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Kaiserreich of Terreich und Preussen
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Capital | |
Official Language | Terreichisch (High Araseotic) |
Demonym | Terreicher |
Government - Grand Chancellor: | Constitutional Monarchy Charlotte Gustoff Emma Stein |
Legislature | Kongress |
Population - Total | 2032 estimate 311,185,000 |
GDP Nominal - Total | 2032 estimate 13.254 Trillion |
Currency | Tienmark (₮) |
Date Format | mm/dd/yyyy |
Drives on the: | Right |
The Kaiserreich was first established in the year 1704. At this time, Terreich und Preussen's government was an absolute Monarchy. However, this absolute monarchial structure within Terreich und Preussen would not last. Due to poor harvests and a handful of devastating droughts from 1786 through 1788, peasants and nobles alike started to protest against the government. In response, the government issued a hard crackdown on the protesters, and in many cases, were brutally killed. These protests would continue to grow until 1789, where the small protests would turn into a violent insurrection. In the Year 1789, a large drought and heatwave decimated the country. Due to the decimation of the food and water sources, thousands of citizens of Terreich und Preussen starved to death or died of heatstroke and exhaustion. This led to the already fragile economy of Terreich und Preussen to crash, leading millions of people without employment. The resulting crisis was the final straw within the government of Terreich und Preussen. On December 6th, 1889, Kaiser Friedrich II, notorious for worsening the crisis, had no other choice and abdicated the throne. This led the leadership of the nation to be passed his eldest son, Aleksander. Under the leadership of Kaiser Aleksander, the nation went through a period of reform and rebuilding. In response to the cries of the people. the absolutist structure was abolished in favor of a more liberal and populist model, a democracy, and a constitution; was to limit the powers of the monarchy, to make sure that what happened through the years 1786 and 1789 never happened again. With these democratic reforms, the nation finally received the assistance it needed to prosper and solve the food shortages and economic crisis.
Over the next few decades, the new democratic government of Terreich und Preussen would lead the nation to develop new forms of agriculture, greater and bigger cities, and go through immense industrialization and technological advancement, with regions Old Prussia and Lausitz becoming the epicenters of progress and industry. With this rapid industrialization also came rapid political reform. In 1853, under the guidance of Liberal GRosKanzler Haans Merkel, women were finally allowed equal status to men. Another law was passed in 1857, which allowed all those residing in the crown colonies full citizenship. This era of progress within Terreich und Preussen will last until the 1870s, where the influence of the wealthy nobles and industrialists, and an increase of corruption in the Federal Government stunted any progressive laws from ever being passed. This resulted in a status-quo within all levels of the government. A decade later, Noble and Industrial Tycoon Ernst Heimermann was elected Großkanzler. Under the leadership of Großkanzler Ernst, many of the progressive laws passed during the Progressive Era were revoked and were replaced by new laws that enriched the wealthiest. In response to the new laws, peasants and those alike affected started to lose faith in the Capitalist System and switched to new systems, Socialism and Communism. Later, these people would come together to form the People's Socialist Party, and in 1904 saw its first representatives within the Federal Government. In an attempt to prevent the Socialist Party from gaining momentum, Großkanzler Ernst went to the Supreme Court for the nullification of the Socialist Party. In a surprising turn of events, the Supreme Court, which was heavily influenced by the Industrialists, denied the Großkanzler's Case with a vote of 5 to 4. This attempt only increased the numbers of the Socialist Party, becoming the second-largest party in 1918. The Congress was now split into two, one side Industrialist, and the other Socialist. This hostility only escalated after the death of Kaiser Wilhelm III The Just, who prevented the conflict between the two sides. In a desperate play to eliminate the infighting between the Socialists and Industry Parties plaguing the Federal Government, Kaiser Aleopold I, son of Kaiser Wilhelm III, signed the Dissolution Declaration, declaring the 64th Congress dissolved due to its inability to carry out its actions outlined in the constitution. This play, although smart, was a death blow to the Monarchy. United by their hatred of the Monarchy, Industrialist and Socialist Parties banded together to destroy the ancient system. In a unanimous vote by the 64th Congress, the Monarchy was abolished and a new country, a republic was born. This republic was Called Preutenland, known in English as Pruthenia.
