Circles of Science
If you’re a Teknianian scientist, it’s very likely that you’re in one of the Circles of Science. Operated by the Ministry of Science, the Circles act as councils in their fields of science. Each of these works slightly differently, but the basic principles are the same: a council that oversees work in a specific field, provides training for new scientists, ensures that this field receives the funding that it needs to survive and works to further the reaches of science.In total, there are 14 Circles: Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Sciences, Astronomy, Engineering, Medicine & Farmacy, Economics & Political Science, Sociology & Psychology, Linguistics, History & Archaeology and Philosophy. Each of these inducts their members differently and has different names for their ranks (many choose to make jokes with their ranks). For example, the leader of the Circle of Economics & Political Science is known as the “Archon”, while the Circle of Linguistics’ head is the “Prefect”.
Each Circle meets regularly to discuss the newest discoveries, induct new members and promote old ones and decide on further policy. They meet in Circle Houses, which can be anything from the leading university in the field to the home of the Circle Leader. The Circle of Astronomy, for example, is notable for meeting exclusively on the island of Umbari, where the Grand Teknianian Telescope is, and only at midnights on full moons.
The Circles meet two times per year in the Encirclement, where they discuss their dealings with the Teknianian government, scientists from other nations and major scientific projects, such as the construction of a new telescope or a major interdisciplinary project. The Encirclement is a massive event, its meetings are often broadcast on news channels and its decisions are as promininent as, for example, the confirmation of a new Speaker.
The Circles all have their own symbols done in a vector art style, which appear on all their property. In addition, this symbol, made of gemstones, is embedded on a Circle ring, which is given to every member upon their induction. These rings are incredibly important to every Circle member, with them being a sign of great knowledge and experience.
Usually, only Teknianians are allowed to join Circles of Science, but there have been some cases where foreigners have joined, however, they are incredibly rare.'
Inductions only happen after a potential member has attained, at the very least, a master’s degree in their field of study and have gone through a special ritual, which is different for every Circle. For example, the Circle of Biology requires their members to dissect any animal, while naming all the major organs, nerves, arteries and veins, while the Circle of Mathematics makes their newest "Algebros" solve 33 integral calculus or trigonometry problems in one night.
People are only inducted into these Circles if they are proper scientists, never as a tribute or friendly gesture. Scientists who are inducted into more than 5 Circles are granted the official title of “Polymath” by the Encirclement. This title has only been attained by 57 people in all of Teknianian history, out of which only 13 are still alive. Polymaths only happen around once a decade, and usually make national news when they are granted the title.
The Circles are, by no means, obscure organisations. Their decisions and meetings often make national news and being inducted into them is considered an incredible honour and being a Circle leader usually means that you have a great start for a political career.
Dedicated to the great scientist in my life, who sails the seven seas while furthering the reach of human knowledge