The Kingdom of Sveynland is a huge, genial nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape and compulsory military service. The hard-working, democratic population of 439 million Sveynlandians have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.
The relatively small government juggles the competing demands of Welfare, Defense, and Law & Order. The average income tax rate is 12.7%.
The Sveynlandian economy, worth 26.9 trillion Kronor a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Door-to-door Insurance Sales industry, with major contributions from Woodchip Exports, Basket Weaving, and Retail. Average income is 61,182 Kronor, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 4.2 times as much as the poorest.
Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown. Sveynland's national animal is the Moose, which can occasionally be seen sifting through garbage in the nation's cities.
Sveynland is ranked 171,171st in the world and 9th in Circumference for Smartest Citizens, with 28.05 quips per hour.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
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Sveynland's influence in Circumference rose from "Envoy" to "Diplomat".
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Sveynland changed its national motto to "Bridging Nations, Strengthening Bonds".
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Sveynland published "Sveynland | Svenish Air Force (WIP)" (Account: Military).
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Sveynland published "Sveynland | Svenish Army (WIP)" (Account: Military).
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Sveynland published "Sveynland | Armed Forces" (Account: Military).
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Sveynland's influence in Circumference rose from "Duckspeaker" to "Envoy".
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Sveynland's influence in Circumference rose from "Handshaker" to "Duckspeaker".
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The Commonwealth of Norrs appointed
Sveynland as Chancellor with authority over Appearance, Border Control, Communications, Embassies, and Polls in Circumference.
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Sveynland published "Circumference | Campaign Manifesto (January Elections)" (Meta: Reference).
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Sveynland's influence in Circumference rose from "Truckler" to "Handshaker".