During the first few months of the New Republic, the Industrialist Party and Socialist Parties shared power in the new Federal Government. This shared power was only temporary, at least until November 7th, where a new Congress would be elected. On May 4th, the economy of Preutenland crashed and, on July 23rd of the same year, President Muller, the mastermind behind the unity between the Industrialists and Socialists, was assassinated by a Slavic Communard Terrorist Group known as the Red Army. The assassination of Muller, the bridge between the two systems, would lead to violent attacks at Congress. One of which was an Industrialist attack on freshman congressman Fredrik Johnas, who sustained fatal injuries and died in the hospital. Enraged, the peasantry and the poor started to riot in the major cities, all the way to November 7th. On election day, the Socialist Party had complete control over Congress and the Executive Branch. The republic would find itself on its deathbed in the winter of 1920, where Radical members of the Socialist Party couped the Moderate Socialist Government and formed the People's Republic of Preutenland, with Premier Fredrik Gudovich (Red Army Member) as its leader. Due to the political crisis of the last decade, the nation has since become very unstable. Crime Syndicates and Gangs ran rampant in the largest cities and political organizations from previous governments would continue to grow in the shadows. Under Premier Gudovich, determined to undermine those who would seek to unseat him, began to initialize the Red Army as secret police. Additionally, he created the Communard "Education" Facilities, where those subjugated would become full-fledged communists. More unpopular than ever, Premier Gudovich became paranoid of those around him. Seeking a victory for the revolution, he ordered the Red Army to execute any former nobles and politicians of the old administrations. Horrified by what they saw, the people took up arms and revolted. On December 19th, 1922, not even two years as Premier, Gudovich was assassinated. With the Red Army and Communist Party in shambles, underground political organizations that formed during the first months of the Premier's leadership became public, leading to the First Civil War.
The First Civil war lasted for four years, with many ideological factions fighting for power, most notable being the Royalists and Pure Republican Military. In 1926, the Pure Republican Military, led by General Lukas Linn von Schmidt, won dominance in the civil war. The Victory of the Pure Republican Military would change Terreichisch Society for many decades, its influence still being felt today. During this period, General Schmidt established a Military Stratocracy, where military officials would run the government instead of politicians. Additionally, he ordered mass surveillance and crackdown on those he deemed as dangerous to the new government. Death by disappearance was common in this era. Over a few decades, General Schmidt would establish a cult following among the nation. Soon, General Schmidt's reign came to an in 1945, where he died of natural causes. His successor, his son, General Friedrich Linn von Schmidt, would radicalize the government completely, completely halting the democratization that his father set in place. He destroyed the Stratocracy and established a Dictatorship with himself at its helm. He also, with the help of the radicalized parts of the military, rounded up nobles, socialists, and their children and sent them off to the colony of Volksburg, a prison colony. Surprisingly, these actions weren't met by resistance. Instead, it was met by silence by the populace, fearful of what the general might do if they acted. Growing more insane each year, General Schmidt secluded himself in his bunker underneath the city of Nue Litien, only reappearing during Ceramoinal addresses. General Schmidt's reign of terror would tragically end on September 21st, 1962 when he was assassinated by his own wife, secretly a member of the Royalist and Democratic Resistance. With his death and no successor chosen, the Royalist and Democratic Resistance, formed after the loss in the civil war, made themselves known and seized the capital. In a state announcement, newly sworn-in Großkanzler Emmet Schultz declared the Dictatorship dissolved and the country, now known as Terreich und Preussen, reborn.
During the first years of the new nation, the Royalist and Democratic forces enacted social and economic reforms to stabilize the nation. These reforms worked, and in due time, Terreich und Preussen was back on the world stage politically and economically. Now, Terreich und Preussen reigns supreme on the economic front, restoring their status as a great economic power, and continues to demonstrate restraint when it comes to war; using the pen, rather than the sword. Today, under the leadership of Großkanzler Charlottle Gustoff and Kaiser Alexander, the future looks bright for this powerful, extraordinary nation.