by Max Barry

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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

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Favorite Links for the Intrepid, and Quotes Bordering Insipid


    Nerd Moments

    LinkYoutube: The Nightly Show - Neil deGrasse Tyson Slams Flat-Earth Theorist B.o.B The best ever.

    LinkERB: Sir Isaac Newton vs Bill Nye

    LinkYoutube: Large Hadron Rap - thanks to Slo for the link. He always tucks the neatest stuff in his messages.

    Link120-cell] My most favorite video tool, seriously. It makes explaining 120's so much easier. "This short computer graphics animation presents the regular 120-cell: a four dimensional polytope composed of 120 dodecahedra and also known as the hyperdodecahedron or hecatonicosachoron. The figure is built up through a sequence of subsequent foldings: 5 segments form a pentagon, 12 pentagons form a dodecahedron and eventually 120 dodecahedra form the 3D shadow of a 120-cell."

    LinkYoutube: Planet Ant - Life Inside The Colony - BBC OMG OMG ANTS! Yesh! They chirp and sing!

    LinkYouTube: National Geographic Wild City Of Ants a study of the superorganism. This plays into Nifid design.

    Quotes & IRC Captures

    [19:43] <agymnum> I would argue if [God] did exist he's probably the best scientist ever. Not once has he meddled with his experiment.

    3 June 2015...
    [23:47] <Tiltster> When you hack into the fractal, it hacks back also into you.

    "All kids are born geniuses, but are crushed by society itself." - Michio Kaku

    "Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are incapable of forming such opinions." - Einstein.

    "Those who throw dirt lose ground." - anon.


    NS Family of Doom and Fudge
    Mother - Swith
    My Sadistic Mate - Bones
    My Cyborg Lover - Agy
    Arsehole Brother - Cer
    Nicer Brothers - Tilt, NVE, Prim, Warp, Min, Zark
    Sister - Dani
    Daughters - Gio, Fvaar, Mon, NA
    Sons - Bran, Eru,
    Kyru - great-great-great-grandfather, an evil demonic ancestor from which our poisoned blood springs

    Forum Posts

    Behold the powers I don't really have: Why is the IC locked? Did Swith lock it?

      Northwest Slobovia's response to "Muppets induce weird dreams."
      [tune = "Muppet Show Theme Song"]
      It's time to close the eyelids,
      It's time to shut the lights,
      It's time to freak the dreamer with the Muppet dreams tonight!

      It's time to warp some mem'ries,
      It's time to make some frights,
      It's time to make Freud happy with the Muppet dreams tonight!


    "I have no idea why this was in my head, but I think it's yours:

    The fennec comes in
    on little fox feet.

    It sits lurking
    on the forum and channel
    on silent haunches
    and then moves on.

    with apologies to Carl Sandburg"

      "Not showing off is the equivalent of owning a store but not putting up any advertisements." - Germanic Templars.

    "Mmmmm shrew-be-do-be-do, I spy sweet, little ol' you! I take off my boot and smite you - KAPUT! - and I'll get your little dog, Toto, too." - Cerillium

    "I also finally realized why Chaos Terminators have gigantic tusks." (I'll bite. Why?) "Because once every century during Terra's springtime, all the Chaos Terminators gather in a secluded world in the eye of Terra. Where they butt and lock horns like rams, competing for the affections of female cultists while David Attenborough narrates a special on the event that's later played on the Discovery Channel: Waddle of the Chaos Terminators" - Warpspace

    "Not only is Tilt the Penguin Fairy, he's also the God of Fu Dogs and Lord of Laughter." - Cerillium.

      "I envisioned little virtual fennecs going around eating littler virtual coffee-flavored bugs while I was stuck in traffic on the way home. What? I'm programming in Java. *laughs*" - Tilt, one blustery January evening.

    " 夢ぢには

      "Assbraying: what people use for rebuttals when they take pot shots at each other rather than acknowledge that everyone has the right to hold an opinion, even if it's not popular. Assbraying syntax such as "You're a racist!", "You're a liberal!", "You're a fundy", "You're a sinner", "You're a misogynist/androgynist", "You're whitesplaining", "You're blacksplaining", or some other negatively-applied label are usually contained in their statement. The assbrayer will then clarify that it isn't his or her intention to rile anyone up, and that they can't be held accountable for their assbrays because "they're true!" Assbrayers usually lack diplomacy skills because they're speaking right off the top of their heads rather than formulating an intelligent response.

      Diplomacy: the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and effective way." - Cer


    Tilt: Indonesia bork bork bork det er en hemmelighet Dirty Harry
    Erucia: I think that was the oddest response I've ever recieved from you, and possibly anyone in my whole life.

    [23:43] <Swith> Agy, want to see the coconuts?
    [23:43] <agy|nutrition_acquired> ^ is true
    [23:43] <agy|nutrition_acquired> WAIT
    [23:43] <agy|nutrition_acquired> NO
    [23:44] <agy|nutrition_acquired> i meant to reply that to slobo's message
    [23:44] <agy|nutrition_acquired> DISREGARD
    [23:44] <NWS> heh!
    [23:44] <NWS> lol!
    [23:44] <agy|nutrition_acquired> damn it slobo you tricked me into that one
    [23:44] <NWS> coconuts!
    [23:44] <Swith> lol
    [23:44] <Swith> I laughed so hard, I almost faded
    [23:44] <NWS> i haven't laughed this hard since, y'know...
    [23:45] <Swith> that was epic timing
    [23:45] <agy|nutrition_acquired> epic fail timing >.>

    May... whatever date it is... 2015
    [23:30] <The_Uncredible_Bulk> "This roleplay is afraid of me... I have seen its true face. The posts are extended gutters, and the gutters are full of filler... And when the buffers overflow, all the posters will drown. The accumulated filth of all their cybering and cuddles will foam up about their waists... And all the IIers and F7ers will look up and shout "OH HAI"... And I'll look down and whisper "No."

    4 August 2015...
    [01:10] <Tiltster> What does a raptor under a couch look like?
    [01:10] <NVE> A whole lot of sharp things

    From the World
    "All kids are born geniuses, but are crushed by society itself." - Michio Kaku

    "Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are incapable of forming such opinions." - Einstein.

    "Those who throw dirt lose ground." - anon.

    Moar Quotes

    The Armed Republic of Dutch coolness wrote
    Personification Life is one of the best RPs here on NS.

    Mefpan wrote:
    I don't think we need a source to prove that the economy is interconnected and doesn't run on muahahahaium, the secret element that comes into existence whenever someone hatches a nefarious plan.

    Nightkill sez...
    If you really can't live without displaying a Nazi swastika, it's perfectly possible to tattoo one on your penis and start jacking off, allowing yourself to know you are always displaying the swastika and not troubling anyone else.

    Tiltjuice wrote:
    How about both? The Schrodinger sex driveTM. Only present when not aroused.

    Highfort wrote regarding the The Schrodinger sex driveTM:
    "You see, consensual sex is impossible."
    "How so?"
    "When you need my boner, I must be flaccid; when you do not, I must be erect. So you see, the more you don't want this, the more I need it. The more you want it, the more I don't."

    Nifty online LinkSocial Attitude Test
    Political Values
    Progressivism 42.5
    Socialism 68.75
    Tenderness 59.375

    Your test scores indicate that you are an open-minded cultural centrist; this is the political profile one might associate with a protective parent. It appears that you are tolerant towards religion, and have a pragmatic attitude towards humanity in general.

    Your attitudes towards economics appear socialist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a social democrat.

    To round out the picture you appear to be, political preference aside, a kind-hearted principled egalitarian with few strong convictions.
