by Max Barry

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Pact of the Playground WIP

All who spend their days in The Playground of Warzone Sandbox, also known as 'The Playground', shall be bound to this pact which has been endorsed by The Queen of the Playground, Aynia, along with The Right Hand of the Playground, One Small Island. All who set foot on or interact with The Playground shall look to this pact as the region's guiding document.

The Values of The Playground of Warzone Sandbox

The Playground shall be a place for all those holding good will to come and interact in good faith as a member or as a visitor. The Playground shall be overseen with the benefit of the community in mind at all times, and will be a place of solace and inspiration to all who enter. All those who enter The Playground are expected to conduct themselves in a friendly and positive manner out of respect to these values.

The Lay of the Land

The Playground of Warzone Sandbox is ruled over by the Queen of the Playground, Aynia, and The Right Hand of the Playground, One Small Island. The Queen of the Playground has discretion over how The Playground is operated, and all Playground employees will report to the Queen of the Playground or the Right Hand of the Playground with any and all relevant information or updates regarding The Playground or it's interests.

Residents of the Playground of Warzone Sandbox are those who have nations in the region that are not for military, foreign affairs, or any malicious purposes, and shall be known as 'Locals'.

Representatives from other regions to the Playground are welcome, and will be known as 'BFF's' of The Playground.

Visitors to the Playground are also welcome, and will be known as 'Out of Towners' in The Playground.

The Leadership and Employment Opportunities of the Playground

The Queen of the Playground is the ultimate overseer of The Playground, and has the responsibility of guiding the region to the benefit of it's community, maintaining and growing the region both in nation count and reputation within the world stage. The Queen of the Playground holds World Assembly Delegate status of Warzone Sandbox and is responsible for casting votes on behalf of the region in the World Assembly.

The Right Hand of the Playground works alongside the Queen of the Playground and has the responsibility of supporting the region, fostering good relationships and making decisions on behalf of the Queen regarding different aspects of the region when appropriate. The Queen and the Right Hand shall always work together in tandem for the betterment of the playground.

Those employed in service to the Playground shall be known as Contractors. There are five High Contractor positions available on The Playground, consisting of the Captain of the Friendship Fort, the Director of the Building Block Bureau, as well as three positions on the Council of Rules Referees.

The Friendship Fort

The Fort is the department of interior affairs, such as regional activity planning, festival planning, posting regional polls, interacting on the regional message board or assisting with the planning and execution of inter-regional events. The Sergeant of the Friendship Fort shall be the head of the Fort and responsible for the running of the department. Under the Sergeant shall be the Friendlisted, those who assist with the needs of the department.

The Building Block Bureau

The BBB is the department of external affairs and is led by The Director, who has responsibilities such as but not limited to acting as a foreign affairs representative of The Playground, seeking out new regional relations, negotiating embassy requests and treaties, as well as composing treaties and international affairs announcements.

The Council of Rules Referees

The Council shall consist of three residents chosen in agreement by the Queen and Right Hand. All nations who have been locals for over 6 months may apply for and be appointed to the Council of Rules Referees. The Council is tasked with acting as an advisory body, as well as problem solving for the Playground. The Council may be given a particular situation or delicate circumstance by the Queen of the Playground and shall work together to find a proper resolution benefiting the region as a whole to bring to the Queen.
