role of food and water security in achieving regional stability and prosperity,

Further acknowledging the increasing challenges to food and water security, including climate change, population growth, conflict, and economic instability,

Concerned by the growing number of people facing hunger, thirst, and malnutrition across the region,

Commending the ongoing efforts of member states and other regional organizations to address food and water security concerns,

1. Reaffirms the League's commitment to ensuring the right to adequate food and water for all peoples in the Western Isles, as outlined in the Second Charter,

2. Endorses the proposal of the delegations of Saint ardor del alba and Yektov to establish a Food and Water Security Agency (FAWSA) within the framework of the League of the Western Isles;

3. Resolves to establish a Food and Water Security Agency (FAWSA) as a subsidiary body of the League of the Western Isles;

4. Defines the mandate of the FAWSA as follows:

(a) To monitor and assess food and water security trends and vulnerabilities within the region, with a particular focus on potential disruptions and their impact on member states,

(b) To promote the development and implementation of national and regional food security strategies, building resilience against external shocks,

(c) To facilitate cooperation and coordination among member states in addressing food security challenges, including fostering dialogue and collaboration between food-producing and food-importing nations,

(d) To promote sustainable agricultural practices and food systems that are resilient to climate change and other shocks,

(e) To support research and development in areas relevant to food security, including early warning systems and diversification of food sources,

(f) To advocate for increased resources and investments in food and agriculture sectors, encouraging long-term solutions and responsible trade practices,

(g) To advance the security of water supplies in all member states,

(h) To be able to adequately respond to droughts, floods, and other environmental factors that negatively affect food and water supplies in member states,

(i) To research new advances and practices that will improve food and water security, in conjunction with member states,

(g j) To report regularly to the League of the Western Isles on its activities and progress;

5. Calls upon member states to:

(a) Provide the FAWSA with the necessary financial and human resources to fulfill its mandate,

(b) Work closely with the FAWSA in the development and implementation of national and regional food security strategies, promoting transparency and open communication,

(c) Share information and best practices with the FAWSA and other member states, fostering regional collaboration and knowledge exchange;

6. Requests the Secretary-General of the League of the Western Isles to:

(a) Establish the FAWSA within six months of the adoption of this resolution,

(b) Develop a detailed work plan for the FAWSA in consultation with member states, particularly those recently impacted by food and water security concerns,

(c) Report to the League of the Western Isles on the implementation of this resolution at its next regular session;

7. Decides to review the progress of the FAWSA and this resolution every two years.

Introduced by Saint ardor del alba on March 1, 2024 and amended by Takiv on March 5, 2024

Resolution 32: Establishing the Disaster Relief and Preparedness Agency

The League of the Western Isles,

Reaffirming its commitment to protecting the lives and well-being of all peoples in the Western Isles, as enshrined in the Second Charter,

Deeply concerned by the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters in the region, exacerbated by climate change and other environmental factors,

Recognizing the need for a coordinated, regional approach to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts,

Acknowledging the limitations and challenges faced by individual member states in addressing large-scale disasters, particularly those with limited resources,

Commending the efforts of existing regional and international organizations in providing humanitarian assistance during disasters,

Reaffirms the League's commitment to protecting the lives and well-being of all peoples in the Western Isles, including during natural disasters and emergencies;

Endorses the proposal of the delegation of Saint ardor del alba to establish a Disaster Relief and Preparedness Agency (DRPA) as a subsidiary body of the League of the Western Isles;

Resolves to establish the Disaster Relief and Preparedness Agency (DRPA) with the following mandate:

(a) To monitor and assess potential disaster risks and vulnerabilities within the region, utilizing early warning systems and data analysis,

(b) To develop and coordinate regional disaster preparedness plans and strategies, promoting capacity-building and resilience among member states,

(c) To mobilize and coordinate emergency response efforts, including the deployment of search and rescue teams, medical personnel, and humanitarian aid,

(d) To facilitate cooperation and resource-sharing among member states during disaster situations, ensuring efficient and timely assistance,

(e) To support post-disaster recovery and reconstruction efforts, promoting sustainable and resilient infrastructure development,

(f) To raise awareness and provide educational resources on disaster risk reduction and preparedness measures,

(g) To, where appropriate, subordinate itself to relevant regional and international organisations to prevent natural emergencies and providing disaster relief, providing such organisations with the expertise and resources to do so.

Calls upon member states to:

(a) Provide the DRPA with the necessary financial, human, and logistical resources to fulfill its mandate effectively,

(b) Cooperate fully with the DRPA in the development and implementation of regional disaster preparedness and response strategies,

(c) Share relevant data, information, and best practices with the DRPA, promoting transparency and knowledge-sharing;

Requests the Secretary-General of the League of the Western Isles to:

(a) Establish the DRPA within six months of the adoption of this resolution,

(b) Develop a comprehensive work plan for the DRPA in consultation with member states, relevant experts, and stakeholders,

(c) Appoint a qualified and experienced individual as the Head of the DRPA, subject to the approval of the League's governing body,

(d) Report to the League on the implementation of this resolution at its next regular session;

Decides to conduct a comprehensive review of the DRPA's activities and effectiveness two years after its establishment, and to consider additional measures as necessary.

Introduced by Saint ardor del alba and amended by The Tsunterlands on May 27, 2024

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