by Max Barry

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Galactic Information Tiers on subject:ARMADA

Armada Information Tiers

The so-called “Armada Information Index” is a system that keeps track of the general information available on the Armada of Refuge at any given time to allow its readers to read up on the latest snippets of information whenever said snippets are released from the confines of Armada ships into the galaxy. The system itself is about as enigmatic as the very group it seeks to provide information on, appearing to automatically update itself at random intervals after a certain amount of new data has been released. How large this amount needs to be, or what entity, system, or other algorithm may be behind the occasional updates all remain unknown, but opposite to the Armada, no information seems to be available on the Index, why it exists, how it functions, who made it, and other questions of similar nature.

While a number of theories about the Index exist, there are three theories that have gathered the largest support by far:

  • The Index was created by another enigmatic faction, one that has yet to be found, in order to grant the rest of the
    universe knowledge on the Armada for reasons unknown;

  • The Index was created by a mysterious enemy of the Armada, an entity, faction, nation, or otherwise hostile force that
    intends to compromise the safety of the Armada by spreading knowledge on the latter as fast and far as possible;

  • The Index was created by the Armada itself, in order to allow the universe to gain some knowledge on the Armada
    whenever its rulers decide the time is right for another release of information. For what reasons remains to be seen,
    should this theory be true.

Even if its origins or workings remain shrouded in mystery, the layout of the system’s content is notably easier to understand, using a system of tiers to indicate how much information is available on the Armada, ranging from Tier -2 to Tier 10, at least right now, with Tier -2 being a state of a complete lack of knowledge on the subject, and Tier 10 appearing to be complete, intricate knowledge on what the Armada is, where it came from, etc, etc, etc.

It has to be noted that while all of this seems quite convenient, the Index comes with just one flaw, that being the fact that it seemingly knows how much a nation, faction, group or person knows about the Armada, and what tier their knowledge is eligible for, meaning that it will only provide an overview of information that would most likely all be known to the reader from the very start, although it does provide a good compendium of all data available. Of course, all of this does assume that one is even capable of finding an Index uplink or connection randomly drifting/echoing through certain areas of space, something that has proven itself to be rather unlikely. It’s probably easier to try and find one of the Armada’s fleets as it cruises around that it is to find an uplink or connection after actively searching for it[1][2].



>Scanning for updates, please standby...

>Scanning complete, no updates found...

>Compiling available data...

>Data compiled, calculating Galactic Knowledge Level...

>Calculations complete...

>Initialization finished.


Welcome, Visitor No. [INCOMPREHENSIBLE]


>System Status
->Galactic Uplinks: OFFLINE
->Galactic Connector Emitters: OFFLINE

>Current Galactic Information: TIER -2



->Tier -2: galactic residents in current galaxy of operations have not made contact with subject:ARMADA, and are fully unaware of its existence.

->Tier -1: galactic residents are aware of the physical presence of subject:ARMADA within the current galaxy of operations, but lack definitive evidence of the subject consisting of vessels capable of spaceflight, the existence of suspicions serving as upper limit.

->Tier 0: galactic residents are aware of subject:ARMADA existing within their galaxy, and have succeeded in gathering sufficient evidence to proof that the subject is indeed made up of vessels capable of spaceflight.

->Tier 1: galactic residents have initiated active attempts to establish communications with subject:ARMADA, none having been successful so far, the most likely causes being primitive communication technology, language barriers, and an unwillingness of the subject to respond.

->Tier 2: galactic residents have successfully received the first brief signs of communications from subject:ARMADA in response to attempts by galactic residents to contact the subject. This initial bilateral form of communications will under normal circumstances consist of automated messages from the subject.

->Tier 3: galactic residents have successfully achieved bilateral communications with subject:ARMADA to the point where galactic residents have been hailed by the crews of the subject instead of an automated response and broadcast system.



Initiate shutdown procedure? [Y/N]


>Initiating shutdown procedure...

>Shutting down Galactic Uplinks...

>No online Uplinks found...

>Shutting down Connector Emitters...

>No online Emitters found...

>Deactivating update feed...

>Feed deactivated...

>Locking database...

>Database locked...

>Expelling visitor...

>Visitor expelled: "thank you for your visit"...

>Shutdown procedure complete, shutting down.


[1]: uplinks and signals are suspected to actively evade those who search for it.
[2]: this is also known as my way of preventing someone with Tier -1 knowledge from getting Tier 6 knowledge, and other similar situations, seeing as each nation would be at their own tier. Ask me if you want to know what tier you'd be on, and I probably remember it.
